Sunday, February 27, 2005

Our area, the Forth Estate and Corruption –that deforms the life of our children.

Well, the UN says that poverty and corruption are inextricably linked. We know that in my corner of the state of NH -we are poor, economically disadvantaged and educationally deprived. I could make the case that our schools are inadequate because of our poor economic growth. I believe there are massive amounts of political corruption going on throughout our area. I believe the corruption facilitates the self-interest of a very few. I believe that businesses do not want to move to our area because of this corruption and the poor education of our children –where the insiders control all the rules and property. So, the very few control for their self interest, finds that it’s to their benefit to maintain the politics and government in a primitive form –to leash the creatively of the people for their own interest. Even the financing of development is based on the self-interest of the few.

What we know for a fact is that in our area is poverty and corruption deforms the lives of the many-through many generations -the local newspapers and media plays a huge role in maintaining the privilege of the few. When you have a forth estate who has become weak and shallow –who doesn’t drive its population toward non corruption and improvement –then special interest deforms the potential of a whole regions. The primary driver of corruption ends up being the weakness of the forth estate.

What this area needs is new competitors against the current set of media player in our area. We should figure out a way to fold in the new way of information dispersal, blogging and the typical forms of information media –newspapers and local cable channel. These new sources of the forth estate should drive a brand new set of political leaders into office.

Did you see the National Governors Association meeting on the national crisis of in high schools –this is the first time that I have admired CEO Gates of Microsoft.

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