Friday, June 22, 2012

No Date Set For Reopening Of Palisades Nuke Plant

I am surprised I missed the prior inspection report on the SIRW [Safety Injection Refueling Water] tank leak in the 2011003 NRC inspection  report. It was in the Markey letter. I did a quick word search for SIRW and safety injection refueling tank in the Palisades docket, but too many reports came back for each search. I opened up a few documents finding nothing. The Adams system buries you with data, there is not a quick window giving you a few sentences in each of the documents with the word or phrase you are searching. It makes it very difficult to find a needle in a haystack....there is just too many documents you have to read and it is very timely each document. It is a poor system for someone who has to consume a lot of documents.

So i made a quick search...I was a little antsy with the information i had to write i decided to wing it and defaulted to just getting it down on paper and get the information out.

Once you get it out, then you become committed that eventually you have to explain what you clumsily wrote about and then correct your mistakes. I know, I do this backwards from everyone else.       

One upon a time there was this drunk driver and he created a pedestrian fatality. He had been convicted of drinking and driving four times and he has had prior accident while driving drunk.

Then there has been a totally strange disconnect in this story.

The police and courts have always thought this drunk as the victim of the world picking on him for drinking and driving. They have treated the drunk driver bad behaviors as being a catastrophe of not his making. It is as if the courts and police think the community members are picking on the drunk driver. So they wrap the drunk's violations all up in secrecy. They treat him with the court's and police's delusional tenderness, as if one of drunk's family member's have been killed in a pedestrian fatality caused by innocent community member killing him out of the blue. Then courts and the police have made and enforced a protective court order preventing the media and the real family members who had a real love one killed from a drunk driver from being within 500 feet of the actual drunk driver. The system don't want you to really see what is going on under the sheets?

It as if the courts and police had transferred their sympathies and 'official protection' from the real victims of a senseless death, to a repetitive and reckless drunk driver who actually did the killing while drunk...

...So the officials and politicians don't think the real tragedy is drunken related selfish and self interest bad behaviors in the nuclear utilities that threatens a whole nation...they think the real worst tragic accident is the public will lose credibility and confidence in the nuclear industry and then they will thoughtlessly make us stampede out of 20% of our means to produce electricity. I mean, this is a accident of enormous tragic consequences for our nation.

So the default has been to protect the nuclear industry's drunken driving that led to bad behaviors fatalities at plants' in order to head off the national calamity of losing 20% of our electricity. It is a ideology that puts self above the good of a nation and all of us.  

How in the world did we ever come into being as a nation who protects drunken drivers who cause deaths in order to head off a larger calamity...

You know, the drunk is a really big fish with enormous influence and powers!       

Sounds like they found a additional safety defect or the tank wasn't per the plant design documents...which neither Entergy or the NRC could find on their own during normal operations and shutdown inspections.
Maybe the nozzle was corroded by the highly corrosion environment of the boron and it was thin walled.
Boron is highly corrosive when leaking on iron parts on their components. They have had whole valves dissolved immersed in the boron. They got many boron corrosion programs in the plant designed to minimize this wastage...but what if they got known leakage and they don't know where it is leaking from?

A long term leakage and many building iron structures and components underneath the tank...only god knows the potential for the corrosive damage in and around this leaking tank. See, risk perspectives are blind to this kind of plant degradation.
A 10 day shutdown for a non safety related issue and they are still trouble shooting it...what is wrong with this picture?

So this is their answer to my 2.206...what are they hiding!

No Date Set For Reopening Of Palisades Nuke Plant

June 22, 2012 23:40 GMT

COVERT TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) -- A spokesman says work continues at the Palisades nuclear plant 10 days after the southwestern Michigan facility was shut down to repair a leak in a water tank.

According to the Kalamazoo Gazette (, Palisades spokesman Mark Savage said Friday crews are analyzing and evaluating the tank.

The plant in Van Buren County's Covert Township voluntarily shut down June 12.

The tank with the leak contained 300,000 gallons of borated water, which is used to cool the reactor when the plant's nuclear fuel is replaced or to cool the core in the event of an emergency.

Savage says repair work is ongoing, and no date has been set for the plant to reopen.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has said the leak isn't a threat to public or plant safety.

"The Popperville Town Hall"

"God help us all, can you see the problem with the repetitive nature of Entergy having the instincts to not do the proper inspections... to do it over and over again like a madman. They are laughing at us and the NRC because these employees and managers know we can't control them. The NRC has no ability to control Palisades...that is my god damned political statement to the NRC."

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