Sunday, November 18, 2007

Defending an attack on my integrity by Stephen Johnson

----- Original Message ----From: Michael Mulligan To: USS_Scorpion_SSN-589@yahoogroups.comSent: Friday, November 9, 2007 1:18:13 PMSubject: [USS_Scorpion_SSN-589] Re: Credibility, facts and evidence....and gulags

Three big police officers tackled him out of his wheel chair and flung his foot through a plate glass window. I had been feeding this guy by hand and watching him crawl out of his wheelchair to go to the bathroom. You have no idea with the problems with steps and the mechanics of pissing with a guy like this. I requested a meeting with a police chief. He didn’t have his job long after that. I asked them why had his policemen tackle him out of the wheel chair. They told me they thought he had a pistil or revolver…they only did it for the protection of the police.

He and they were afraid of Tom with a fork…they though he would poke his eye out with a fork…he had such troubles controlling his muscles. Tom couldn’t hold a revolver. I got so mad at the police chief. I remember him and his lieutenant standing up in the meeting when I became so upset with this, telling me to calm down right now, you are frightening us….or you will be cuffed and arrested right here in the police chief’s office.

But for the grace of god…that could have been my son! At the time I was having some difficulties accepting the cards that had been dealt to me. I watched my son’s bent legs and horrendous running gait at school….and I remember my son asking me why couldn’t run like the rest of the kids. I remember the stares he got from people. I was so mad a god....then Tom came into my life. But for the grace of god!



----- Original Message ----From: Michael Mulligan>To: USS_Scorpion_ SSN-589@yahoogro ups.comSent: Friday, November 9, 2007 12:48:28 PMSubject: Credibility, facts and evidence.... and gulags
This e-mail wouldn’t have happened if I haven’t hit a huge nerve.

What do we think of his two degrees…one in history and the other one in music…Tom. Because his muscle tone was different than all of the rest of us including his stomach….medication responded differently than the rest of us. He and his mother hated medications because of this.

The community couldn’t afford his proper care….so they found a way to arrest him. They put him in a antiquated county jail….and the warden called up the judge telling him it was a gross human rights violation. The faculty just wasn’t designed for a guy like him. When I went in there visiting him I discovered a lot of the inmates have a mental illness. I couldn't believe this was America!

Don’t get me talking “ Crotched Mountain ” rehabilitation facility run by one of the most politically connected republican families in the USA .

Stephen Johnson:

“Here's a passage that appears to be a question to you regarding your devolving into some odd discussion about care for people with cerebral palsy. (I suggest the man in question may have suffered from Tardive Dyskinesia due to long-term use of anti-psychotic medications and probably did not have Cerebral Palsey):”

I suppose my son…you know my adopted Korean son has cerebral palsy (CP) was disclosed way after the adoption process. We discovered it a few months after he arrived in our house. So you are telling me he’s is psychotic. What kind of investigation journalist are you? I get it now you think all CP people are psychotic. Next you will tell me all mental illness is their fault. He was so sick, under weight and undeveloped at four months old. He is a perfectly normal young man today. We had to clip some of his tendons.

That is the gulags! We’d seen the mentality of the gulags in our culture before they even showed up through our war on terrorism, 9/11 and Iraq . It’s been simmering is our society in our care of those with a mental illness, in our institutions, community care, police and the jails…way before 9/11.

To this day I still get a parade of Vermont Employees telling me their problems in the plant and w/i their corporations… they know I will get it in the newspapers and we will force the NRC to correct that.

I considered the future up ahead of us in 2001…I though we could no longer be mindlessly anti nuclear…and thus I disconnected myself from the NECNP. I forced them to work on VY when I was there.

Honour cultures are all around us!


mike mulligan

1 comment:

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