Thursday, February 03, 2005

Indian Point and Westchester Diner

Wow. I was eating at the Westchester Diner sitting right outside Indian Point yesterday. It quite amazing walking in the dinner with the choice of the daily specials sitting on the table in the entrance –where you get to see the real meal before you even sit down. I had the fried fish dinner.

I’d talked to many local people –with both positives and negative of the plant. The public certainly knows the plant is there.

My most memorable person I talked to was a black woman working at the local supermaket. I wonder how she was doing in this high income area. I asked her what does she think of the plant. She said she doesn’t know. She talked about all the other threats about the country, chemical plants and discharges –what is one more. She told me she is hanging on by her fingernails like all of the rest of us around here.

What I got from her she was facing a mountain of threats against her lifestyle -she was fatalistic with all the problems around her. Isn’t that amazing.

...By the way I visited Stony Point, Mount Ivy, Briarcliff Manner and Chappaqua. What I noticed was all the high voltage power lines and all the multi million dollar houses on the mountains–and those telephone poles loaded with thick heavy cables. Wonder how many car accidents there are between telephone poles? I like those huge cables that needs a wire web around the cable and attaches to the straining telephone poles. What I am getting at, is can you imagine the results of a major hurricane –it will be economic damage unlike we’ve ever had –we’ve become so venerable.

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