Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pilgrim Still Going Crazy On Us.

May 15

Told you it was a recirc pump...
Neil Sheehan, a spokesman for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said the work includes installation of a new recirculation pump seal, repairs to valves in the feedwater system, and replacement of a leaking component in the system that takes water from the bay and uses it for plant cooling.
Crap service water piping needing a total replacement.
Leak in SSW piping downstream from RBCCW Heat Exchanger ‘B’ on February 24 
Junk new CRD pump?

Control rod drive ‘A’ pump oil leak on February.

B’ control rod drive (CRD) prior to ‘A’ CRD pump replacement on December 2




Calculation Cover Page EC # 49514

Pilgrim Salt Service Water Discharge Piping Elbow (JF29-8-4) Wall Thinning Stress

AnalysisStructural Integrity Associates Calculation No. 1400287.301, Rev. 0
(22 Pages)
Remember shutdowns damages safety equipment. Barely six months from the last shutdown and they have all these problems. Nobody knows how long these things were simmering and are they really safety related.

My bet it is the recirc pump seals...
Maintenance will be done on piping, valves, pump seals and electrical equipment
 Pilgrim Coalition
Summary of Shutdowns & Glitches in 2013:

·         January 10-17: Both recirculation pumps tripped, followed by a head drain valve leak.
·         January 20-24: Leaking safety valve.
·         February 8-16: Winter storm causes offsite power loss and main generator load reject; 169 hours down.
·         April 18 – June 3: Scheduled refueling.
·         August 22-26: Electrical problems cause all three main water pumps shut down.
(Plant restarts on August 26, but does not reach full power before…)
·         September 8-17: Steam pipe leak.
·         Oct. 14-21: Off-site power to plant unavailable because of NStar problem, which caused initial shutdown. Plant remained closed for two days after power restored because of faulty mechanical pressure regulator, which caused water levels in the nuclear reactor to become too high.
·         December 4: Leaky steam valve. Reactor still down.
Pilgrim powering down for planned repairs


May 13, 2014
PLYMOUTH – Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station officials are powering down the reactor to do some repairs, a spokesman for the plant announced tonight.
“After careful consideration we made the conservative decision to take Pilgrim off-line to perform necessary maintenance to address low-level equipment needs that could potentially challenge reliability for the remainder of the operating cycle,” spokeswoman Joyce McMahon said in an email. The timing of the outage had been planned in advance after a discussion with grid operator ISO-New England.
 “Pilgrim’s power is vital to the grid,” McMahon said. “ISO-NE asked us to schedule maintenance at this time so Pilgrim can provide power during other power plants’ scheduled maintenance outages as well as during the coming peak summer demand.”
Maintenance will be done on piping, valves, pump seals and electrical equipment. “This maintenance will directly support increased reliability for the rest of our operating cycle, which ends with the next scheduled refueling in mid-2015,” McMahon said



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