Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Palisades New CRDM Cracks Notes

Get you wondering, they got radiation reports throughout this area...all they got to do is look it up. It sounds like something changed...why is the doses higher?

Those eight rods and expsecaially the center rods...they are taking about it costing Palisades 100 Rem. You you go by the below we are talking about 900 rem for the center rod job? The rods they are not doing this outage...these guys got a lot of radiation.

Why does it take the NRc so long to do a inspection on things like this and write up a inspection report?

Remember BWR Pilgrim's crud burst...course Palisades is a PWR?
New inspection report 05000255/2013005
Introduction: The inspectors identified a URI concerning the collective dose received by workers repairing the CRD-24 housing during the August 2012 forced outage.
Description: During the August 2012 forced outage, numerous work tasks were performed, including repairs of the CRD-24 housing. The initial dose estimate for this work as reflected on the Radiation Work Permit (RWP) was 2.950 Rem. The actual dose expended was 26.563 Rem. The data provided by the licensee at the time of the onsite inspection was not sufficient for the inspectors to complete their regulatory review of the collective dose received during this work activity. The licensee provided additional data to the NRC on January 7, 2014, that will be used to determine whether the dose received was within the licensee’s ability to control.
Why the secrecy with talking about source terms and plant wide radiation level trends?
The inspectors used licensee records to determine the historical trends and current status of significant tracked plant source terms known to contribute to elevated facility aggregate exposure. The inspectors assessed whether the licensee had made allowances or developed contingency plans for expected changes in the source term as the result of plant fuel performance issues or changes in plant primary chemistry
Why such a high change...a factor of five. Five times the normal rates. Christ, that wouldn't pick up a metldown. I am just saying public reporting with events at these plants are all keyed into protecting the bad actors...protecting the industry.  
The inspectors reviewed all significant changes in reported dose values compared to the previous radiological effluent release report (e.g., a factor of five, or increases that approached Appendix I criteria) to evaluate the factors which may have resulted in the change.
Recovery from the red grade:
However, the inspectors noted continued issues with regard to the planning and execution of routine scheduled maintenance. There were many instances where schedule conflicts, parts issues, or work instruction adequacy caused delays in the execution of work and schedule perturbations. Many of the issues could have been resolved as part of the formalized planning process in the weeks prior to work execution. The inspectors did note; however, that when conflicts or questions arose, work was put on hold and appropriately assessed by the license before moving forward.





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