Oct 9 2012:
I put my paper mill exploits in nuclear regulatory commission 2001 documents.
"Date: Sunday, August 26, 2001 12:04 PM
Well, here we are in another pre drought in this area. Many stream flows are approaching record lows. On my first interaction with your agency in 1999, I questioned what would be the results of the low stream flows and the acceptable normal pollution and heat discharged into these rivers. My guess is that the La Nino is subsiding, and the El Nino is already on the upswing. My guess is that the next summer, or the following, we are going to be facing a historic drought. Will we be ready? Of course the great NE drought of 2002 might have just started."Nobody ever listens to me? I was talking global warming and affects of droughts on our society big time in 2001. Then we had the big Midwest drought this year.
"Out this rage of mine, we discovered that there was a national problem with late pollution permits. Just not enough money was the refrain. I asked the EPA inspector general to characterize pollution reporting. He came back with a report that many facilities of medium and small size are just not required to report pollution scientifically. They were only legally required to disclose only a small proportion of the pollution. On a national level we are all looking at our problems through devices of selectivity. If we can leverage our power, position, and self interest, then we will look through the binoculars from any position that benefits us even if we can't make sense of what we see."
"I asked all the officials repetitively; just what is the meaning of this pollution and the system than ignores it. The state inspector, their bosses, the department heads, the EPA, the EPA higher officials, the NH governors office, the assistant NH Attorney General, the NH Governor herself (when I showed her a recorded video of the pollution during one of her outing at this end of the state); they all came back with an overly bureaucratic answer like the locale inspector. Basically he explained it in terms of how the plant was situated within the spotty regulations and dismal state resources. As long as they were doing it according to regulations, even if the detection and collection method only gave a small proportion of the pollution, it was acceptable."Not inspected by OSHA for decades and decades...NH OSHA is just as good as NH Department of Environmental Services and the EPA. I believe NH is one of the few states that does its own employee safety inspection program.
So in Aug of 1999 I notices a tint in the water of my town's Ashuelot River. I had no idea it would lead to a non functioning state pollution program, nonexistent NH employee safety program, bad state and EPA permitting of industrial facilities and defective EPA rules for reporting pollution at medium and small plants throughout the nation It was like going though a nightmare. So we went through the environmental movement and this was left. Come on?
OSHA fines paper mill for violations
Oct 8: New Aug 13 memo
Reformer Staff May 2005
WINCHESTER, N.H. -- Although operations were shut down in March, Atlantic Paper & Foil's paper mill was cited on Friday for having hazardous work conditions.
The Lost Road plant, which closed temporarily so that machinery could be upgraded, has been under inspection by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for the past six months.
Friday's citation of $319,200 in safety violations is the highest such fine issued to a New England business in a year, an OSHA spokesman said. OSHA's investigation, which began after a worker suffered non-fatal injuries after being caught in a paper winder last year, netted a total of 59 alleged violations.
More than half of the fines, 62 percent, are credited to willful violations, meaning unsafe conditions that OSHA believes the company knew about, but chose to ignore.
Those alleged willful violations include failure to maintain roof support, having untrained personnel operating forklifts, front end loaders operating without working brakes and paper machines that are not guarded to prevent workers being caught in moving parts.
Gabbay said the "majority of these issues are left over from the previous company American Tissue] that owned the site. We're left with their burden....
The safety of our employees is paramount to us.".
...Other alleged violations include lacking an emergency response program, having inoperable sprinkler systems, improper chemical storage, lacking adequate hearing protection for workers, creating excess noise levels, having unsanitary bathrooms and numerous instances of unguarded machinery.
Oct 7 : My ACE Number is 8. What's yours?
Winchester/Ashuelot paper mill –Corruption
Skipping stones And A NH Paper Mill
Worker: Paper Plant Closed Again
I bankrupted and shut these fuckers down twice.
Winchester Paper Mills Lays Off Help
New: 2005 NHDES Reconnaissance Inspection
They turned off the lagoon aerators because electricity prices was so expensive...
This is my complaint from employees saying the aerators should be on.
If There Is A god, Why Did he Enable Us To Build Thermal Nuclear Devices
***Sorry, when I am nervous and get excited my sentence structure sucks. It is as if I want to send the message out in hurry before it melts without checking it. I gotten better at it. But it is still around. I should have spent more time writing better sentences in 1999.
