Sunday, February 20, 2005

The god gene and neurotransmitters -how beautiful are you?

The god gene and neurotransmitters –how beautiful are you

“The fundamental physical and functional unit of heredity, responsible for specific traits such as eye color. A gene is an ordered sequence of nucleotides located in a particular position on a particular chromosome that encodes a specific functional product (i.e., a protein or RNA molecule). A gene is written in a code of four letters: A, C, T and G, representing four chemicals, and depending on the gene, these letters are repeated a certain number of times. The smallest human gene contains 252 repetitions of these letters, while the longest one repeat them more than a million times. There are approximately 30,000 genes in the human genome. (See also Gene Sequencing)Source : Human Genome Project Information; PhRMA Genomics”

So when I am in utter awe with looking up at the Nevada stars in the desert; when I can’t feel the difference between what I am looking at and my individuality –so I am dealing with the mechanical interaction from a sequence of chemicals that engineered the physical makeup of my body through my chromosomes. So it is the level of my electric impulses in my brain, it’s interaction with the chemical and hard matter of my brain –is that creating the awe, loving and pleasant feeling in my head. So when I think of the quantum side of it –could there be an outside the universe force that I can invite in –such that it interacts with the little machines in my cells and brain.

I think its like going down the road at 30 MPH –seeing the speedometer reading 30 MPH. I mean, you can point to that speedometer knowing you are going 30 mph, but has it been accurately calibrated. Then we know that the car velocity is a factor of the spin of the earth, how fast we go around the sun, how fast the sun moves in the Milky Way, and what the milk way does in the universe.

So I think it’s the closest thing to the universe with having sex with us –is when we, through our own means, discover the more accurate lens in which we see ourselves in this matrix - when we see more accurately the mystery of the makeup of the universe -we we know that we have understood something in a new and differance way.

So I would like to get together more than a few highly educated experts sitting at the edge of our most current knowledge, all speaking in plain language –explaining to us the make up of genes, chromosomes, brain structure and there operations, the chemical and molecular activity - how this fits into the complexity of sub atomic physics and quantum mechanics. So can they explain to us how genes and chromosomes in us works. Isn't there a little more magic in those dual spaghetti strings and t he chemical sequences?

So I think you would find that in the past few years we have discovered amazing new interrelationships in these fields. I would see it as climbing a mountain, where the higher you go up, ever step you increase the view to an amazing degree – but on that next every step of the way, you realize that the “beyond the horizon” gets bigger than what you could imagine.

So if you think our bodies and cells have little tractor trailers running around, those little machines, then the universe would be happy with that. But I think the universe would be more happy with us discovering the seemingly secretes behind the structure of our inner world.

I think the more we discover about the secretes of this universe, the more we will appreciate that we are closer to Jesus (or any prophet in other religions) -"you can be even better than even I"–such that as we get closer to the top of the mountain, we will continuously marvel at infinite beauty of the makeup up of the universe –and this would be a true mirror reflection of how beautiful the universe knows we are.


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