Saturday, March 26, 2011

I'm talkin' about this Thousand Year Flood

See, I think the tsunami at a metaphor. I don't think the energy of the wave took the Fukushima Plants was a structure of thinking exclusively for self interest that melted down the cores. There is a required way of thinking needed within the nuclear industry...there are boundaries that you are required to think are out the door if you don't think like the group think. Actually it is going on in all of our corporations and businesses, and each of us are doing it.

Recent examples is the HB Robinson and Wolf Creek, the industry's massive problems with procedures...the wolf in 'The Story of the Three Little Pigs' would huff and puff and the blow grass house down. We are building a houses of straw by not telling the truth and we are building houses of stone by talking about the hard difficult choices and the truth.

It is this cubby hole thinking, the incessant and insane categorization to fit a hidden agenda, usually profit, bonuses and promotions centric...engineers and all professional people do this to a amazing extent... the idea of putting safety into a design bases that make no sense other than I get promoted for thinking like turn a belief or a guess into facts and promotions.

It is trainable and teachable, they get into this mechanical think state, we put this in the category of certainty, we put that into the uncertainty category basically without any science or engineering basis, we record this if it favors our promotion and income, we make believe we didn't see that if crosses our selfish group think, to be one of the favored insiders...we create a picture or reality that is completely inaccurate and falsified based on the incentives the world provides for us. We think the incentives and status are doing the right thing. Our planet is begging for a higher calling in each of us, more than this falsified corporatized reality. It is in each of us more than the businesses and the corporations. It is a lie to buy our adult toys(cars, houses and clothing) system it is.

I don't know what to say about the jungle of survival with the fittest liars, where if we don't think like the group we will never work again and feed our families. I honestly don't know what is better, feeding my children or telling the truth. I know how astronomical the pain is by sticking to my guns, with the outcome in not feeding my wife and children. I know how hard it is and not many people can endure watching the pain and suffering of your love ones. I have watched my family endure me over decades and have observed the lack of material world I created for them. God must know some people can take a lot of shit. They tell me god creates the perfect world of growth for each of us...I keep asking him if he screwed up with me big time over and over again, and that when I make him laugh out the loudest. Some people must be compelled to tell the truth no matter who they hurt. Pathological truth tellers are we, and everyone hates us.

The outcome of all of this, a butterfly's wing flaps, a simple component goes haywire because it was aging or poorly get into a cascade accident where a assortment of other components and systems fails because of this little energy initially. Then people and organizations fail in similar fashion because the whole system was set up to be fragile because of this cubby hole and self interested categorization thinking. I choose to count this or not count that for no other reason because I get a short term incentive...pennies in my pocket or promotions ....then the energy of a flapping butterfly's wing get amplifies up to massive levels. It is the fragility each of us adds to the system with our little distortions and lying, and it does terrible damage to the planet.

A terrible accident keeps getting amplified that crosses many national boarders...and the energy of the first insult builds up to astronomic proportion as it crosses each boarder.

We ought to be thinking about this when we all falsify reality on our little things we all do. It is when we settle for a temporarily pleasing incentive, instead of doing the difficult work of telling the truth and doing the right thing. We need to do what is in the interest of us all. Is the income from our work really pay-to-lie...

That is the issue with the Japanese earthquake, the nuclear plant meltdowns...we are all connected together by our real harsh reality. We can all touch each other a half a world away, and we do touch each other. Its the little insignificant things we do, even in the little things we do, we are all connected together on our planet. I am here to tell you that. When we create this falsified image on a grand scale, we will touch each other in negative and painful ways with the amplification of the energy in a cascade accident.

I mean, that is the real harsh mentality of real life and death...that is the real world...when  we act on the greater good we are really being selfish...cause we are really so interconnected now.

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