Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Emergence of systemic meltdown of Entergy?


Based on recent events and post red inspection findings at Browns Ferry with NRC tolerance of a site not being according to their rules, policies or procedures...I could make a case the NRC catch regulation violations now  to a tune of a third to one half of all known  or potential violations. In other words, all these plants are littered with tons of not corrected known NRC and engineering violations.

With acceptable not disclosed violation, this is a serious poison to any safety culture or nuclear plant. The implication are if a good employee admits the violation he would be intimidation by his management and the NRC because the NRC finds the non disclosed violations acceptable.
12/27/2011@ 6pm
 "So palisades had had 5 shutdowns this year, the last one a secret start up without knowing what caused the trips, Pilgrim on it third trip with one being a very serious startup trip, Fitzs is reducing power beginning Dec 23 for a condenser leak, and River Bend is just starting up from a prolong shutdown."

"You cheap out on maintenance and personal, then you have more trips, NRC
and public scrutiny..."

 "Yea, because it was unsafe...

Imagine a new plant designed to not have failing parts or them failing being inconsequential.

Usually they know about the leak for many months..."

"Turbine Problem Trips Reactor at Louisiana's River Bend Nuclear Plant...

The reactor at the River Bend nuclear plant in Louisiana shut down automatically after an issue in the turbine caused safety systems to trip."

"I thought these guys were smart, why didn't they have a fifth or sixth relief only need 4 you just shut the isolation valve and continue on to the next outage."

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