Thursday, December 06, 2007

A little more works in progress?

At the top of this house of cards, it is inescapable…it is the object failure of the democrats. Generally they are “no nukes”…this disconnects them from having any effective influence in the nuclear industry. No wonder the nuclear establishment has been backed into the conservative republican corner. No nukes means no influence to effect the levels of safety in these nuclear plants…all you have is the power to shut down a plant and withdrawal income from the communities.

I feel sorry for the nuclear that they don’t have any effective advocator on the democrat’s side. There is just no way to inject the democrat’s ethics of transparency, truthfulness and safety into the nuclear industry under the current system. The nuclear industry is trapped into leaning on the right. We gave them no choice. So I would say the framework of the nuclear industry is just a much a fault of the democrats as the republican’s, because they defaulted into letting the republicans politically manage the industry.

It sure looks to me the nuclear industry has morphed into something bigger than providing electricity to the public. Is it political welfare, or corporate welfare, or voter welfare rewards system? It seems to me it is a white and rich old man’s hobby….rebuilding the 1957 Chevy….are they trying to recapture their youth. I mean the south has been benefited by the renaissance more than any other region. Are they getting rewarded with nuclear candy as the means of voting for the republicans? It certainly will be a huge short term burst of economic activity with 400,000 new jobs and 30 billion dollars a year…what will it turn out long term? If it is a political rewards system…does that ask if it is in the public good, will it be managed for the public good …and will it be built in the public good? If it is a political rewards. Will it be built and maintained under political campaign contribution plastic engineering standards or though public needs and safety standards. You see how slippery this becomes?

I don’t think the infrastructure of the nuclear renaissance is based on democratic principles…its base on a limited regional effort and on one political party. How come there is no new nuclear plant’s proposed on the west coast? Nuclear power started off in the wide open years with the Camelot years of Kennedy and the great society of Lyndon Johnson….it was a broad based accepted by most of society. One should notice the troubles showed up in the Nixon/Ford years…I don’t think you can call the ineffectual Carter years as a true democrat, their inapt handling with overseeing the nuclear industry until 1979 …then we had the near death experience of the nuclear industry in the Reagan years. Don’t forget the Davis Besse had its first near meltdown in 1985, with the accident associated with cost cutting after new plant construction. Of course Davis Besse hole in the head came deep within the Bush years of 2002.

There are enormous differences with the base of political approval and public support between the early nuclear years and the renaissance years of today. It initially came through a broad based democratic administration…it was initiated from the democrats. I think it diverted to some kind cult of belief…almost un-American…in that they think they need to hide behind a shield of un-transparency.

It interesting thinking about the competence of the politician’s with overseeing a nuclear plant or the industry. Does the public of the surrounding communities need to be competent, sophisticated and cosmopolitan…do they need to know how to interact at an early stage with a declining plant? The communities and politician’s are critical with keeping the nuclear industry healthy and strong. The politician’s have the power to observe the goings on of a plant…and they can interview at an early point. In many ways they are more powerful than the federal regulator. If need be, they can drag the public into troubles of a declining plant through a host of governmental tools…and clear out the dysfunction at a incipient level.

