Thursday, January 20, 2011

BP's and API's INPO

Institute of Nuclear Power Operation(INPO)
American Petroleum Institute(API)

It is just more anti government discloses how dysfunctional our politics is.

You guys are scientist, where is the evidence that INPO works? Like where is the open peer review process where it is opened to a professional and public criticism process. Personally I don't believe outside of this group the nuclear scientific professionals believe in science...the belief of transparency and the art of professional democratic peer reviewed criticism. It is your scientific duty to act in all of our interest. In the eyes of the wide spread view of the public...they don't trust the science and the snake oil scientist of the nuclear industry.

I could make a case inpo makes the possibility of the industry's continued existence...but doesn't create enough public credibility to build any new plants. We know INPO serves the interest of the CEO's of the industry...but does INPO serve my and the public interest.

I mean, the INPO model is a recipe for stagnation of the oil drilling industry for 50 years.

Like, why did INPO fail in the 2010 HB Robinson year, in all of the INPO's soul searching of Davis Besse? Why did INPO fail in the tritium leakage issues national wide, and especially at Vermont Yankee. VY should have had no problems with relicencing, is it a one off? I give you another one, why is INPO failing on safety relatedness and what we think of risk. The nothing ever matters that what we think of science and our scientist?

Does science inform us that there are certain human behaviors of ours that must be placed under control...or does science say we can get away with anything we can get away with?

I could make the case the nuclear industry screw ups became apparent, it gained anti nuclear traction...this created the possibility of operation advancement of the nuclear industry. Basically the fear the public would not support nuclear activities and their rendition of scientific truths.

Theoretically INPO could work...but they don't understand what gets a change in human behavior and what kind of medicine it takes to act in all of our interest.

1 comment:

  1. I would frame it like this, is the energy industry so big and consequential in the our lives, are we standing right at the edge of the precipice of survival...I am so threatened...we just can't afford to tell the truth about energy anymore. The green energy people are doing this as much as coal, oild natural gas and nuclear, or anyone else.

    This is classic altruism abuse, it is "crimes against altruism", doing good or acting in a way that is in our best interest.

    I mean that is what they did to us in the middle ages with the era of the big religions, when the belief in god was all we had in our short lives and we were clawing for dignity and life...they lied about god and they turned the deity against us. Is energy our god today?

    Philosophically and intellectually, is this the beginning of the second middle ages. Is the fight for survival of energy going to steal our souls from us?
