Saturday, February 05, 2005

Region assessing latest HUD cuts -Keene NH

New…new… new 2/8

I’ve updated the 2/6 entry –what I added is very important -you should read it again.

New 2/6

So here I sit in Maine. I was glad to leave my house today -I love driving- it is a distraction about the worries with my community.

I get in my tractor trailer truck -I think I haven't eaten yet today. I stop in the Boston Market right off the I 93 interstate in Concord NH. I didn't get far at all -maybe 1.5 hours down the road. It's about 3PM. I can see the capital buiding's from the highway.

I walk in the restaurant. I notice right off the bat that there are two people in a corner table -one in a wheel chair. I notice the person in the wheelchair is rather small, about 100 pounds, but she seems rather old with grey hair. She's about in her 50"s -her attendant is about 25 years old. I can tell right off the bat that she has cerebral palsy palsy(CP) by looking at her face and the positions of her hands. I walk past them as I got to go the bathroom.

I notice the woman in the wheelchair quickly turn towards me, she looks me right in the eyes with a big bright smile. I smile back at her. I've got a lot of experience with making a snap judgment on how bright a disabled person is. You know this is off the cuff judgment -isn't not always right. I think she is kind bright if you know what I mean. I leave the bathroom -and her head and her bright eyes are still following me.

I taken many of the disabled into Boston Chicken throughout the area. I have taken a few adults who were extremely low functioning into Boston Markets. Would I have funny stories to tell.

So I get my dinner -I sit a few tables on the side of them. I recognize them as a personal care attendant and a disabled. You see, I know how amazingly special it can be out in the public on a Sunday afternoon eating in a public establishment with the disabled.

I start picking up a one way conversation -"did you have enough to eat". Then I hear -"you didn't get enough to eat -I can't believe somebody as small as you could want more?' You always eat more that your size. There is no effort to get any more food or desert. I pick up a strange tone of talk with the attendant.

A few minute laters I hear a series of question from the attendant, who is this, what is that. I look up at their table, it has lots of papers and pictures on the table. I think isn't that nice talking about pictures -but the tone of her questions are bothering me. I am beginning to see that the attendant is frustrated about something. I hear no talk from the woman in the wheelchair -I don't think she is able to speak -may be signing of some sorts. I get the feeling the attendant is overbearing.

I see the CP woman beginning to move her hands down to the chair wheels. I see she is trying to unlock the brakes. She is having some difficulty getting to it -but she unlocks the wheels. I watch her push away from the table -she gets about a few feet away. I think the CP women is done -she wants to go out or home. I hear the attendant say quite condenscending, loundly, you can't just run around in a restraurant, you know that. She just grabs the wheelchair and pushes it back to the table.

I notice this young attendant woman has a short height -and she is huge weight wise. She is dress nice in slacks. I get the vibs she is pushy and extremely self centered. I think with her huge weight -she has distrupted relationships. She is most likely a single woman who doesn't have very many relationships -her whole world is about taking care of the disabled. I know for a fact she doesn't have much interpersonal skills -she is immature and dysfuctional herself -she is not at all empathetic and perceptive -she is just a cheap caretaker who probaly doesn't have much of a vision in herself. She is in a dead end job and that is the best that she is going to be able to do.

Can you imagine living with a disability with all these banal slights- all of these dysfuctional and inmature caregivers -who have a innate need to treat the disabled as a juvenile -to elevate a dysfuctional attendant's life into something it is not. I seen this all the time folks.

The employees don't get a lot of money -there is no benefits -they don't have any status in society -their employer treats them with disrespect and as slave. There is an extremely high percentage of the population of the caregivers who are dysfuctional -they are cheap to hire, easy to mold as emplyees -and the inmature employees have a innate need to control another person life -it makes them feel big. The turnover of employees should be a clear signal to us. You understand -the first line managers are a breed of dysfuction apart too.

Why don't I see a nuclear engineer or rocket scientist working as a care attendant and the resultant professionalism?

I haven’t fully developed this yet –but here is an early perception. I’ve always wondered about this –is it because of the poor economics we end up this high proportion of the dysfunctional population in the care of the disabled, or is something more intelligent going on.

