Originally published on 8/13/12...
Sept 7:
Basically they deferred to a operate until failure- leak philosophy based on a helter-skelter inspection and science to appease the NRC. The, as long as you got any old justification to feed to the stupid public you are good to go.
As advertised, they are basing this on risk related regulation with the knowledge they can choke down the worst accident...
It looks to me corrosion at PWRs are running out of control....they are only fixing the leaks one at a time.
I am certain Palisades and TMI have a lot of studies on corrosion... they withhold from public disclosure based on property and special secrets authorized by the NRC...
One thing you can clearly see is they don't have an industry wide centralized group overseeing corrosion in the PWR...a single set of codes backed by big science with how they deal corrosion and pressure boundary degradation...
They are all inventing through a decentralized structure each one off opportunity. Each choice of metal ends up a failed experiment. Might as be playing the doggies at the track.
Prior to 2001 cracks 347 Stainless Steel.
After the 2001 cracks replace with Alloy 600 Stainless Steel
After new crack replaced with
316 Stainless Steel by 2002 upper housing
Found on: alloy 600 diaphragm for the upper pressurizer heater
replaced with: stainless steel, non-alloy 600 heater diaphragm
(304 stainless steal)
...Sept 1, 2012:
I am talking about advance elite education placed in positions of unbelievable privilege, prestige and stature...only serving the high elite's incomes and elites in general profits. It makes institutional (colleges and universities) knowledge and science predominantly only serving the 1%ers...it forces the whole planet into being exclusively aligned as a slave into meeting the needs of our rich and powerful.
I am just saying, through the history of the NRC and Entergy over CRDM leaks and shutdowns...they have demonstrated utterly no understanding of metallurgy crack development or crack growth rates. It leaks over and over again, leading to over and over again to destructively damaging equipment with unnecessarily shutdowns between outages.
If this metallurgy science worked, it would perfectly predict defects, crack and leaks...it would cause them to use materials and engineering designs to prevents defects. Palisades would never again be baffled by any kind of corrosion in any metals. The science they like, is how to extract the most in your pocket profits out of machine not caring about risk. Basically the elite class of our nation extracting the most money they can out of a system that serves our common good...sucking the life blood to death out of a vital public service we all need.
The thrust of the material and metallurgy science and PhD metallurgist education is to figure our how to scam out lengthening the time between inspections and replacement without better science based materials and engineering designs.
It is as if they put no money into money into metallurgy to prevent rust, corrosio and science based materials...they place all their metallurgist, PhD education and material science, place their money betting its cheaper repairing leaks and getting the regulator to ignore the leaks, coming from I don't know where...
Let me tell you where this voodoo pay for play PhD metallurgist absolute proof science we got a defect and cracks growing has gotten us. The mythical perfect god's eye view is we know everything about the defect,but they never can predict it coming. They use this advanced education and high science to increase the length between inspection and replacement.....it all about them thinking they have god's eyes view they understand every aspect of every condition in their extraordinarily complex obsolete machine to prevent the beyond Fukushima meltdown. All of the inspections and crack growth is based on a acceptance of the risk of a beyond a Fukushima level accident. They get cracks and leaks over and over again...the myth they project to you is they have a prefect god's view understanding on what is going on in their engines and all around them to get into the next outage where they won't do anything about the known cracks.
And we are all following blind people who speak big boy elite school words that they don't understand...
It is a "confidence game" based on tax reductions to millionaires and insigificant nothing government just like the Republican presidential elections...
And it can leak for months before they have to disclose it to the public...usually just before a shutdown...
95% of what the public sees of the nuclear industry is a confidence game coming from the educated elites...Extracting educated elite exorbitant income out a machine and public system...with very little worth going to the people...extracting enormous elite incomes from a vulnerable system that drives a system to take more risk to provide a invaluable vital public service....
And it can leak for months before they have to disclose it to the public...usually just before a shutdown...
July 31
I still can over it, 9 cracks in the one bad leaking CRDM, while zero cracks on the eight additionally tested CRDM...
Call me stupid, but this feels exactly like the same prolonged pay to play metallurgy razzmatazz as the service water coupling...
What happens when another housing leak shows up and it makes everyone full of shit...
The NRC evaluated the conservative timeline for the CRDM inspections to be approximately 24 months with six heatup cycles and about 18-20 months, then, for an undetected crack to propagate, while the licensee evaluated the timeline to be approximately 40-50 months based on their analysis method....The nuclear industry wrote its own rules and codes...is following the rules enough?
they reviewed all the regulatory requirements and industry standards and concluded that they met all the regulatory requirements80% of the CRDM weren't tested...
Oh baby, do you believe them with 58% capacity factor from the last outage...they probably will be down for 6 months. One more defect in any of the 8 CRDNs tested, 9 cracks in CDRM # 24... and they would then eat 100 rems and months of a shutdown. I submit to you the NRC would then make all the CRDM not safe.
The licensee responded by stating that their examinations related to the eight CRDMs revealed no indications, they made a conservative decision to ship CRDM 24 off site for additional inspections, and that they reviewed all the regulatory requirements and industry standards and concluded that they met all the regulatory requirements.If they find one more crack:
The licensee stated that they reviewed their radiological dose assessments for inspecting the center CRDM and concluded that they would have to cut out 4 CRDMs and remove support tubes for approximately 10-12 CRDMs to inspect the center rod and that their expected radiological dose for this task was 75-85 Rem.These highly educated engineers tried to blow this one by the NRC:
...and that the flaw could be growing in a time period that was less than six refueling cycles because of the temperature changes experienced by the CRDMs when the plant heated up or cooled down.In other words, all these preventable shutdowns at Palisades mattered in making these cracks grow:
...would have to show that the CRDMs were unaffected by the temperature cycles that were experienced in between refueling cycles.
They find this on the leaking CRDM:
The independent facility also performed dye penetrant testing (PT) on the CRDM 24 structural welds. The PT revealed nine cracks in the area of weld no. 5, of which seven were previously identified by Palisades personnel by the UT performed on site....You get it, just before the leak nobody knows what the fuck is going on with the cracking metal. Just prior to start up they become all seeing gods who know everything. I think all this stuff post crack with the PhD metallurgist is all high paid razzmatazz.
..Palisades CRDM pressure boundary cracks
You know, how come nobody is talking about the worst accident with the CRDM cracks.
Obviously it either its a large unisolatable water leak or a control rod ejection accident....
So why no talk about the possible worst accident...
Right, it is a big deal the difference between the worth of a peripheral rod and the center rod...