Brattleboro Reformer: "Entergy details staff cuts, spent fuel plans at Vermont Yankee"
This is me on the front page of the Reformer's weekend paper.
The important people in this know this is me (Entergy) and they clearly understood my message.
Vermont Yankee site VP Chris Wamser is my prodigal son(identical haircuts):)
Ok, what would be my position on the board? I request make the VY decommissioning process the most transparent and participatory process of its kind in in the world. Get that new state decommission nuclear engineer on board. Be the example for all the rest of the decommissioning plants to follow.
The simple system, record everything by camera and blogging. Everything. All the management meetings and discussions…then put it up on the internet. Have a VY special room where all these discussions are recorded. We got to figure out a server where the events of decommissioning would stay into perpetuity. How about a public room on the VY site where outsiders could record their thoughts and issues. All the documents would be available.
Basically all the documents, internal communications and videos would be in the community room and put up on the internet. Be the symbol of truth and honesty…transparency… for every other decommissioning activities in the USA.
Set up interactive blog. All the issues could have their own heading in the blog where the public could ask questions. Like, have a panal heading for them to discuss. Make the commissioning panel itself accountable to the public at large. Be an example to the nation and the world; the safety advocates, the anti-nukes and Entergy publically cooperating, interacting with each other respectfully. Be the positive example to the world at large to see.
So the blogging example heading would be:
“Make the Vermont Yankee decommissioning the most recorded decommissioning in USA. Be the positive decommissioning symbol for the rest of the world.
So then begin a discussion with all the players and stakeholders where the whole world could watch us with the mission statement: Entergy, the NRC, the states and the public. Make it a participatory brain storming discussion for everyone.
I told Entergy they could be the positive example for the USA…a path for them to reclaim their trust, honor and image.
You know for a fact I would holding the board's feet to the fire.
I believe this is one of the most important community policing advances in 50 years. It is the world of transparency in front of us and nobody should be afraid of it except the crooks. I submit to you transparency is the least expensive and best controller of human behavior the world has ever seen. We all change our behavior we when we think we are being watched…the roots of this is unconscious.
Officer Heidi Lambley, above, wearing a camera during a traffic stop last week in Pullman, Wash.Credit Rajah Bose for The New York Times
The Vermont state server would be the best place for this…but I wonder their if there IT will maintain the decommissioning site and actively work with decommission. You can just see it in a state budget crisis, cutting money on maintaining this site.
I have big philosophical problems with volunteerism. Most of the times it is a way for the state and corporate to shift cost away from these organization. It is a special kind of communism, everyone working for nothing in the name of altruism and the greater good. You can guaranty a low quality on the panel. If Entergy had their way, they would make the whole decommissioning a volunteer activity. Honest work should always support the greater economy and the standard of living of the local peoples. I will always be on the side of the little guys making a decent standard of living and making a high quality government or organization who supports us all.
Oh, mike doesn't have a job...he can spend his days volunteering at the local soup kitchen or working for nothing in the greater cause of serving the community. Dignity is income and decent standard of living!
That raises another question, are local people going to play a large role at decommissioning VY or will it be distant out of staters?
And by the way, for you anti-modernity granolas, the Vermont Yankee property is a extraordinarily valuable asset and it is getting more valuable as we speak. It would be a crying shame to make that property just a park. Right, in future, we got that snaking new natural gas line going through northern Massachusetts just a few miles from the VY plant. The extraordinary value of the VY Vernon property is it could support huge new additional electric capacity or Entergy might use this property to block new grid capacity additions. All the large high voltage trnsmission lines in the region gets inter connected near the VY plant.
You know I will be blogging my ass off about Decommissioning. Nobody on the panel would have the plant experience and prior NRC licensed individual experiance as me, as I worked in the plant for 13 years ending in 1993.Entergy could play a role to prevent new capacity additions, just make the VY property a park to make us feel like nature…jacking up the price of electricity to us all and making their buddy utilities very rich.
Basically I explained my interest to be on the panel at the meeting tonight. It was recorded by the Brattleboro TV station.
What are my chances of getting it...
(My NH state Rep)Today at 10:21 PM
It was nice meeting your smiling face at the Brattleboro High school tonight. The last time we'd met your weren't smiling at me (the Hinsdale bridge). I got them to replace those dangerous boards through those antics.
I know it is late in the game. I was wondering if you could get me on the Vermont Yankee decommissioning panel. It is noted there is no democrat and especially Hinsdale people on that panel. Could you ask the governor if she could add me to the panel.
I understand there is wiggle room on people in the panel. One more won't matter.
I know a lot about VY, Entergy and the nuclear industry.I will always be a gentleman and be beyond reproach if added. I well serve Hinsdale and governor well!
Mike MulliganHinsdale, NH1-603-336-8320
He always immediately responds.
Thanks for your email & it was good to see you at the meeting in Brattleboro earlier this evening. I would like to see someone from Hinsdale added to the Vermont Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel (NDCAP). However, as far as I know, Governor Hassan does not have the ability to appoint any additional people to the Panel, beyond the one appointment she already made, our Democratic Senator, Molly Kelly. I may be incorrect, but as I understand the process from what I heard tonight, it is now up to the existing Panel members to recommend whether any new individuals should be appointed to the Panel, & even then, I am not sure if the Panel can directly reconstitute itself, or if a new membership structure for the Panel would have to be proposed & voted on by all of the members of the existing Panel, & then formerly introduced & approved through a change in the Vermont statute that apparently created the existing Panel.Finally, as you probably know, back in June I decided not to run for another term in the NH House. I will finish out my current term of office which ends on December 2nd of this year when the new Reps will be sworn into their offices. However, given my circumstances, I likely have little influence, if any, with the Governor. Also, if I were to make a recommendation to her, I would probably suggest that a member of the Hinsdale Select Board be appointed (I believe that Vermont Yankee currently provides some monies for the Town of Hinsdale Emergency Planning folks, but those monies will likely not continue in the future) and/or someone from the Hinsdale School System, particularly given the proximity of the Hinsdale Schools being located just across the Connecticut River from Vermont Yankee.I expect that I will see you again at the meeting of the Vermont NDCAP next month.
I admit I am not the best choice.
I would run "again" for his seat, but I just don't have enough resources? Would I be "hell on wheels" advocating for a new Hinsdale bridge...I'd certainly want to be on the Transportation committee.William,Sorry about you leaving NH will be a worst state without you. I am thinking about running for the selectmen next year. I thought it was a matter of nobody wanting to volunteer for the decommissioning panel. I honestly don't like Molly. She remembered my bridge prop, "you are the guy in Hinsdale showing the huge bridge rust chips". If funny what sticks in people’s minds. It is perplexing why the governor didn't call up a democrat.Thank you for answering me and giving me an explanation. Your choices other than me make better sense.Mike
Bill just doesn't understand my knowledge and expertise with
Entergy, the NRC and the nuclear industry towers over anyone in the region. I
am independent from the anti nukers and the pro nukers...I just make up my own
mind about a problem.
also, the selectman thinks all the hard work leading to 2013, especially in
2013, now assures us a new bridge. I think they are overly optimistic.

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