I am reminded of the industrial meat slaughter houses when they hire the powerless illegal emigrants, where the UN says this sets up the working conditions of immoral secrecy and inhumanity, and where there is an enormous power mismatch between the employer and employee, because to the legal status of the emigrant.

In the absence of governmental oversight –are the human service contractors intentionally hiring the dysfunctional in our population such that the contractors and even the government itself ends up with a similar power mismatch – where the mangers of the care of the disabled knowingly do this to maintain a immoral employee and disabled culture. So for the contractor and governmental overseers, indeed the governmental managers of state facility; do they know that the dysfunctional are easily manipulated; does the intellectually dysfunctional have a hard time using the governmental instruments of employee and disabled protection.

I am telling you for a fact they have to hire a morally dysfunctional manager –one who knows that our government isn’t providing adequate money and training for the care of the disabled. These first contact managers knows that in many ways they are operating in an illegal manner –not meeting all the rules. They know the state overseers can come around to selectively, persecute a particular business and any employee in the care of the disabled in the singular defense of an official’s and politicians self interest. I am telling for the fact that for no other reasons than to protect an official's career’interest –when all the bureaucrats and politicians know the system is overstuffed with legal, policy and rules violation on a day to day basics.

I mean these people (employees) don’t need to see in right and wrong filtered through the bureaucratic processes of policy and rules violation… but they can’t see it even in that. They, and we, should see it in the atrocious behavior maladjustments… could see it in preventable illnesses, sickness, excess hospitalization, pain of the disabled and excess doctor’s fees …could see it in the preventable deaths of many thousands and in the wastage of tax payer’s monies on a grand scale.

You see what I am getting at, in defense of this stinking rotten putrid system, it is at the interest of the immoral system to hire dysfunctional employees – it is at the interest of the system when known rule violation becomes seen to the outsiders –you get the compliant dysfunctional employees who you can charge with a rule violation– he is making that violation because of a lack of education, status and resources -these scape goats protects the whole rotten system.

Few people have ever experience this –I try to explain it best I can. So you might be taking care of a low functioning Downs syndrome 15 year old child –I could make the case that the majority of low functioning behaviors is created by the system –don’t think these might be soft behaviors –but like hitting and frustrations with a lack of communication skills. So in this selfless mindset you are taking care of our most vulnerable population; our whole society might have abandoned them; and you might have in your background being employed in a highly dysfunctional and abusive children’s institution -even god and the state has abandoned them.

In my-your head, I’ve never experience such a enormously overpowering emotion; you might be changing the diaper of an adult; you might be helping a 15 year old child showering :you are doing one of the most selfless acts that a human being can do on the face of this planet and you know it. I‘ve never felt such emotional exuberance and inebriation in my life. It is not hopeless inebriation –you need the resources, skills and education to tame these raw emotions.

Can you see the embers of a human abuse violation of a magnitude that is unimaginable? Can you see ABU GHRAIB? Can’t you see how you could do it yourself! We are not all that far, each one of us, from those ovens…

So you become embedded into these dysfunctional bureaucracies with very little structures like rules and adequate resources. Chaos ensues, order must be maintained, the outsiders know this… So secrete special rules are created outside the system that are justified… rationalized … normalized… then there becomes special rules that you create for yourselves … You create order… stability…the outsiders recognize… they then back out of it… they distant themselves from it … they create plausible deniability…everyone knows all the way up that we don’t have enough resources, people, training… I got my family and career as my primary concern … mistakes are made… covered up…accepted as normal…the system is so dysfunctional I got to do this to survive…Everyone else is doing it –who am I to stop it… So we create a systems of mindless rules… violations leak out…more rules…more scape goats…more isolation of the managers …depression …indifference …hopelessness…a continuous stream of new employees…training and skills decline…not enough resources…not meeting the requirements…more cover-ups…more cover-ups…more cover-ups… All in the name of survival and in the interest of my family… A darkening cloud descends on you…you end up picking up isolated rules in defense of your immorality, in defense of your company…in defense of your oversight responsibilities… in defense of your political management responsibilities…all in the name of your family…your career … the public wants it… so does the nation and endeed the world...

….most of all in defense of that wonderful spiritual feeling of selflessly taking care for the disabled….

