Monday, March 17, 2014

NRC's Risk Related Transmution Industrial Mill

Glossary of Risk-Related Terms

See, the majority of this is assumptions and them choosing a favorable limitation or a boundary solely based on an ideology. This is a special ideology specific to nuclear power based solely on self-interest.
None of this is based on the certainty and evidence of is all crafted on insider assumptions and judgments. Deep in the bowels of these mathematical calculations that nobody can understand is special insider assumptions and judgements...risk is predicated on insider assumptions.  This is an industrial transmutation mill that turns uncertainty into certainty!

It all translates into a nothing-ever-matters attitude because we got multitudes of back-up safety systems to back-up safety system.  Everything is always safe, safe and safe.  Nothing Matters.
If nothing ever matters, do you see how a organization can so spin out of control?

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