Thursday, April 07, 2011

Mulliganism and the NRC OIG investigation on LERs and part 21

I believe the contradictory and incomplete, or too complex for human or public understanding with NRC's rules and is endemic in the NRC. It is a secret deregulation or reduction in federal oversight scheme with their utilities buddies who work in the NRC. It is a mofia like organization that owns the NRC.  I think the agency employees are maliciously sabotaging government oversight. Most of these guys at the top are extraordinarily educated and experienced...and I don't think these things happen as a one off or by mistake. These things are engineered...purposely taken advantaged to protect the agency employees and give secret benefits to the nuclear industry.

Like I said, we need a outside group or somebody with extraordinarily power to come into the immediately create order in this troubled agency.

NRC Office of Inspector General investigation

Audit of NRC's Implementation of 10 CFR Part 21, Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance

"Part 21 component defect reporting issues exist because NRC regulations and guidance for implementing Section 206 are contradictory and unclear. Specifically, NRC regulations and guidance for implementing Section 206 contain stipulations that have been interpreted as not requiring a report under Part 21 if an LER was not required. This interpretation seemingly contradicts Section 206, which requires reporting of component defects that could cause substantial safety hazards. Furthermore, applicable NRC reportability guidance is not utilized by some licensees and NRC staff, and NRC’s Baseline Inspection Program does not include requirements to inspect licensee reporting of Part 21 defects." (you get it, there is inadequate NRC training to the local inspectors and the reactor oversight process doesn't carry it. It is interesting looking at the graph from 1998 to 2009. Other LER reporting are in similar straights )

2.206 transcripts on June 29, 2010 on the Vernon Tie.

(I like my language better because it is more colorful and accurate.)

MR Mulligan: "The new way they do it nowadays is, you have a set of conflicting codes and regulations. You have five or six of them all intertwining and intermingling and very few people can understand, and you have an outcome in mind, and you twist these codes and regulations around until you get the outcome you want.

Nowadays, we play games, we twist around regulations, and we make believe that the regulations, you know, are going to tell us the ultimate truth, if we obey the regulations, it's going to tell us the ultimate truth, and the perfect outcome. If we just follow the rules, there's going to be a perfect outcome."

MR. PICKETT: One more, again, Doug Pickett.

Mr. Mulligan, you were making a number of statements about the codes and regulations are twisted by regulators to get the desired results. Are you aware of any particular regulation or code that is not being met?

MR. MULLIGAN: Well, a code. Well, you see, the problem is I've got a big barrier in front of me, everybody knows that, you know? This is what this is about, is to keep me -- keep a barrier in front of me, and not be able to get the hard questions asked and stuff like that.

You know, I -- you know, one day, you know, I envision a different 2.206 process, where, you know, you are my government, I don't own the government, but I do in a way, but you work for me and stuff, and there's an issue of, you know, I have access to NRC people, we get into a group where there's an assertion like this, and people are on my side, you know.

I don't have these techno barriers, and these legalistic barriers, and these kind of evidence, super-duper evidence barriers and all that sort of stuff that people play games, like, you know, to put a barrier in front of me and stuff like that. I have a thing where a group of people, NRC people, would get together with me before 2.206, we talk about all the different issues, and you would bring up the information, we'd share it freely and stuff like that, and would go into a 2.206 process a lot different way than we do now.

You know, that's how I would make my government work for me. As of now, this process works for the utilities and the NRC. It's designed to be a barrier for me, as far as legalistic stuff, you know, Congress and stuff. So, that's my envision of a government that works for me.

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