Take a look at NRC chairmen Klein’s last 10 speeches…what organization he gave the speeches to. Is he a regulator who represents the full American public…or is he a regulator who represents the extreme pro nuclear segment of our society? How come he is not giving a speech to the opposite of Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness “Teller Lecture, INPO, the Baker Center or the American Nuclear Society. He giving speeches to the nuclear professional seminars and the extreme pronuclear groups…does this population represent our full community? How come he is not giving lectures to the flip side of “Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness’, INPO or the NEI…talking to the choir. Why doesn’t he have the courage to go into the lions’ den of their adversaries …or at least a group who is at neutral? How come he is not talking to the American public about the renaissance… to organizations that more represent the public? Does he need that amount of protection from the public? Fundamentally, he targets the content of his speech for the particular organization. Would the content of his speech change if he spoke to the selectmen or town counsel meetings of say of Hinsdale, Brattleboro or Keene around Vermont Yankee? I have real issues with content of his recent speeches…it verges distortion and lying.
“The Right Way: Steering a Course for the Future of Safe Nuclear Power”
Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Dale E. KleinCenter for Strategic & International StudiesNovember 28, 2007Washington, DC
…“The Right Way: Steering a Course for the Future of Safe Nuclear Power”
The ‘Right Way” speaks to the well known insider euphemism or code word…with saying Nuclear power will only be safe if the extreme conservative right wing republican control the political machinery of our country and the nuclear industry in general. Right, Klein is a President Bush ideologue…is he playing ideological word games like Bush!
….”Now, I would like to be clear up front that while I am happy to talk about nuclear energy—which is a subject I know something about—I am not here to “make the case for nuclear.” As a regulator, I am not an advocate for or against commercial nuclear power. My job is to ensure the safety and security of U.S. nuclear power plants and materials.”
The NRC officials’ say this all the time…but is that truthful? Who he gives speeches for tells us exactly that he is advocating for the nuclear industry. I can’t believe his lack of integrity with saying this statement with “I am not an advocator for”. All of his professional life is about advocating for nuclear power, and the organization he chooses to give recent speeches to indicate this federal regulator is advocating for the renaissance. It interesting thinking about the 1960’s and 1970’s…would we had a more healthy nuclear industry if the NRC said they were getting overwhelmed with construction problems…where they put a stop work order on a percentage of the new construction…until the NRC and utility resources matched the amount of construction work. Would Klein have the independence to put a stop work order on the renaissance? That’s why I worry about his integrity…with his word games of “I am not an advocate for or against commercial nuclear power” because it’s fundamentally not true and everyone knows it is the elite wink, wink game of telling half truths. It’s interesting thinking about where he learned this game from:
Many of Teller's colleagues were irritated that he seemed to enjoy taking full credit for something he had only a part in, and in response, with encouragement from Enrico Fermi, Teller authored an article titled "The Work of Many People," which appeared in Science magazine in February 1955, emphasizing that he was not alone in the weapon's development. He would later write in his memoirs that he had told a "white lie" in the 1955 article in order to "soothe ruffled feelings", and claimed full credit for the invention.
…”You have already heard Marv Fertel from NEI and some of the other speakers’…”
