Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Natural Gas Implicated in Largest Bankruptcy Ever?

The NRC Keeps Watch Over Comanche Peak During Chapter 11 Proceedings

Lara Uselding
Region IV Public Affairs Officer
The owner/operator of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant — Luminant Generation Company LLC – told us that its parent company, Energy Future Holdings (EFH), has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Chapter 11 provides time for a business to sort out its financial problems. 
This is not the first time an action like this has involved a nuclear plant. The owner of the Diablo Canyon plant went through a bankruptcy in 2001, and, in the 1980s, the Seabrook plant went through a similar process.
The NRC has been actively monitoring the situation since EFH told the Securities and Exchange Commission last year it may have difficulties meeting debt obligations. NRC staff has looked at any potential impacts on plant safety and security, the decommissioning fund, and the implementation of post-Fukushima action items. We determined the plant continues to be sufficiently funded...

Course, they own the two plant Commache Peak nuclear plant through Luminant.

I wonder are these plants comeptitive...who would buy them?

Big Texas Utility Files for Bankruptcy

April 29, 2014, 7:15 am

Too big just failed.
The troubled Texas utility Energy Future Holdings – which, as TXU, was private equity’s biggest-ever buyout – filed for bankruptcy on Tuesday.
After months of on-again, off-again talks between the company, its owners and a dizzying hierarchy of creditors, the company went into Chapter 11 protection with a plan intended to stave off months of potentially rancorous fighting in court over pieces of the power company.
Energy Future will probably be split between its regulated electricity arm, Oncor, and its unregulated power-generation business. The talks had long been stymied by an array of issues, including whether such a split would create a tax bill of more than $7 billion.
Energy Future will become one of the biggest Chapter 11 filings in corporate history.
This is not the ending that the Wall Street private equity firms, including Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, TPG Capital and the private equity arm of Goldman Sachs, envisioned in 2007, when they acquired the TXU Corporation in a colossal $45 billion deal.
Their investments are expected to be all but be wiped out in the bankruptcy....

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