Sunday, March 20, 2005

Institutionalized IED's at Vermont Yankee

So if the VY rad dose was outage related (result of a component change) – say ending May 4 2004 …then the state fence dose should be (4months/12) 25% higher, thus and additional 6.23 mrem ending in 31.1mrem for a full effective year. We do remember post 2004 outage; there was NRC talk about all of the contamination incidences coming out of the outage. Sure sounds like bad fuel –but it could be because of the scope of the outage.

I talked about my theory in the past –about being in the construction phase of the first set of new nuclear power plants with a catastrophe at the first generation (old) leading to the political destruction of the new plants.

Of course, we could be talking about a rather minor fuel melt, which would be bad enough. But in the mind's eyes of the public, the accident would uncover massive collusion and corruption within the NRC and the nuclear industry. Much like in TMI, it was the uncovering of the massive institutional latent failures that leveraged the magnitude of the accident in the public's eyes and media –with the regulatory and utilities being extraordinarily foolish, arrogant and blind in not perceiving that they were shooting themselves in the foot prior to the TMI accident.

So, the planetary catastrophic scenario would go like this –I do mean the public relation fallout would impact the nuclear industry outside the USA. VY would have a partial fuel melt, which lead to a rather small dose being released across the fence boundary. There might have been some fumbling in the control room –with the avalanche starting from a component that should have been fixed. It would be nice if there was some fumbling in the off site declaration –with much public panicking –and troubles getting the buses to the schools. You understand the power uprate, relicencing and all the rest of the historical regulatory problems at the plant would feed into the public and media frenzy.

During the unprecedented scrutiny, including international condemnation, it came out, as in the current issues of VY that the fence reading of the state and VY were indicating grossly different doses–with VY reading being underreported for emergency planning purposes. So in this unprecedented media storm, all the rest of the plants radiation reporting and detection processes would come under close scrutiny. If it came to be that more plants than VY have intentionally created this illusionary reporting of public doses –then our national and international political consequences would be astronomical.

It is my understand that many good-hearted people have spent a lifetime in preparing for the next nuclear generation –we'd just wasted their efforts. I might add, in our coming energy shortages and global warming –the inability to use nuclear power may raise havoc with our economy, and I consider this a severe national security issue.

We think this model of latent institutional breakdowns is systemic throughout the industry, as in the Vermont Yankee fence dose controversy –it has been a policy of our politician's and NRC to accept widespread nuclear power plant corruption in the name of many flawed safety philosophies of the industry. So a moderate accident at any time in these nuclear power plants have the potential to set off a public, bureaucratic and political avalanche with uncovering accepted corruption as these plants –with the snowball that started it being insignificant to the unimagined damaged cause by the avalanche. Didn't we see that in Davis Besse –were the massive cultural failure of the industry and the utility led to the stupid hole in the head.

We think in the current system there had been planted many institutional political and regulatory IEDS laying under/near the roadsides; with a moderate trigger accident necessary to create a national public firestorm with uncovering widespread normalized corruption.

It seems to us almost like self-sabotage for the next nuclear generation –and for all of us in the up coming energy crisis.

…a lot of leakers would prematurely fill up the fuel pool leading to a shutdown before 2007?

mike mulligan

Hinsdale, NH

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