Thursday, August 08, 2013

An Act Of Love To Civil

Brattleboro Topix.  I write here a lot.

A question came up, was your act surrounding Hinsdale route 119 bridge an act of civil disobedience. I think it different and fundamentally new.

Act of Civil Love or of love of civil…

It a demonstration of my love of government and  with a centralizing organizing force.

How we actualized our common good is through our Constitution and the participation of our citizens in making government.

Get your ass out there and vote!!!

I love you so! I worship the ground you walk on.

I love...

I love...

I love...


It is my symbolic act of violence against no government…

It was my violent reckless conduct against the philosophy of no government and the widespread public sentiment with hating their government...

Volunteers hope to restore Chesterfield Gorge to former glory 
"Under the state’s ownership, the gorge was once a place for families to hike and share a picnic lunch. But funding cuts beginning in the 1990s increasingly left the park to fend for itself, and eventually led to the closure of its visitor center." 
I would ask, are they neglecting the recreational areas of the NH golden triangle (south eastern NH) as much as they are in the rural areas...
(As everyone knows, I am non violent and plan in further acts of love on the Hinsdale Bridge. At least, to when the court case gets cleared up and I don't have to meet bail conditions. I certainly don't want the Hinsdale police running around my house thinking I am going rouge terrorist.)

This is my everlasting pretty mistress and young lover. I am in love with civil and our common good. Please don’t tell my wife and kids.  

Civil disobedient (CD)

I don’t know, this is different than how we traditionally use this term.

CD usually speaks of a wrong style or too much government...I am basically protesting that we have too little or weak government.

Poorly funded and little quality government...

I would had been in my angel and halo getup protesting at the town hall, the police station and the Zimmermen’s high cost inner city housing project protesting and demanding more project wide technological surveillance systems and police services for the housing ghetto. That is my solution to crime...force the greater good people and police to get more deeply immersed in crime and the situation of the area, or make them all sick and tired of talking about and seeing me with my halo on.

Trayvon’s death emanates from a broad antigovernment sentiment with the good people the USA...
A government that hides in the shadows because they don't have enough resources...they know these little budgets make them vulnerable to the wrath of the good people because of mistakes driven by government on a shoes string and weak government infrastructure to serve the good people...
It is a mean and nasty survival of the fittest jungle out there. 
I mean, they might be nice and pleasant to us on the surface.
Right, a monstrous world created for us of priorities, budgets and limitations.
I think heaven is the anti or inverse side of priorities, budgets and limitations...

Maybe we come to earth because we have gotten so spoiled with heaven....
A lot of times the economy is so weak most people are working in government for survival...they have no other choice but to work in dysfunctional government and increasingly lower wages. Just saying, greater than 97% of our federal government are college educated...

So we get government employees who becomes so defensive and secretive because that is the only way to survive in this crazy world...

Basically, we insert good people for survival reasons into a weak government infrastructure and the public is outraged with inadequate services and poor quality government. The good government employees seek refuge and bad employee cohesiveness in creating non accountability and government performed in the darken rat hole of weak governments to protect themselves from the media and outrage public.

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