Saturday, January 29, 2011

2.206 on VY plant stack...not safety related.

2.206 on plant stack...not safety related.

Requested immediate shutdown of Vermont Yankee because the plant stack is not safety related. This questions maintaining the safety quality of the stack and it associated equipment and piping...the protection of the public...thus assurance of safety and dose limits can't be maintained at my town of Hinsdale NH.

If the stack toppled over it would take two years or more before it was discovered.

Request all plants in the USA with similar stacks be shut down because there is no assurance of radiological safety and functionality of the plant stack.

Aren't you dying to get the NRC on the record saying the plant stack is not safety related...the stack is visual icon for the whole area...the NRC is saying through the AOG tritium issues you could chop off the stack at the base and the plant could still operate. It is not safety related...

I wonder what the tech spec requirements are if the stack toppled long could they operate without the stack?

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