Thursday, March 24, 2011

Safety Investigation of USA Nuclear Plants

It is not how it was reported in the media...

....From: Michael Mulligan
Sent: Thu, March 24, 2011 9:52:21 AM
Subject: Fukushima safety task force
Dear sir,

Based on the investigation of safety nationwide on the nuclear fleet...could I talk to somebody about LERs and part 21 reporting requirements? The theme is LERs reporting and part 21 requirements have been eviscerated and are generally not enforced in the last decade...
How do you report issues you wish the new safety task force would look into?
I would suggest the NRC blog...but they have lost any credibility with me in the recent past. Instead a blog for all of the people of the turned it into a extreme pro nuclear blog of exclusive people.
I would have some suggestions and criticisms concerning the task force if NRC officials would like to talk to me.

.....From: "Deavers, Ron"
To: ""
Sent: Thu, March 24, 2011 3:05:24 PM
Subject: REPLY RE: Fukushima safety task force
In regard to the Part 21 issues listed in the recent Inspector General Report, the NRC staff will address each recommendation in the report.
The NRC provides instructions for reporting safety or security concerns at our web page located here:
You are welcome to submit posting to our blog.

....From: Michael Mulligan
To: "Deavers, Ron"
Sent: Thu, March 24, 2011 3:12:31 PM
Subject: Re: REPLY RE: Fukushima safety task force
You are lost in space and you are not at all responsive to the members of the public. You can bet this correspondence will be handled in the presidential commission investigation on the activities of the NRC.

....From: Michael Mulligan []
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 3:42 PM
To: Deavers, Ron
Subject: Re: REPLY RE: Fukushima safety task force
Could I get you to show this correspondence set to your boss and give me some assurance that he seen it?
Could he send me a e-mail?

....From: "Deavers, Ron"
To: Michael Mulligan
Sent: Thu, March 24, 2011 3:52:23 PM
Subject: RE: REPLY RE: Fukushima safety task force
I have forwarded your email as you requested.

....From: OPA Resource
To: ""
Sent: Thu, March 24, 2011 4:58:40 PM
Subject: Response from the NRC
Mr. Mulligan:
I have received copies of the e-mails you sent and received from the NRC today. To provide additional information from what Mr. Deavers has already provided you, please note that the NRC review effort announced yesterday will focus solely on issues directly related to how the March 11 earthquake and tsunami effects on Japanese nuclear power plants could be relevant to U.S. nuclear power plant safety. The timing of the Inspector General’s most recent report related to LERS and Part 21 reporting requirements is completely coincidental and the report is entirely unrelated to the review effort.
I hope this additional information is helpful.
Holly Harrington
Office of Public Affairs

....From: Michael Mulligan
To: OPA Resource
Sent: Thu, March 24, 2011 5:19:08 PM
Subject: Re: Response from the NRC
I get it now. Its going to be a interpretation of what the agency's meaning of Fukushima is, totally NRC centric, not a interpretation of what the nation thinks about reactor safety and what we want out of the NRC.
This is insanity and you guys are in trouble!

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