Then you have another type of employee…many times these are empty nested housewife’s… Those who have devoted their whole lives into selfless giving to their family ... who created magnificent children and communities… and who have served their husbands without question. These women have nothing to do –they have an empty house with nothing to do…never worked outside the house …I am now a useless person with nothing to do… So you get a job as keeper of the disabled…you are giving again… you are magnificently giving again… you are needed…everyone depends on you…….I am somebody again…. You see then nothing alse manners; you don’t care about how much money and benefits you make, your husbane has taken care of you, you don’t care to care about the structure of the system behind your company… the overseers… If see something that is wrong you fix it… you become indespencible… Your company uses you as a role moddle –endeed they show you off to the public and the governmetnal overseers.

Then it becomes why aren’t all the employees like you…why are the rest of our employees so money grubbing and selfish…so demanding of dignity… why aren’t they selflessly satisfied with giving to the helpless and vulerable…

….So then we got to make all our employees like you… and undermine everthing that is good about human dignity in the name of selfless alturism…

I’ve been picking on the female dysfuction a lot in the last few days, The majority of caregivers are female. The male game goes like I am a failure to even be working in this industry –so I don’t care about anything….

"Evil is never "radical," is only extreme, and... it possesses neither depth nor any demonic dimension... It is "thought- defying"...because thought tries to reach some depth, to go to the roots, and the moment it concerns itself with evil, it is frustrated because there is nothing. That is its "banality."Hannah Arendt, 1964"

New 2/6---

Right, we are feeding into our culture of ego expansion -into our media training of turning our world towards -holding our world hostage singlely to our indivegual self interested needs. The end point is the CEO of Enron: where the moral philosophy of my enormous needs of self appreciation ends up being the driver of benefiting the world; effectively give me a billion dollars, this would make the world better.

New 2/6---

You understand what is at the root of this is? It is the horrendous primal fear in all of us with: what if it was me. That is why we don’t want to look at it –indeed we can’t look at it.

You can’t sell a consumer product with that! You see how our consumer culture fits into this?

Oh man I got colors here!

New 2/6 ---

Wait a minute –I am putting the newspapers in a juvenile role – that they are just blindlessly banging around the issues without purpose. If I put them in a more significant mature role –it means they are highly attuned to the needs of their community and the advertisers. I mean they know what product the public and advertisers want -to maximize the circulation of the paper. So if I was an editor –I’d want to game the stories such that it would enhance the circulation and not disturb their long term relationships with my friends and community leaders –thus that enhances the economic value of my business.

Yep, it’s always more about the seemingly rational system relationships and economics. It’s never nothing personal. It’s what I found in all of the huge scandals I’ve been involved in.

It’s always about the good people –and very little about the crooks. One wonders what role the non profits and state agencies play in shaping the stories of the vulnerable in the newspapers. You see what I am getting at, it’s always ends up with enhancing the public imagine of the businesses, governmental agencies and non profits…the liberals –because image primarily drives careers and funding…..profits….it’s never about telling the truth and protecting the lives of those who are least able to take care of themselves.

Are we involved in creating a phony and falsified image for the whole state of Hew Hampshire in defense of our incomes and self interest?

You catch what I am getting at here –it’s a pervasive immoral system in which the good people are involved -in they are making invisible a segment of our society. The happy good people, the ones who shape and speak for the system, the one who speak for the vulnerable, the one who in the name of the vulnerable only speak for their own self interest and the interest of the self interested dysfunctional system that they are entrained in.

So the media and newspapers are dysfunctionally responding to the public wants of making invisible a segment of the population –it a pervasive immoral system that we are all involved in. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

I have no faith that this community will be able to drag themselves out of the hole they dug for themselves. The community is under enormous economic pressures, which are at the bottom of this. They think they can only feed three of their four children –better it be not one of their own children –but a nameless powerless huttled child in the corner.

It truly is “Crimes Against Humanity” here –and the whole community is involved in this immoral and unconscionable act…..

I hope the United Nations gets involved …indeed I pray for that…because we can’t handle it ourselves…


This is the symptom of a pervasive regional disease. What the reporter tried asking -was how are the vulnerable doing with housing –what the bureaucrats interpreted it as - was how competent are we in doing our job and how competent is our organization at housing the specific population of the vulnerable -notice we aren’t talking about housing the "whole" vulnerable population. Of course they are going to say in their words; we are doing a great job and the all the vulnerable are humanly taken care of –we deserve to keep our jobs.

