Saturday, July 05, 2014

Defective Scot 29er Aspect 940 Bike?

OMG: two full days of bike riding and no flat tires yet...

July 8: This company is such a dick....I am so happy I am out of them. Bought a equivalent Treck. Around my house and even in some pretty ratty tires, I get about one flat a year, if that. Within two hours of bringing the new bike home, a flat in the front tire, then next day after another two hour ride, another flat tire but on the back...come on!

Treck Excalibur 6 with bobterger tires…abouts$ 700. We like the Scot paint job better but maybe the cars will see me better.

To Me
Today at 12:37 PM
Hi Mike,
Thank you for contacting SCOTT SPORTS.
I’m sorry to read that you have gotten some thorns in your tires and punctured the inner tube. This is a very common, unfortunate part of riding bicycles. We do not consider thorn punctures a defect, but rather a part of normal riding. Please work with Norms to repair this 2nd flat tire, and I’ll hope that you’re luckier than you have been during your first few rides.
Take care, thank you for buying and riding SCOTT Bikes

Ben Chournos
Warranty & Technical Dept
651 West Critchlow
Ogden Utah 84404

OFFICE: 888-607-8365 ext 2019
FAX: 801-627-8014
SKYPE: benchournos

July 8: Well, I am off to Concord to purchase my new bike again. I don’t really feel good about it like the first time. I don’t want to get hurt again. These bikes are come from China and use the same parts…


I bought a Scot 29er Aspect 940 Mountain bike in a Keene bike shop this past Thursday for $650. I took two rather light bike rides around town during this. Spent about two hours riding on the road and less than an hour riding on mostly railroad trails on each trip.

I woke up on the morning after the first ride…my front tire has a flat tire. My bike has a warranty on it. I am smart enough to bring it back to the shop. I watched them change the tire…they find a really small thorn that pushed through the middle of the tire thread. I can hardly see the bush thorn it was so small. My first instinct was the tires are defective. But I am in love with the bike…so I didn’t say anything. I am thinking the owner would throw me a new tube because I am so unlucky or patch it up for free…but he charged me for it. A little more than two hours on a brand new $650 bike…I told them I must have won the million dollar lottery with this kind of luck. I intentionally told them I don’t have the $5.00 for the new tube and I will come back on saturday with the five bucks.
I take the second right on the bike. I become even more in love with the bike. But I am still a little irked about the flat tire on the first ride. I saying it is a one off…I probably won’t have another flat for two years. Next morning, well two days later because Friday was the Fourth of July...I wake up to an unbelievable second flat tire and now it is the back tire. I am outraged. I have a talk with the owner of the little shop on the phone…I can tell he becoming irked with me. I tell him I consider him as a professional…he sees bike troubles all the time. He tells me this kind of thing is normal and I say my extensive experience with bike riding says this is extremely abnormal.
I head right out to his shop. I bring the back wheel off my old bike. The tire on it is three years old and I purchased it from his shop. I never had a flat on this tire. The puncture is on the side of the tire and he can't tell what caused it. Well, he said something small punctured the tire and it didn't stay stuck in the tire. He says something punctured it without any evidence. I say it is a tube defect. So show me your proof it was pierced I asked. He becomes incensed with my attitude.
I can see the angle he was taking was everything was my fault and this happens all the time.I can see it from the very first flat when the technician asked if I took a hard fall off the I was abusing the bike. I never raised my voice to him…but I kept saying I don’t trust what you are saying anymore and this whole event poisoned my experience with this shop and the Scot brand. I would have been happy if he just put on new tires. I surmised he might refund my purchase price. He ended up unhappily refunding my money. He made a few nasty remarks as he was writing the check…I said, as our relationship has come to an end, it is pointless for me to make any further comments.

I was really happy with the brakes and shifting …the feel of the bike  was really good. It is just about the tires. I kept thinking the future is nothing but maintence problems with the bike because of cheap parts. I realize it is on the rather cheaper end of the price of mountain bikes...but not the $500 bikes or walmart bikes.
I bet you this would have been a great bike and I would have been very happy over it...if they would have put good quality tires on it. Or if I had enough money to waste another $60 to put good quality tires on it.
I am exhausted and bummed by the whole deal... 


