Sunday, January 30, 2005

To my Jewish friends: Schindler asked what’s a person worth to you

Well, I am going to ask my Jewish friends for a favor. I am pitching you a slow ball –I hope you will hit it out of the ball park. The world desperately needs to hear some words coming from you now.

I will lay the card on the table. I have more than a theory that we in the USA and throughout the world – we don’t adequately care for our physically and mentally disabled – and our children who come from families of turmoil. The preferred manner of care of the disabled is we throw them in jails in the USA –or give them substandard care, if any at all. You know we have a budget problem –so it’s only going to get worst. According to the UN it’s a “crime against humanity" for any country to treat any group of individuals in a degrading and disparate manner. There is no doubt in my mind that we in the USA treat the disabled as a group -as in crimes against humanity.

So here are some excerpts from your Sharon’s 1/26/05 Auschwitz speech.

“Mr. Speaker, the sad and horrible conclusion is that no one cared that Jews were being murdered.”

“And indeed, during the most terrible, critical hour, those in power and the declared friends did not lift a finger.”

“ We know that we can trust no one but ourselves.”

So I think we need some words or a speech from one of your politicians –maybe somebody big in an academic field –somebody connected with the Nazi experience. So what is our human responsibility to care and stand up for the weak and powerless? What does it mean when we begin to treat one group in a degrading and inhuman manner –when we turn our heads- when the group disproportionally ends up in our jail for unexplained reasons?

So if we know that nobody would stand up to the Jews prior to WW II –so why wouldn’t a country not stand up again for the needs of the weak and powerless today.

As"Oskar Schindler asked: Look, All you have to do is tell me what its worth to you. What's a person worth to you?"

So what new country would we have to invent for the mentally and physically disabled –so that they have to power to demand full human dignity? We know the Nazi experience began with the mercy killing of the disabled.

Who is supposed to stand up for them today?


mike mulligan
Hinsdale, NH

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