Thursday, February 17, 2011

Vermont Yankee nearly kills employees yesterday

That is the rumors circulating around...they have employees in that room when the machine is started up and they might be crawling all over the machine.

They had people in that room when the steam pipe burst. It is a very small room and lots of steam!

I just want people to know whemn I was talking about my RCA 2.206 with NRC section chief and the senior project manager...we spent a lot of time talking about personal employee safety issue. i chewed them out. Their theme in safety is always taking about not melting fuel...i told them they were short changing the employees with not bringing up the issues and threats of direct employee safety. Say with the hydrogen issues with the AOG piping...I asked did you call OSHA for an assist with their safety employee experience telling them we got oxygen and hydrogen at these levels going through a pipe and its leaking in the ground, you got any advice for us.

Say for the feedwater never spoke of how the heroic actions of the bottom line employees dealing with such hot water and steam...never mind the amps and volts of the feed pump motor and cables, in excess of 2000 volts...that support our society.

OHSA and the NRC have a agreement that the NRC generally does the function of OSHA at the nuclear plants.

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