Friday, June 06, 2014

Cooper Nuclear Plant's Secret Safety Related Shutdown

So the other day I noticed in the “Power Reactor Status Report” the Cooper plant's power level was at 1% power. Hmm I thought, must be coming up in power. Thought, bet you they are coming out of an outage. Did a wide ranging search on the internet and then the NRC's "event notification report", nothing. That is really strange.

They had a degraded recirculation pump seals. The seals failed and then leaked into the primary containment. We don’t know if they exceeded the leak rate? It was a unexpected failure and the Entergy is undergoing a investigation over it. So they shutdown (May 29/30) and replaced the seals. This was primary system water leakage as I was told. 

 How often does this happen? How many stealth nuclear plant safety shutdowns do we have in the USA?  

The only way I was cued into this was from the arcain "power reactor status report" that almost no else looks at.

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