***This is how I memorialized my activities that ended up bankrupting the 3rd largest paper mill corporation in America. It directly lead to a $400 million bank fraud conviction and the jailing of executives. My family was temporary living in James R Brooks apartment and thus his e-mail name and address. When you see the Brooks name it is really me. Brooks is my wife's brother. Click on the images to make them easier to read.
We were temporally living atop the oldest post office in the USA...
This is me memorializing getting a Keene Sentinel story in the paper on Aug 6, 1999 about the mill and they took ugly pictures.
In the closing life of this plant, the Hinsdale water department reported a continuous discharge of diesel fuel in the river and it was traced back to the Ashuelot paper mill. Their below ground fuel oil tanks had been leaking for decades...it was a obscene mess with a lot of fuel in the ground. I didn't catch it and I should have. I believe the NHDES came in there with a rather large environmental clean-up. I believe it wasn't charged to the operating paper mill...the people of NH spent $100s of thousands of dollars in this cleanup and the pollution barriers were in river for many years. I got the NHDES to force the American Tissue to bring in a environmental sampling contractor..they dug tons of sampling wells all over the plant on both sides of the river and even across route 119. They were there every other day and weekly sampling at times of those wells. I wouldn't be surprised if they caught it...Hinsdale just thinks they made the NHDES act.
This is me me notifying the NHDES and EPA on Aug 08 ...I don't trust the NHDES or the EPA. Looking in hindsight, my grounds for mistrust of both these agencies was totally justified.
Was I predicting on Aug 1999, based on watching the Connecticut River temperatures trending up for decades...did I predict the big drought of 2012. I certainly was worrying about it. There was a lot of nuke plant changing rules to allow hotter water into their plant prior and including to 1999...into the plant.
When I called the NHDES they told me they are so busy it would take months to visit the facility. They disconnected me at the office six times...I had to call seven times to get to talk to a human besides the secretary I told them is was severe human health threat and then got the Keene Sentinel involved. They are notifying me an inspection was on the way and I could talk to the inspector. This meeting went terrible. The inspector told me my eyes were lying to me. He spun me up with that and we got into a argument.

The outcome of the sampling, possible legal, document trap on Aug 12. I didn't trust anyone by that point.
Got the below information from a NHDES whistle-blower...he told me they were calling me a terrorist inside the NHDES. I didn't know how serious it was. At the AHR thing in Brattleboro, I said to the EPA official upstream of VY the river was heating up. River temperature had been trending up for decades and VY had to reset their rules because the water was approaching too hot for the inlet of the plant. The freaking inlet you idiot. And this year my involvement with our drought and massive discharging of hot water from the nukes power plants...me calling the Illinois grid not designed for the climate.
This is me on Aug 12 reporting to the NHDES somebody in their office was passing around e-mails accusing me of being a terrorist because I reported a paper mill pollution...to Charley my contact person.
More on Deputy dog Bisbee on Aug 13. Getting serious.
New Oct 8: Once I sent that copy of the unabomber slander, I had Crist apologizing and begging me for forgiveness in a Keene coffee shop the very next day pushed by Bisbee. It is because I made the legal threat with suing them for slander. I accepted it from Crist, but it really wasn't sincere. Then Bisbee scheduled a discussion with me, him, to watch Crist get down on his knees to beg for forgiveness again. I am sure the lawyers were on the line and I bet you that meeting was recorded.
This is me memorializing the meeting... I hit Bisee as tough as I could. Did you pick up at the end of this Bisee is backing Chris...he is calling me the unabomber again after all that apologizing. I knew this was my opportunity to get my message up as to a much higher level. I bet this set off the NHDES into talking to the NH assistant attorney general...or legalize it.
By this time we knew Winchester American Tissue pollution permit was out of date for many many years...the EPA had been slashing money as political favors forcing the states not to update the water permit pollution permit on a wholesale level. It went across many states and it facilitated large amounts of pollution to be admitted to our waterways. We believe as protection to president Clinton, he fired the regional NE EPA administrator. By Aug 16, 1999, I knew this was approved strategy by the highest levels of our government as political payoffs and favors. You know, like I keep saying, it is not your competitors or enemies you got to watch...it is you friends that will hurt you the most. It was the gov Shaheen and Clinton show.
This guy Bisbee was just a terrified little fish like me...
Proceeding with an investigation of American Tissue by the NHDES on Aug 13.
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