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Holy Shit bro, do you ACTUALLY think that your bike was DEFECTIVE because of a FLAT TIRE?!? whether its a wal mart bike or a 20,000 dollar bike, flat tires are a part of life on a brand new bike unless prevented by YOU!do you return your CAR to the dealership because you ran over a damn nail? shit have some serious apologies to shell out and I would take this down before you just get made fun of. SCOTT FOR LIFE, DUDE BRO!

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    You are literally a ducking retard. Auto correct for censorship intended. This makes me laugh, or should I say. LOL!! You have some serious learning to do. Good luck NOT getting a flat tire on your new bike.....

  3. Anonymous12:07 PM

    wow i am surprised there are still people like you in this world. you caused all that drama to a company because you ride rail road trails? tell me this what do they use to hold rail road logs down with? NAILS.

    whats even funner then that is you spelled Scott like Scot and you spelled Trek like Treck.

    how about you blow your own whistle on your spelling.

  4. Anonymous12:12 PM

    All credibility with you and your dramatic blogs has now been diminished. I cannot take someone seriously that knows this little about something he acts like a preacher about. You clearly don't know crap about bikes. The trek and scott are nearly identical in parts and they are made in the same factory and most like have the same parts in them. You my friend, are a bafoon! Consider yourself unfollowed!

  5. Brought the brand new bike home…took an easy two hour drive. Woke up with a flat front flat tire. A tiny thorn punctures the tire and tube. Got that repaired at the bike shop. Next day took it out for a similar drive…next morning the back tire had side puncture of something. It is too bad, the tires were crap.

    I am trying to do Scot a favor. I bet you there are tons of complaints on this and many more who repair flat after flat.

    The people in Scot central in Utah are all rude and they’re all government haters.

    Got about 8 hours on my trek on the exact same route and not a flat yet!!! Except having a bitch wearing in them new brakes (normal).

  6. The Scot company blog pumpers. I sent in a note with a link to Utah and within minutes they filled up my blog with Scot propaganda. Bet you they aren’t even Scot representatives…just a company they pay to put down somebody with a legitimate compliant.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. To Ben Chournos

    These guys aren't really bright?

    Today at 11:30 AM

    Be extremely careful on this site because it might make you smarter (my blog).

  9. Right, not a one of these Scot employees got the courage to use their real names.

  10. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I am a local blog reader as well? Not a scotte worker...


  12. That was a fair shot at me:

    whats even funner then that is you spelled Scott like Scot and you spelled Trek like Treck.

    how about you blow your own whistle on your spelling


  13. Just saying, two flat tires well within 48 hours of new purchase. Then the angry denial of the shop owner and Scott corporate trying to make me the bad guy…they think we are all suckers.

    And you got to know the shop owner was worried about my talk…he knew I had capabilities above anything he’d ever seen.

    Certainly a regular goof ball costumer won’t be able to get their money refunded.

  14. Tires Impac Ridgepac 29 x 2.25 / 24TPI

  15. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Watch out! we got a bad ass up in this joint...

  16. Jimmy Beanne4:27 PM

    I tried the same thing when I ran over a nail on my car! I've never had a flat till I bought that DaMN honda! They dealership said it was a road hazard and unfortunatley, I don't have the tenacious voice that you have so I didn't get my money back. Good to see a good guy win now and then! Screw road hazards of daily driving!!!!

  17. The way I figured it, for my yearly mileage, that is 10,000 flats or new tubes a year with the Scott rate of tire failure. I will go broke buying flat repair kits. I could have bought a $3000 bike with the total cost of the bike .

  18. Yesterday I took a nice long bike ride. From Hinsdale NH to Greenfield, back though Gill Ma and home. That is 55 miles. Or three flats in Scott miles.

    I like leaving in the late afternoon…that way I get to mostly in daylight and then into early evening. I watched as the high wispy clouds turned into red…what a beautiful beautiful sunset. You see things on a bike you can’t see in any other endeavor. Then I drove in the moonlight of almost a full moon. I swear I can feel the maker of this universe on such a beautiful day and night as last night. He is talking and communicating directly to me. I get such a good feeling with riding a bike.

