Sunday, March 20, 2005

The Enronization of Terri Schiavo's life

“Senate majority leader Bill Frist, Republican of Tennessee, stepped into a nearly empty chamber at 6:15 last night and said Congress ''has been working nonstop over the last three days to do its part to uphold human dignity and affirm a culture of life."”

"Republicans defined their extraordinary efforts in the context of the sanctity of life: "A society is judged by the way that it treats its most vulnerable citizens," said Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind.
"No person in America should be deprived of the right to life without due process of law and Terri Schiavo is no different," Pence said."

So you see where this has gone with the religionist conservatives –the hypocrisy of this is startling. I could make the case its cheep conservative political PR –the political religionist conservative don’t care one wit about the lives of the disabled. The just want a cheap PR message up and running, saying they are for human dignity for the least of us. But, how can they tolerate the current condition of the mentally disabled on a national level, one that even questions a national character with charging America with Crimes Against Humanity.

You get that, they want a public image that they care for the dignity of the least of us –while the undercurrents of the results of their politics leads to the suffering and deaths of 10,000’s of the disabled.

What about the democrats –they are so wrapped up in the politics of the human service establishment getting votes from these liberals, who end up hiding more public information on the current state of the system –they become a non-participant in this controversy because they have observed the horrors of the system –because they themselves had to withhold the truth of the system from the public if they wanted to get their friends elected.

What a national disgrace both these political parties have become!!!!!!!!.

mike mulligan

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