Thursday, October 17, 2013

Congressional Study Finds Inconsistency in Nuclear Safety Enforcement

Oct 22: So i saying the south and west NRC region's enforcement is perfectly consistent...hear, see and speak no evil. That is why there are so many plant in such serous condition without much chance of the NRC pushing them into being good nuclear corporate citizens. Are they playing up to our regional difference with our individualist and extremist anti government and free market political philosophies? What it the best interest of the rate payer and our nation. The west and south just portrays events inaccurately different to their public for the same reason...congressional and presidential campaign contribution distorting federal over site.

 The GAO is a paper tiger.
You can clearly see this in this report where they don’t identify particular plants and corporations. Like is there any relationship with lost power operations, scrams, unscheduled shutdowns and down-powers? The GAO is basically a paper tiger where our legislators have pulled away from these guys the power to enforce truth telling and full disclosers or you go directly to jail. These guys should be like the FBI or other federal agencies, in that if you are in a  investigation and you lie or withhold information, then you sit in jail for many years. 
You get don’t you...the GAO has the ability to be very influential...but they have been defanged many years ago by both the Dems and Republicans at the behest of campaign contributions.  
The New GAO Report: Or maybe the GAO just got its head up their ass.

Basically I think the GAO has been captured by the extremist republicans and the nut bag teabaggers over anything nuclear. That how i see it over the years and they are part of the problems with our nuclear industry, as we can't see accurately the real problems and fix it. The GAO is basically a function of congress and they have become highly sensitive with the powerful southern and nuclear political contingent. These guys stick together and they are very potent. The GAO has been intimidated for years and they really got no transparency with the agency and certainly within a nuclear. They got minimal skills and education with understanding anything nuclear power plant.   

Congressional Study Finds Inconsistency in NuclearSafety Enforcement
The number of safety violations at U.S. nuclear power plants varies dramatically from region to region, pointing to inconsistent enforcement in an industry now operating mostly beyond its original 40-year licenses, according to a congressional study awaiting release.
The Southeast, with the most reactors of the NRC’s four regions, had the fewest such violations, according to the report, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press
The study also says that the NRC’s West region may enforce the rules more aggressively and that common corporate ownership of multiple plants may help bolster maintenance in the Southeast.
The west and the south generally have plants that have horrific and uncontested known long term violations with NRC regulations. The NRC might ignore a NRC region or slap them with a horde of insignificant violation...but these powerful coalitions of nuclear plant owners in the south and west are totally immune with changing their horrific behaviors. The southern and western NRC regions are a hubris/arrogant nontransparent and stubborn group.  The upper west is just about as bad but they haven't been caught with their pants all the way down to their knees because of huge exelon. These huge energy companies got congress and the president completely in their pockets!
Region 4 has San Onofra who has been known for many years with running totally out of control with not following regulations and ending with a two plant shutdown over new bum steam Generator. Fort Calhoun has been shut down for many years and they were discovered with a horde of many long term undiscovered violations of NRC regulation until a mid west flood got their attention. It take a terrible incident to change the heart of the NRC if we are are doesn' t come from the heart of this agency to do what is right for our nation.I think the NRC knew a horde of nuclear plants were running like this and they just ignored it as a favor to the industry. Wolf Creek is in the same boat.

One of the worst plants and nuclear corporations in the nation is Brown Ferry and TVA. Again the NRC has turned their eyes away from confronting the powerful south political  contingents...tolerated long term violations of regulation that lead to a valve failure. A tremendous amount of safety equipment was degraded or broken at the same at one Browns Ferry plant...basically TVA knowingly created this with the long term complacency of the agency. Their whole fleet has become suspect and the current issues today indicate with all the NRC's and TVA's effort...the fleet is still overwhelmed with past and new problems.  
The game over and over with the NRC, is the agency turns their eyes away from numerous long term known rules violation caused by political intervention and then  the agency discloses an unimagined shocking incident that just shows up out of nowhere. This forces the agency to out massive mounts of plants known rules violation over many years to regain their credibility.  This hide-and-seek  and purge cycle happens over and over again.
Basically, if you don't rock the boat we will close our eyes to rules violation no matter what they are...if you draw attention to yourselves we will violate any of you if you burp. This is he result of massive corporate political pressure...  
... Basically the south and western NRC regions got the same problem but handle it in different ways.  Their inspectors are intimidated by their managers and potent political pressures generated by the powerful electric utilities. The got the NRC in their pockets.

The South...the inspector just turns their eyes away from massive rule breaking because the antigovernment southern political philosophy generates or forces them to behave in this way.
The West...the inspectors generates a blizzard of insignificant violation to bamboozle the population into thinking the NRC is strict. The so call western individualistic and anti-government political philosophy generates pressures to stir up meaningless paper violation while allowing the plant to be run to the ground by not following engineering codes or agency rules...
It is all massive political pressures that blind’s the public from really knowing what is going on and it turns off the NRC oversight switch for political payola...  
One blinds the public with bullshit and the other has the power to make the inspector shut their eyes at work!
The West and South just have differant ways to turn off the NRC switch...but they accomplish the same thing.
The upper mid west Region 3...the rotten Blagojevich-Exelon political influences are so intense on the bottom level NRC inspectors..everything in region 3 is a black hole. Nobody can see anything!   
Once the rules and laws were designed to control the outlaws.
Now the rules and laws are designed to control the  the police and NRC...give total permissives for bad plants and crooks to do anything....


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