    It is not just about feeling good. I have diabetes…take a fist full of pills and one injection a day. When I am sitting on my ass all day and eating like a pig…my meds work as good as the Scott tires. When I ride a bike, my meds work like a miracle medicine they are. I am force to take breaks and eat snacks.

    I couldn’t believe the shape I was in when I returned home last night. Usually I am delirious by the time I get home. I bet you the trek bike fits me so much better than my last bike…I expended less energy than I had in the past. I am just going to have to ride more beautiful miles than I had in the past for expending the same energy. Maybe I return this bike for that:).I was so happy with trek bike. It rode so sweet.

    Wait a minute; I haven’t checked the tires on my treck this mourning. Maybe got a flat?


  19. I dreaded the approaching moment of walking about the corner of my house to where I parked my bike. The Scott situation broke my heart…almost traumatized by it. I was having a host of mechanical problems with my old bike for the last six months. I was so looking forward to having mostly a maintenance free new bike for the next few years. I know flat tires are part of the deal with bike riding.

    So yesterday I worked on getting my seat height and angle just right. My butt was bothering me because I was too excited with feeling out the beautiful new bike to do it right. I haven’t taken the time to set the seat height “just right”.

    Wearing in the new brakes are coming around just sweet. Lots of mountains and hills yesterday and I worked on wearing them in. This is my first bike with hydraulic brakes and I was expecting a lot from them. Oh, they are so sweet. I probably 99% worn in and the squeal and uneven braking are long gone. Absolutely smooth and almost noiseless…they really, really grab the road when I call for a quick stop. I am a nut case for having not a rattling or squeaky bike.

    I know I didn’t get the top end of the bike line. But this bike so far is everything I wanted and more without wasting money on an expensive bike.

    I got ahead of me an exquisite summer of bike riding.

    I am actually looking forward to driving in 15 degree weather, snow pants and gloves deep in this winter. I know I am a nut case. I love driving around on my bike when it is snowing out…the bigger the flakes the better. An inch or two, then it’s time to put the bike away until the roads are plowed.

  20. I love riding Main Road from Turners Falls Ma…Pisgah Mountain Road and River Road to Gill…then Pine Meadow Road going through the Northfield Mountain picnic area and then onto the agriculture and farming area which follows the Connecticut River from the other side. These are all separates routes basically in about the same area.

    It is where I meet my god all the time. It my soothing drug if you may. These are unbelievably beautiful rides. I have ridden these roads and trails in every season…over and over again.

    I even go there when I am not driving my bike:)


  21. I am almost into Hinsdale last night…I was pretty tired. I haven’t shifted over my bike lights yet. I kinda like driving in the summertime moonlight without lights. All of sudden, I come to a pothole in the road. We are talking about fractions of seconds here. I am thinking it is feet deep…the hole is just a black spot in my head without depth perception. My imagination is running wild. I forget to brake and get up halfway on the peddles like the big one is coming and I can’t do anything about it. My front tire made it over through the hole…but the back tire hit the hole and whapped me pretty hard in the ass as I was panicked over depth of the hole. That is when it kicked me off the bike and we made a pretty good spill in the road. If I had my old bike, who gives a shit? This was my first good road spill with my new bike, my lower back was wrenched a bit, got a sore shoulder. Actually spilled it once over slippery mud on the trail also. I was really worried about damaging the new bike, thanks a lot Scott…but no flats tires and there was no damage to the bike. I mean, it wasn’t a really really hard spill yet, thinking this “has got” to be another ambulance ride. Not even close!

    I thinking if I’d seen the depth and didn’t panic…I would gotten through the smallish hole just fine. I certain if I would had used my head and the brakes..I could have stopped in time.

    I got to play with them new hydraulic disk brakes a bit to implant in my head what they can do. I had issues in my last bike with weak brakes. I got to practice emergency braking using both brakes in a safe area.

    That is a great excuse. Well, it is play time again on my new bike.

  22. I was daydreaming looking up at the spectacular night sky and nearly full moon :)

  23. Baby, it was a big old summer full moon tonight!

  24. See, Scott tires are balloons dressed up as mountain bike tires…the Trec fits my mental model of bike tire durability and reliability. Even in a old walmart bike, flats are a very rare event. For me, maybe in the half year and more likely way more than once every year do you get a flat. Maybe every two years.

