Saturday, June 02, 2012

Iran's Response to Israel and the USA

Just for full disclosure...I got buddies in the FBI?
You two ain't shit. You know I've already taken out a USA nuclear powered sub in Maine and its reactor. Think of what we will do to you if you militarily take our illegal nuclear weapons production sites? We will proportionally decimate Israel and the USA?

Iran vows 'proportionate' response to any strike on nuclear sites

Agence France-Presse Jun 3, 2012
TEHRAN // Iran will respond to any Israeli or US attack against its nuclear sites with a "proportionate" reaction, the military adviser to the country's supreme leader Ali Khamenei said on Saturday.
General Yahya Rahim Safavi, quoted by Fars news agency, said however that such an attack was unlikely.
Despite warnings from Washington and Israel that "all options are on the table" if negotiations between Iran and major powers on Tehran's controversial nuclear programme fail, conditions do not favour an assault, he said.
"They may be able start one but they can not end it and it remains in Iran's hands," the general said.
"The domestic political, economic and social conditions in America and the Zionist regime are not such as to have a new war in the region," he said.
US President Barack "Obama wants to get re-elected (in November) ... the cabinet of Mr (Israeli prime minister Benjamin) Netanyahu is a fragile one," he said.
However, in case of an attack, "we will act against their military operation smartly, proportional to any damage that they inflict on us ... meaning we will hurt them as much as they hurt us."

New: Asymmetric warfare

Scenario: They are politically and war gaming this right now in the pentagon.

Al Qaeda might be grasping to make a last statement. Iran or Syria might be fearing eminent attack by the USA. With our cyber warfare viruses attacking the middle East and Iran, we have admitted we have committed an act of war against Iran. The USA says it's a act of war if somebody does cyber terrorism act against us.

What if Iran preemptive or reactively demonstrates a show of force by secretly hitting a high profile American military target? By its demonstration you will understand our reach if you go to a proportional limited war against us. Do you really want to start a war with us when you are so economically weak and we can hit so many of your high profile targets to the world's media delights?

The evidence points to it and there are some wild rumors out there. Did Iran or Syria, or them both and with unknown parties conspire and commit a direct act of war by sabotaging a high profile United States nuclear attack submarine sitting naked and unprotected in a naval shipyard? Did Iran fire bomb the USS Miami SSN 755? What will the next one look like?

How would we know if this was a United State's false flag operation, to provoke us into attacking Iran and others?

Do you trust the Navy department to investigate this on their own? Remember the battleship the USS Ohio during the Reagan administration? Would they want to hide their own flaws and give us a partial investigation.

What Institution would you trust to tell us the truth and what level of truth and transparency is a necessity for a democracy?

Would the Navy department bury a terrorist attack or a act of war against us in anticipation of a upcoming presidential election? Would the administration provoke an attack to throw an election or take our minds off a upcoming depression? Is the new stimulus to save us from a depression, a war with Iran? Would the Department of the Defense and their related corporate interest start a war in order to mitigate the upcoming massive defense cuts?

I could make a case a new greater middle east is worth a lot of blood and guts. It has been the dream for 50 years of the greater world to modernize them. We are half way there? My philosophy is you don't provoke a wild and wounded rabid dog to attack you, so you can feel good about putting the dog down out of its misery.

What if the conflagration in the sub USS Miami was stupid accident and Iran is using the disaster to stick out its chest to the world and bag to its population how strong they are?

What if you are on the scene and the big story is different than what you know?

Who do you serve? Who do your trust? What do you believe?

Have you ever been so alone!

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