I bet you she is an extreme right wing republican ideologue…with most of the big player in the organization as being male and white. You got to know within the NEI, all the player got to be an extreme republican right wing ideologue organization. So where is the equivalent on the democrat’s side of the NEIS’ Mary Fertel in Klein’s speech?
…”As you may know, that first construction boom ground to halt during the “stagflation” of the late 1970s, when the predicted demand for energy consumption leveled off.”
These regulators never want to talk about what role the utilities, nuclear construction firm and architects played in the fiasco of the 1970’s. Stagflation is but a sick rationalization…did the organization of stagflation build and mange the nuclear industry. This is all about the decision of humans to bring on a quality plant and to manage the construction of nuclear plants on a national scale. People choose to do the right think….thy don’t get conned by stagflation or by the politicians…they choose to do it the right. This stagflation rationalization, you got to figure Klein doesn’t what to anger his audience…is typical with a ideologue’s attempts to distract the dumb public away from the factors that caused our greatest technological failure of the nuclear plant national implementation. You don’t see Klein making a speech about the magnitude of the faults in construction of nuclear plant’s the 1970’s and 1980’s as in:
I don’t see stagflation mentioned in the IN or the Finnish safety report. Should we have a updated report on what went wrong with the industry in the 1960’s, 1970, and 1980’s..with Klein giving a speech on that.
…”In addition, the NRC had only recently been created, and—frankly—was not a very efficient or predictable regulator, in my view. And the only problem people had with “carbon” was that the stuff rubbed off on your fingers when you made “carbon copies” in the typewriter. The prospects for nuclear power did not appear bright. Today, of course, the situation is very different.”
What does the euphemism or code word mean of a “predictable regulator”? A “predictable regulator” is absolutely a right wing ideological tool of hating and then destroying government oversight across many economic sectors other than nuclear power. It about the selfish interest of, I have the power and let me do what I please…and not at all within the interest of our country and public interest. I could make a case that the interest with operating and constructing nuclear power plant’s…thought it was in their interest with throttling influence and resources to the developing nuclear regulators. They through that having a blinded and ineffectually nuclear regulator were in their self interest. The question is…who make the regulators unpredictable, surely not the American public…it had to come from political pressures to neuter the regulators. We should be thinking of that in the future!
…”The NRC needs to be a fair, consistent, and predictable regulator; not a roadblock. But we must also ensure that any nuclear expansion proceeds at a sustainable pace, so that safety and security concerns are adequately addressed at all times. Our standards are objectivity and sound science.”
Basically most of the above are nothing but political code words. What does being ‘fair” mean…does that mean to interpret bulky worded rules according to just some sentence structure? Fair to who, monies interest, or interest to the community and the long term interest of nuclear power? “Consistence and predictable” regulator are republican political code words, such as making the regulator follow the republican regulatory rules of non involvement even if a utility incorrectly constructs a nuclear plant through their negligence…back fit rule. You got to follow the rules of regulatory non involvement…event if they don’t make the utility fix their construction problems.
Edward Teller discussing the problem of Oppenheimer: If it is a question of wisdom and judgment, as demonstrated by actions since 1945, then I would say one would be wiser not to grant clearance.