    With all my time and miles sitting on a bike seat, they basically told me not to believe your own experience and mind

    It is a shame they wrecked the image of that bike over cheap tires. Somebody should get fired!!!

  25. I had a very troublesome bike before this one. Spokes were breaking every few months, adjusting the derailleurs were getting impossible because of being worn, wheel bearing casing wearing out, issues with breaks…I had a lot of disappointments over the last year.

    My brain is just starting to understand those days are over…every ride is going to be beautiful and no profound disappointments. Basically I got hurt over all the past maintenance issues. I had many years of very good usage with the old bike…it was handed down to me in pretty good condition.

    I am still kind of worried something is going to breakdown based on my old bike. It is just beginning to sink in.

  26. Anonymous1:04 PM

    ***selective comment deletion*** how convenient for you.

  27. I only delete comments to correct my spelling mistakes and make it more readable. I haven’t had deleted any other comment yet from other people.

  28. Anonymous5:00 PM


  29. That is what I got on now...they been good to me so far.

    Impac Ridgepac was the tires unfortunately I had issues with.

    The knobs are not too aggressive because I ride a lot on the roads. Just right, perfect for me.

  30. I've had the best summer biking season I ever had...put a ton of miles and hours on the bike. The memories I got for the winter.

    Had "one" flat tire so far, a staple...this seems more normal to me. Not two flat tires on the first two days of a brand new bike...

    Had a litte trouble with wearing in the they are both perfect.

    This bike is so much more efficient for me. 90% of my aches and pains came from a bike that didn’t fit me.

  31. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I would return the Trek bike too. Cant be having flats now...

  32. I had two flats in two month of heavy bike riding. Surprisingly both from construction staples…the events had vast distances between them.

    I had no flats from sticks and small thorns…

    Never had two flats in two days…

  33. I have had a spectacular summer since I got this bike. My longest ride this summer was 80 miles.

  34. How long have I had this bike, since the beginning of July this year. I admit the tires aren’t the best. But I put on a ton of miles on this bike…definitely the most carefree miles in three months ever for me. I am in best shape I have ever been in my life. The back tires are already worn down almost smooth. I got to rotate them. What a beautiful three months…

  35. So its been a little over a year with my trek. Life is so sweet. My rear tire tread has long gone bald. Almost bald. Shifted the baldy to the front. The only thing that is wearing out a bit is fork. It squeaks a bit when I go over a bump and I can't stop it. I have had glorious bumps and driven over big branches all year long. I got new 10 mile circular forest route that I love right near my house. It exhaust the hell out me, but not so much I done it so often now. I got a two mile road trip, then climb the Bear Mountain trail with a steep 900 foot elevation rise. The climb is for about a mile. Its too steep, I have be off my bike and push it up the steep incline. I have to stop often because I am nearly breathless and my heart is ticking too fast. As the summer has passed, I need to stop a lot less. Once I get on top of the mountain, I ride the edge of the mountain ridge for about three miles on quad trails or logging trail. In all of the time I spent up there in a year I have not met one person back there.


  36. I reason I am making these new comments, I am off to the bike store to purchase a new tire.

    For the first time I just noticed the front and back tires are different sizes: 2" versus 2.2".

    Have I mentioned, life is so sweet:)

    I recently had a nagging squeak in the area of my front sprocket. The noise hounded me for about a month. I though I blew out my front sprocket bearings. I discovered it was coming from my peddle bearing. Actually the cheap peddles that comes with the bike now look like hell. I am 6' 2" and weigh 210 pounds...the peddles take a beating from me. It is really time to buy new peddles. But actually I tighten up the peddle bearing nut and they seem as good as new. I was a bit lazy, I first lubed the bearings, but the noise didn't go away. I consider this as normal wear and tear. I put a really lot of miles on this bike in a year.

    The sweetest thing in the world is a noiseless bike and wife, really my granddaughter is way sweeter than any old bike. And she is always talking about something or other:)

  37. New chain, back gears and others...$175. I put so many tough miles on the bike I consider it the price of having fun. Normal for the duty I put the bike under. Going to have another care free 2 years.

    Notice I didn't even consider buying a new bike.
