Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Navy nuclear Submarines and domestic Nuclear Renaissance

Everyone understands that the recent string of problems with nuclear submarines…ending in the giant falsification of logs issues associated with the nuclear reactor….is beginning to challenge nuclear safety and safe operation of US submarines in general. The submarine in question is the USS Hampton. There is a huge lack of resources with the submarine fleet…and everyone is afraid to speak up and correct this. Many people think a huge submarine accident is just around the corner.

There is a feeling that all the sailors and officers have accommodated falsification to meet impossible operational tempos…and a failure to speak up. This whole thing is threatening the credibility of anyone associated with the nuclear navy…in that they fear speaking up about the general conditions in the fleet and fear speaking up about nuclear safety issues. Just to be clear, there is such a state of intimidation in the whole submarine fleet….that all the forward and back aft sailors are afraid to speak up about grave national security degradation with unreliable and stressed out submarines…on the people side and machine side. There are indications that our submarine forward and aft, the weapons loads themselves…are technically obsolete and 30 years behind the times.

The Navy’s nuclear power program and our domestic nuclear industry are inextricably connected. Everyone associated with the Navy nuclear power program appears to be tainted with corruption and taught about not speaking up until degradations and accidents occurs. The operative is; national security dictates that you keep your mouth shut until we run our submarines into failure and accidents. It seems we have a huge group of submarines in an unknown state of reliability and this degrades national security.

Think about the implication with this with our domestic nuclear renaissance…current issues in the domestic fleet…if all the naval folks are too tainted with corruption to be involved in domestic nuclear power?

There are issues that all the nuclear sailors are poorly trained, there has been a drastic decline in the quality of nuclear sailors and officers, the submarine service is have terrible troubles with getting and maintaining nuclear operators….in other words, they are pushing nuclear operators quicker though the training in order to make up for the losses in the fleet.

What happens to the domestic renaissance if there is a nuclear accident out to sea or another submarine sinking… a nuclear fire or accident that takes out an aircraft carrier?

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