Tuesday, September 16, 2014

There are more pre 2011 Fort Calhouns out there right now!

Originally published this on July 15, 2014

July 15: Where did I hear intrusiveness…that was in the Palisades red yellow finding?

Reoccurring themes:  lack of Executive intrusiveness and just meeting the minimum regulatory requirements.


There is a Root Cause Analysis for you?

Do you trust the NRC to tell us really what going on in a nuclear plant and make a plant correct themselves before they cause great economic harm to the parent company and ruin the reputation of the nuclear industry? What role does the NRC play in protecting the ratepayers and businesses? Can you imagine this was going on and they did not or could not report on it pre 2011? Would we be a better nation if we got these employees to talk about their problem before the Great Missouri River flood and their large electric breaker problems leading to a prolonged shutdown and the NRC red finding? Would we be a better nation if the NRC gave the red finding way before the July 11, 2011 breaker fire leading to the red finding and prolonged shutdown?

What if the Great Flood happened and there was no NRC flood findings or poorly operating new large breaker issues...what if the plant came out of the 2011 event with widespread NRC and community respect??? Could they have been our heroes?

Can you even imagine not one employee in the know didn't step out of the shaddows informing the public things are really bad at my plant and we have to change pre 2011. All nuclear plant employees are cowards and they are only out for the money!!!
Should have done a scathing RCA outside report on the regulatory ineffectiveness here?  
What if god didn’t throw the great Missouri River flood at us and the breaker fire…what would have been the end point of the Fort Calhoun decline? What is larger than a red finding?

What if the NRC oversight of our nuclear plants now tolerates twenty Fort Calhoun pre July 11, 2011 plant culture failures, remember the ROP had no inclination to put a floor on the dysfunction (it could have gotten much worst). What would have been the worst accident coming out of these twenty plants if the NRC kept uninvolved ? What would the size be of our national embarrassment be? 
Sept 16, 2014

Here is my example...I wrote this on July 15, 2014
By Bob Meyer

This report is a shot over the bow of the nuclear industry for each plant to review flood walkdowns and review plant specific flood analysis. Based on my experience, some of the conditions that resulted in NRC violations exist at other plants. The NRC concuded that all long-term core makeup and cooling could have failed during an external flood.

Read this very important, detailed NRC inspection report and compare it to the conditions at your plant. Here is the redacted report.

Apparent Violation. The inspectors identified a finding of preliminary substantial safety significance (Yellow) for the failure to design, construct, and maintain the Units 1 and 2 auxiliary and emergency diesel fuel storage buildings in accordance with the safety analysis reports' description of internal and external flood barriers so that they could protect safety-related equipment from flooding. Two apparent violations were associated with this finding:
In other words, it would have to be worst than a red finding…at what level will the NRC finally put a floor on bad behavior and dysfunctions.
How many mad man and unseen pre July 11, 2011 Fort Calhouns do we have out there right now

Organizational ineffectiveness at Fort Calhoun Station

Condition Report: 2012-03986
Event Date: May 11, 2012
Executive Sponsor: W. Gary Gates
Summary of Events:
Fort Calhoun Station has a history of organizational effectiveness weaknesses as indicated by The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has identified organizational effectiveness issues in Problem identification and Resolution (PI&R) inspections conducted in 2007, 2009 and 2011. A PI&R Root Cause Analysis (CR2011~10135) identified that flawed mental models, misguided beliefs, and misplaced values have driven, influenced and permitted the misalignment of organizational behaviors. The station has shown an adverse regulatory trend of violations beginning in 2007, entering action matrix column 3 (95003) in October 2010, then action matrix column 4 in July 2011, to eventually Inspection Manual Chapter 0350 in December 2011.

 A root cause analysis team was formed to evaluate the causes of this organizational ineffectiveness. The team conducted a root cause analysis on organizational effectiveness related events that occurred from 2007 through May 2012. The team also reviewed the! I Sand Strategic Talent Solutions (STS) Executive Leadership Assessment summary to validate their findings.

Condition Report 2012-03986 was initiated when a team of station management personnel and external consultants determined that the Fort Calhoun Station‘s organizational effectiveness is inadequate. The team characterized the issue as follows: "Senior leaders and managers are not providing the necessary leadership to improve organizational performance. Additionally, leadership has failed to be intrusive, set the right priorities, and holds personnel accountable and has not understood major processes or issues affecting morale. As a result, timeliness and thoroughness of resolution of important issues has been lacking and station performance has declined significantly.”

The RCA team subsequently developed a problem statement that, “The Fort Calhoun Station (FCS) organization has been ineffective in meeting regulatory and industry standards, resulting in untimely and ineffective resolution of issues contributing to a significant decline in station performance."

This organizational effectiveness weakness has had a direct negative impact on nuclear, radiological, and industrial safety and other business aspects. Examples include organizational effectiveness issues identified in the Yellow external finding, the FAQ contactor failure White NRC identified finding, and the 184A Bus fire NRC Red finding. industries! safety has been identified by ######### as lacking sufficient organizational oversight and ####### that station oversight did not perform adequate organizational challenging of radiological planning for outages.

The analysis identified that there has been inadequate direction, prioritization and oversight from the "board of directors” down to the station leaders. The team identified three root causes and three contributing causes. Less than adequate corporate and station governance and oversight; leaders functioning more in a tactical rather than strategic manner and not valuing accountability; and lack of thorough policy implementation as root causes. Three policies were determined to be contributing causes base on the fact that both the policy was weak and needed improving, as well as proper implementation. Those three policies included the stations Nuclear Safety policy, Change Management policy, and Communications policy. All three of these policies were identified in the #####.

The extent of condition was based on the problem statement, interviews conducted, documents reviewed and the analytical tools used to assess FCS performance in the area of Organizational Effectiveness. An extent of condition exists: The team concluded the organizational effectiveness deficiencies reviewed by this causal analysis extend to those programs, processes, and departments throughout the organization.

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