Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Mysterious Hinsdale NH Selectmen Meeting

I want to get into the selectmen room to take these picture, but the front door is locked. I didn't want to make a scene with asking. I settled for taking the picture at the selectman's entrance outside door. This is the door we all use to go to the weekly selectman's meeting. 

(So here is a series of comments I made about the selectman’s meeting last night. I like this site because they date and time stamp my entries…I have no control to correct or withdraw what I submit. It is like my diary. I hate the anonymous commenters on the board.  Basically they called me in as a warning that I need to take down my signs when I leave the bridge.)

...Flucking idiot, the signs came down Friday.

The selectmen kept yelling in the future tense...them signs now on the bridge got to come down. One said I seen it Saturday...I chided them you don't keep very current with events in town.
I didn't take them down( signs)!
So the game would go, mike you now got the floor…then they would interrupt me in a minute to castigate me with an issue they had no proof and I didn’t do.

I complained about the interruption and the unprofessional near yelling at me, the constant interruptions to me….finally the chairmen said ok you got ten minutes. Three minutes into my ten minutes, there they go again with interrupting me. I never got my ten minutes either!
The ex police chief was shushed by the chairman as he began yelling at me…

They told me it was illegal to jump the guard rail…this is what I mean by you got to stay accurate. You can’t berate  me on a activity that is not illegal like the police do. I got a right to cross that road.

They went over and over with me protesting in the road (on the dangerous side of the guard rail)…I said I don’t do that. I just cross the road with my junk and people call in that I am out their protesting. Then another one would jump right in again saying, the “Build New Bridge” signs hanging on the bridge right now have to come down. I say, that is exactly what I am talking about with haranguing and trying to intimidate me on a issue, it has to be accurate or I am going to call you on it. They was no bridge signs hanging up at this time.

They were seething with anger even before I got up to speak…

There were seething with anger with me bringing in signs.

They were apolexic I brought these two signs in. I intentionally came in a half an hour early. They allowed me cuts in the line to just get me out of there and not letting other towns people see my signs.

“The Hinsdale, NH Family Killer Bridge”

“NH State: No New Bridge For 50 years”

I brought in my halo and my ten pounds of giant bridge rust flakes. I brought into the selectman meeting half of the bridge in pieces with me. I kept twirling two giant flakes high up air in my fingers…they were all looking at these flakes as I was waiting to address the selectmen.

So I hear. Mike, it is all yours…to begin my speech and presentation. I really didn’t know why I was called.

I had my ten pounds of rust flakes on in a open pile on some cloth. I was about 10 feet from where I was supposed to talk. I begin to drag my props over for my presentation…I hear a snarky and demeandingly: mike, mike we’ve seen that all before, don’t bring that over here. His tone was in a tightly controlling and in a bullying manner. It is my presentation what is he getting involved with controlling me.
They bullied and tried to intimidate me all through the meeting...
He finality asked me the big question; Mike, say you were entering Hinsdale for the first at those bridges. What would you think if you were those people with all your signs? What would you think about Hinsdale.

I said, I’d be thinking something big is wrong with the selectman office…
I said over and over; I think the “Hinsdale police are heroes” and they aren’t paid enough for the risk they take in protecting us.
Assessment: these guys would look like dopes and cronies if there was an open forum about the bridge with me.

None of them are fast on their thinking feet…
So I am wondering: the Hinsdale selectman say the bridge safety is totally a function of the NHDOT. So why isn’t bridge signing a total function of the NHDOT.

Why couldn’t  Hinsdale ignored the bridge signing ordinance in this case as showing contempt for the NHDOT?

They kept asking me over and over again, did I get the NHDOT permission to place my signs on the bridge.

Again, over and over again asking me, did you put up those signs on the bridge? I gave them a ,“on advice from my lawyers I am not allowed to discuss this”.

Then a, “I plead the fifth”…
...I think ex police chief Gallagher knows more than he admits…he is pulling the strings on his department he held for many years.

The police and selectman are in a conspiracy with  the leading of the ex-police chief…there is ongoing police investigation and quasi legal hunting to find evidence against me.
They all are little leaguers!
So on my first meeting with the Hinsdale selectman I brought a lap top with all my pictures in it. I wanted all the selectmen to scroll down and look at all my pictures. After the first picture, the chairmen said I’d seen enough…and that was the end of bridge picture looking with the Hinsdale selectmen. The ex police chief said, I did a bridge inspection of my own , and the bridge is safe. There is no way to access what the chief seen…did he pick and choose what he wanted to see. Because he was using his town stature to declare the bridge safe?

I requested all the selectmen to take a site tour and bridge inspection with me from the get go…not one has yet took a tour with me.

So everyone knows the conditions are so ugly surrounding those bridge, most of the citizenry, selectmen, MHDOT, the legislator and state governor’s office don’t want to come down to get a look see with me.

The whole deal is about a widespread hiding their heads in a hole Ostridge mentality… no funding for the bridge for decades and political consequences if they had to shutdown the bridge, restrict passage or weight of the bridge. If they put a restriction on the bridge or shut it down, the consequence of this would be much larger than if a bridge collapse happens and mass casualties. What is left is document inspection falsification and acting as a Ostridge to fill in the gap…everyone wants to stay away for the bridge because they can’t do anything positive with the bridge.

Everyone wants to talk about my provocative signs instead of the conditions of these bridges…

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