Monday, January 14, 2013

1) Cover-Up Training 101 For A Nuclear Power Plant: VY

I wish I'd better explained earlier it was SRV pneumatic actuators that leaked nitrogen or air into the wasn't the SRV valve leaking coolant.
 1 Safety Relief Valve Actuator Cover-Up At Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant-Time Line

Vermont Yankee operated with unsafe components ...lied in documents to the preserve the future operation of the plant. There are incomplete documents to this the state of Vermont and the legal system won't have their sins said in their own words to be used as ammo in the state and legal proceedings.

2 Vermont Yankee Cover-up...why nuclear plant containments are so unsafe

Why SRVand PORV valves are the most dangerous components in a nuclear plant. Why components in the containment are so dangerous. The containment is a locked room that nobody can enter when a nuclear plant is in operation. The containment is almost a total barrier to information where humans aren't allowed to go into for more than a year and the instrumentation is primitive giving very little information to the control room operators

3 Vermont Yankee Cover-up....Cover-up 101

The is the means and methods of all cover-ups and public deception in the nuclear industry.

4 Vermont Yankee Cover-up...everyone knew this material was bad

NRC Information Notice 1994006: Buna-n material is inappropriate in high temperature environments.
5 Vermont Yankee Cover-up...stresses on the industry

Low grid load growth and natural gas fracting.

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