Thursday, March 17, 2011

VY Earthquakes And Ratty Switch-Yards

March 17, 2010

William Borchardt

Executive Director for Operations

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Washington, DC 20555-0001

Subject 2.206: Request a emergency shutdown of Vermont Yankee because the Reactor Oversight Program is ineffective and Entergy has a documented history of a culture of falsification and thumbing their noses at reoccurring violations. It should be noted in this inspection period most of the fleet of Entergy’s plants are on fire and burning in the Gulf of Mexico with numerous NRC inspection findings including Palisades, Grand Gulf, River Bend, Arkansas One and Cooper.

Dear Mr. Borchardt,

In the 1942 movie Casablanca:

Rick Blaine: How can you close me up? On what grounds?

Captain Louis Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here.

Jan 18, 2011: my 2.206 Emergency shutdown of Vermont Yankee

“The safety culture of the plant is impaired because of information inaccuracies and wide spread acceptance of falsifications.”

“I request Vermont Yankee to be immediately be shut down and that Entergy be prohibited from owning nuclear power plants... because Entergy doesn’t have the integrity to tell the truth about safety and nuclear power plant issues. Money and profits comes before truth telling and full disclosures.”

Could it happen here (

But Vermont Yankee was designed in the 1960s to withstand an earthquake of slightly above 6.0 on the Richter Scale, he said.

Vermont Yankee was designed to withstand a peak acceleration of 14 percent of gravity before entering into safe shutdown, said Becker.

The power plant also has a tie-in to the Vernon Dam, which automatically sends power to the plant if no other sources of electricity are available.

The outside of the Vermont Yankee Reactor building (especially the inside wall) shell is riddled with through wall large concrete cracks and never met it design bases earthquake requirement because of a construction defect (Chrystal River).

Say, a 6.0 earthquake could occur, a side of the reactor building could collapse inward and maybe pancake addition floors...this would destroy an assortment of vital safety equipment. The outer shell of the reactor building is not qualified for its design seismic event and you secondary containment does not meet technical specifications.

The cracks could widen and then the secondary containment function in the designed accidents would not operate as designed. The idea we could have a below design base seismic event and then Vermont Yankee could suffer significant and surprising damage. You know there is absolutely no wiggle room if we get a earthquake larger than planned.

That would put in pay, the whole design bases earthquake protection in the USA...the earthquake protection program for domestic nuclear power plants are corrupt. Then the public would lose faith in the NRC and the US government.

I request the NRC take immediate pictures of the worst cracks...there are tons of them ...and distribute them to the surrounding community on a emergency bases so the community could be informed of this risky and dangerous condition.

The last ditch emergency source to prevent a Vermont Yankee Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown depends wholly on the Vernon Switch-yard. As seen by the conditions of the yard...I had a prior 2.206 on this that the NRC blew off...this switch-yard couldn't withstand a earthquake or the I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down " of the wolf in the 'Story of the Three Little Pigs'.

The power plant also has a tie-in to the Vernon Dam, which automatically sends power to the plant if no other sources of electricity are available.
These are the pictures I sent you before:

The equipment condition are atrocious as shown by the pictures, we don't have any idea of what the actual condition of the switchyad and conditions of the equipment in the dam.

In other words, the consequences could be a 50 mile evacuation zone and you want us to depend on the condition of this switchyard.

1) Request Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant and all Entergy nuclear power plants be immediately shutdown.

2) Request top Vermont Yankee Management staff be fired and replaced before startup.

3) Request Entergy’s corporate nuclear senior staff be fired and replaced before the restart of the plants.

...4) Request the formation of a local public oversight panel around every plant.

...5) Request a emergency NRC senior official oversight panel with the aims of reforming the ROP.

...6) Request a national NRC oversight panel of outsiders to overseer and report on the agency’s activities. There should be a mixture of professional academic people and capable lay people.

7) There is some heavy duty and exceedingly numerous findings of problems with Entergy plants’ this inspection reporting an analysis of why this is occurring.


Mike Mulligan

Hinsdale, NH

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