They are not talking truthful and fully. You’ll notice there is no talk about after their 5 years in public housing and all that help –how effective is that program. Come on folks they are mindless putting the vulnerable through a procedure or program – they think the program rules are the ethical and moral end point.

What you got in Keene with the human service agencies is an extremely inclusive and inbred culture –these employees are extremely fearful of cutbacks –and all the employees perceived the area as having very little other employment opportunities.

My understanding is the managers of the programs have extraordinary powers –fire at will in NH –they got the power to blackball the employees in all the human service jobs throughout the area –they intimidated the employees with that. We got a pervasive abuse of power issue coming form Concord and the politicians –going through the local bureaucrats.

So what you got is a highly dysfunctional, extraordinary abuse of power issue here –and all the employees refuse to tell you what is really going on –or worst yet, as an employment survival tactic, they had to isolate themselves from the realities –thus they can’t perceive accurately anymore. They are all playing they game of framing the story to meet some external needs.

I still can’t figure out what the needs of the newspaper is –my understanding they go though reporters quicker than diarrhea –maybe they just don’t have the skills and the relationship experience –but I have the fear that they don’t want to dig in and find the “not happy” stories, in there search for revenues from the advertisers.

Collectively they have made this population invisible…. And that is always a percurser to "Crimes Against Humanity" –that means the whole community and nobody is innicence…

Saturday, February 05, 2005Region assessing latest HUD cuts

The latest round of punctures in the federal Section 8 housing program have left housing authorities all around the country plugging holes, but New Hampshire appears to have emerged relatively unscathed.

Section 8 is the name of the program that provides housing-choice vouchers to low-income families and elderly people, who then lease safe, decent and affordable rental housing.

The vouchers are administered locally by public housing agencies, which receive money from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to run the program.

Though the department’s budget for vouchers increased in 2005, the National Low Income Housing Coalition, a nonprofit advocacy group, says the increase doesn’t keep up with the rising cost of rental housing.

Last week, David A. Vargas, director of HUD’s voucher program, sent a letter to housing authorities, saying Congress set aside $13.4 billion for the program when it needs $13.9 billion to run.

That’s a 4 percent chop that may not sound like much, said P. Curtis Hiebertn, director of the Keene Housing Authority, but it means tens of thousands of people won’t get vouchers this year.

The cuts didn’t surprise Keith F. Thibault, director of housing and economic development for Southwestern Community Services.

“We’re seeing it all over the place,” Thibault said. “They’re particularly exacerbated in the Northeast because housing costs are so high.”

While the 4 percent squeeze has sent housing authorities scrambling in New York City and Boston, it appears New Hampshire will do better.

“We came out pretty even,” said Jane Law, communications administrator for the N.H. Housing Finance Authority, which covers towns that have no housing authorities. “We’re still sort of analyzing what it means for us as we break it down, area by area. But we should be able to keep things as fairly status quo.”

That’s because the federal housing department applies an inflation formula that affects each state differently, Law said. On average, New Hampshire experiences a 5 percent inflation rate, which translates roughly into breaking even, Law said.

But she said if the finance authority does end up losing federal money, vouchers simply won’t be issued to new families this year.

Like New Hampshire, the Keene Housing Authority avoided the federal pinch because it’s conducting a special pilot program called Moving to Work.

Rather than providing 70 percent of rental payments year after year to low-income tenants, the way most housing authorities do, Keene’s operates on a graduated system.

Each year for about five years, the authority’s contribution to rental payments decreases until the voucher-holder is prepared to move on. All the while, Hiebert said, the authority helps families straighten out credit reports and develop work and school skills.

Hiebert said the program saves taxpayers money and also helps 40 more families than the authority could under the traditional Section 8 system.

The Keene Housing Authority now has 440 vouchers out.

Hiebert attended a conference in Miami last week to talk about how the pilot program works.

He said the hope is that the federal department will be able to start the graduated system everywhere, because it’s more flexible, less complicated and less expensive than the programs of the past.


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