Wednesday, April 06, 2011


These are my best quotes from my earlier Petition concerning the Vernon Tie...the emergency back up power supply.

 ..."(spoken August 02, 2010) Everyone is just waiting around for the big boom and fire, before we recognize we got a industry wide culture problem."

....Mr Mulligan: (spoken June 29, 2010) The new way they do it nowadays is, you have a set of conflicting codes and regulations. You have five or six of them all intertwining and intermingling and very few people can understand, and you have an outcome in mind, and you twist these codes and regulations around until you get the outcome you want.

Nowadays, we play games, we twist around regulations, and we make believe that the regulations, you know, are going to tell us the ultimate truth, if we obey the regulations, it's going to tell us the ultimate truth, and the perfect outcome. If we just follow the rules, there's going to be a perfect outcome.

....MR. PICKETT: "One more, again, Doug Pickett."

"Mr. Mulligan, you were making a number of statements about the codes and regulations are twisted by regulators to get the desired results. Can you give us some examples?"

Right, the NRC OIG investigation report on LERs' and part 21 exactly parroted these concerns. I said it perfectly and LER issue is a symptom ...the agency is riddled with this crazy talk and regulations.

Nowadays, we play games, we twist around regulations, and we make believe that the regulations, you know, are going to tell us the ultimate truth, if we obey the regulations, it's going to tell us the ultimate truth, and the perfect outcome. If we just follow the rules, there's going to be a perfect outcome.



"Believe me, the next event that shatters the nuclear industry, it will all be related back to the "nothing ever matters" mentality of the Ayn Rand republican philosophy of risk informed regulation. This is the genesis of the VY tritium issue and it political problems in Montpelier and Concord NH."

..."As the general theme, I think priorities, and budget restraints, resource limitations for human needs, or safety, I think they are immoral. I think most are institutional problems from Columbia, and Challenger, PMI, most of our institutional accidents, Deep Water Horizon, you know, you can just go on and on, and all of them revolve around budget priorities, resource limitations, and priorities."

..."So, I just -- you know, we don't know what the future holds for us, as far as budgets, and stock prices, and stuff..."

..."My opinion is, the NRC is not a safety regulator, it's a financial regulator. Everything to do with the NRC, risk perspectives, and a whole bunch of other stuff, you are trying to save pennies for the utilities, is what it comes down to. That's what the end game of this whole thing is. So, that's what I think a lot of the problems of this dam business is."

..."It was a stupid thing anyways, and everybody just, you know, wanting to create these super, super safety illusion type of thing, and you end up, you end up having to, you know, close one eye and deceive in the other eye."

Monday, August 02, 2010 9:48 AM...letter to the PRB.

I got to inform you of the truth. These nuclear industry's gaming of language, words, communications, the engineering codes or rule gaming are a severe intimidation threat to any employee in the industry. Hell, most of this stuff is voluntary anyway. Similarly, risk informed regulation, with how it is played in the industry today, is a dire intimidation threat to any employee. It translates into a "nothing ever matters" mentality, we don't have to confront our problems and fix it, because nothing is ever safety related or has any consequence relations.

Everyone is just waiting around for the big boom and fire, before we recognize we got a industry wide culture problem.

"Believe me, the next event that shatters the nuclear industry, it will all be related back to the "nothing ever matters" mentality of the Ayn Rand republican philosophy of risk informed regulation. This is the genesis of the VY tritium issue and it political problems in Montpelier and Concord NH."

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