Sunday, September 15, 2013

NHDOT Washing Salt Off Our Bridges In Sept

NHDOT Washing Salt Off A Bridge In Sept

How stupid is that, they should be washing salt off a bridge on Sept 12? There should have had the tanker truck out there in April...when the year’s salt use on the roads are over.

So I came across a water tanker on the bridge and the bridge being single lane.

They were doing a half ass job of rinsing salt off the bridge...what about underneath the road bed.
So what does the bridge winter salt wash on Sept 12 mean? I think the legislators have given the NHDOT their marching orders. The 1921 Hinsdale bridge is not going to be replaced in the forseeable make it last for 20 years by washing it as often as it needs. Paint job, forget it, we can't afford it?
The NHDOT has been spending tons of money on this end of route 119. There was trash here on these turnoffs a few days ago and discarded furnature for years. This is on Conn River side...across the street was the discarded couch. 

Do you think it fixed the problem?

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