Friday, December 14, 2007

It’s the tip of the’s in the navy itself!

It’s the tip of the’s in the navy itself!

One must remember with the Thresher and Scorpion...the theory is nuclear piping took them out>

Faulty sub welds spur inspection of 4 carriers, 3 more subs

By Andrew Scutro - Staff writerPosted : Friday Dec 14, 2007 13:51:18 EST
NORFOLK, Va. — Shipyard workers are inspecting the welds of seven more Navy ships — including four aircraft carriers — after faulty welds were discovered on new Virginia-class submarines built at Northrop Grumman Newport News, according to a company spokeswoman.
The carriers George H.W. Bush, Carl Vinson, Enterprise and George Washington, along with Los Angeles-class attack submarines Oklahoma City, Newport News and Toledo, are being assessed for faulty welds similar to those discovered on the Virginia-class submarines built in part at Newport News, spokeswoman Jennifer Dellapenta wrote in an e-mail response to questions from Navy Times.
But how many total ships will be evaluated “has not yet been determined,” she wrote.
The carrier Bush is under construction at Newport News, Vinson is undergoing a refueling and overhaul at the shipyard, George Washington is in port, and the Enterprise is scheduled to return to Hampton Roads later this month from its deployment to the Middle East.......

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