Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Vermont Yankee and TLD's

I wonder if that is really a true statement -that TLD's are the best available technology -with plus or minus 25% accuracy- or is it something they just settled with? Is individual rad exposure reported 25% higher than what the instrument reading is indicating -to take in consideration the inherent inaccuracies? Wouldn’t that be conservative?

Are the collective dose of the industry really 25% higher than reported?

So they are telegraphing to all the employees –that the boundaries of conservatism and safety consist of unexplained fudge factures that is designed for profit maximization? So, are all safety boundaries illusory and depends on fudge factors –is that what’s at the bottom of all the unrest with industry employees.

Does the nuclear industry have such a poor opinion of itself -that they settle for obsolescent inaccurate technology in the fundamental aspects of individual safety -personal safety. What obsolescent un-technological instrumentation will they depend on with preventing and controlling accident doses to the public?

It quite funny with the industry trying to get increasing accuracy with safety instrumentation to allow increasing profits with power uprates –but to hell with them with knocking down inaccuracies of personal safety measuring devices, Is the system designed to mass produce dose readings at the expense of accuracy.

Right, if it is instrumentation where increasing the accuracy will lead to increasing profits and power –you bear no expense to innovative technological upgrades –but if the innovative technological upgrade leads to a reduction of the safety margin –you kill it in the vine by defunding the innovation. So if you risk increasing industry burdens by increasing accuracies through personal radiation exposure – well, they is no corporate self interest (profits) in this. TLD’s are model “T” steam shovel technology –and I do believe there was no wide spread internet and computer exposure to the public yet when it was initially rolled out –be it absolutely slow computers that only the elites could afford. We need to know the history of TLD’s.

As I’ve said in the past –“when” there is a accident with fuel damage and some public release -even minor- there would be a historic scandal uncovered in the accident with accepting known wide-spread corruption in the industry. This is the repeated pattern of the industry –and there are many unseen example outside exposure reporting.

Can you imagine a fuel failure accident at VY exposing the current mess with fence dose –with everyone talking about 25% dose accuracy at the fence and obsolescent technology – and with falsification leading to the death of Yucca Mountain?

It’s a show stopper for the new nukes.

The corruption is a huge national security issue if oil goes up to $100 to $200 a barrel. In that, if we get into mega energy crisis, the leaders of the nuclear industry and NRC are creating the seeds of mis-doubt of nuclear power –thus slowing the acceptance of nuclear power in times of an extreme unprecedented national crisis. It’s in our highest national security interest that the NRC gets reorganized and that the mob/gang political actions of the utilities be broken up!

Why not look at energy industry corruption and political interest –as internal terrorism leading to extreme public consequences?

There is no doubt that the stack releases have similar fudge factors. I do believe they use the energy level of the particle as a filter method with disclosing the true dose.

mike mulligan
Hinsdale, NH


  1. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Mike, anybody who ever trusts somebody else
    to keep them safe,
    is delinquent per se, a priori, de facto, prima facia.

    Never trust anyone (or any thing),
    look out for numero uno,
    and you'll be immeasurably better off.

    Along those lines NRC has layed down ALARA,


    And you wouldn't believe how many
    grungy, rad-soaked jobs
    I have avoided COMPLETELY
    by understanding that NRC meant it,
    and all the red-hot pumped-up supervisor coaching to the contrary
    is total bullshit.

    Of course, it takes a little finesse
    to not be cast as a "rebel" or whatever,

    But complete knowlege of your 10CFR20 rights helps a lot,
    and TLD or no TLD,
    NOBODY is gonna irradiate
    my white ass, brother!

  2. Did somebody else get those rad jobs that you turned down?

    Say fuel pin leakage -you don't care about what's causing the excessive dose