What does being objective mean for the nuclear industry and NRC? Teller isn’t objective and evidence based here?

“Objectivity” is another codeword… of the Three Wise monkeys “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". Where as example, even if you got your hands over you eyes…the kind of objectivity they speak, you must perceive a problem through your eyes and you must exactly interpret our impossible rules…in order to force a utility to fix an incipient problem that’s going to cost them money. In other words, you never gather the visual objective evidence that is necessity to take action…you have to have accident…because they forced you to cover your eyes, you need to see the visual evidence because of their rules of objective and absolute sterol logic, according to their crazy system of being republican. I am just saying objectivity become a very high hurdle…you need to prove a plant is unsafe instead of being able to prove a safety barrier has a unproven level of uncertainty. They spend tons of money on reducing the margin of safety on a barrier so that a company can make profits…while not spending a equivalent amount of money on testing for uncertainty. Another one is, the industry won’t fund an equivalent oppositional force to the special interest of the NEI or INPO…so the utilities and our political system see’s the full complexity of a nuclear problem…instead of seeing a self serving incomplete side of a problem that favors campaign contributions.

Remarks Prepared for NRC Chairman Dale E. Klein
Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness “Teller Lecture”
November 29, 2007
Augusta, GA
The fast are, that Edward Teller is a right wing pronuclear extremist…he sits way outside the middle of America on nuclear safety. So why isn’t Klein giving a speech in the main office of Green Peace, the UCS or the New England Coalition? How about the radical idea of speaking at a local selectman’s meeting or state governmental function. Where is the balance, Klein speaks of being balance…but his action speaks toward the extreme right wing pronuclear types. Is he a federal regulatory for the extreme right wing pro nuclear types…or is he a federal regulator speaking for all segments of the American public.
…”It is an honor to be here—and follow in the footsteps of such eminent figures as Howard Baker, Pete Domenici, and Edward Teller himself—to deliver the annual Teller lecture before this distinguished audience.”
Has Klein ever spoken in the terms of “followed the footsteps of such eminent figures” with any democrats or other political party members in his term of being a NRC commissioner? We know that Domenici and Teller can be looked at as being a pro republican nuclear extremist…with Baker being somewhat more moderate. Where is he sending signals that his agency is politically balanced? Where is he constantly telling the extreme left wing and right wing that our agency is going to be politically balanced…he talks about it in his speeches, and talk is cheep. Where is he actually demonstrating that his agency is going to be politically balance…that he respects our system of multi political party’s?
…“My focus is the safety and security of nuclear facilities and materials. But in that capacity, I do have interest in seeing that the general public has a fair, informed, and balanced understanding of radiological and nuclear issues. That was also a lifelong concern of Dr. Teller’s.”
You just get the idea that Klein is talking on two levels with his speeches, one to the extreme pro nuclear advocates, and then with mindless platitudes to the American public. You get that idea with his “perception is reality”…if you gives an incomplete and pleasing platitude about a organization or person’s beliefs…the public will just internalize it without the facts. What about Teller’s troubles with Oppenheimer, and his idea of digging a harbor with a hydrogen bomb or withdraw Petroleum of the oil sands of Alberta with another hydrogen bomb. All of this was unsafe and threaten our domestic nuclear industry at its heart. Does Klein think Teller would have made a good NRC commissioner chairman? I get the feeling working under Teller…the little guys wouldn’t be listened to and there would be no fundamental human rights with nuclear plant employees to report nuclear problems.
…”After the Three Mile Island accident there were a lot of popular misconceptions about what had happened, and the degree to which public health and safety were or were not jeopardized. But Teller used to say that the only casualty from Three Mile Island was himself; because he had a heart attack—which he survived—from criss-crossing the country explaining to people what had really happened! So I think Dr. Teller would appreciate that there seems to have been a real shift in public opinion, and a better understanding of these issues.”
Again, this whole paragraph is an extreme Republican code word or phrase. I mean, Klein is giving the extremist the misimpression that TMI is all about a giant popular misconception. Is he saying the public has a better understanding of these issues because TMI is now all about a lot of population misconception about what happened? What about the lessens learned coming from TMI, Davis Besse 1 and 2. How come we have to keep relearning over and over again from the lesson’s of the past. Believe me, they are pertinent today… How come Klein and his boys are reinterpreting history in a shiny new shell of irresponsibility?
How come Teller didn’t use his vast influence to get a more complete vision of what is going on in the nuclear industry and AEC pre TMI? How come he didn’t propose vast changes in the industry before the accident…risk his status and influence…put his face into the media…in order to correct the well known dysfunction in the industry? Why do these guys always come around after the accident…they always tell us the accident was all about our misconceptions and minimize the corrective action of the lessen learned. How come we spend enormous sums on money, much like this guy Teller…with realms of after accident investigation and corrective actions…and nobody has the courage to get their feet wet in the uncertainty of a pre accident organizational accident. Does everyone understand…you throw these big after accident investigation at the public…you talk it up all the dysfunction discovered in the investigation…and this is all designed to divert your attention to the clear signals that the system ignored before the accident happened. I mean you talk about that a flat tire that caused the accident….but nobody ever admits that you knew that you were riding on unstable tires and the accident could clearly be seen in your minds eyes…everyone eyes…but you knowly choose to accept this risk. I mean you talk about discovering the flat tire that cause the car crash…but nobody has the courage to admit what they knew in their minds before the accident.

It’s the Edward Teller effect…you only advocated for nuclear power in the shadow of an after a nuclear catastrophe, when you can make money and gain influence from the pro nuclear extremist with minimizing the known factors that set up the accident. You never consume your status, money and influence, in the uncertainty of the factors before the accident in trying to interrupt a known coming accident that damages the industry’s public credibility. You get into obscene game of absolute evidence, republican conservative objectivity and playing untransparency games with rules…and driving your car by only by looking through the rear view window.

Geenpeace Dr Patric Moore is the equivelent to Edward he doesn't want to get his hands dirty with correcting what's wrong with the nuclear industry.

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