Thursday, January 27, 2005

The mega train wreck in us and the disabled

"Michael Mulligan" Add to Address Book

Thu, 27 Jan 2005 06:07:45 -0800 (PST)
Re: [Root_Cause_State_of_the_Practice] Train Wreck: What can rooticians learn from this one?

Well, I am getting ready to charge the United States with “Crimes Against Humanity”; in that we are negligent with our care of the mentally disabled. We know there are 10’s of thousands of premature deathsbof the disabled ---and we know the disabled have caused the premature deaths of many of the rest of us-as in this tragedy.

The idea here is to create planet wide controversy on how all the countries of the planet takes cares of the mentally and physically disabled. There is no doubt that “we collectively” are monsters about our care ofthe disabled –all of us, and most especially the good people who would speak well of the current system–those who are hiding the real results of what’s around them. As bad as we are, there is much worst–just think how the dictators and third world countries are treating the mentally disabled –wonder what Bin laden thinks about the care of the disabled.

Of course you know what anniversary it is today:Auschwitz-Birkenau –we know that it was a early precursor to the horrors of the death camps –are how they treated those that they defined as defective and different from the best of them. Collectively today inthe USA we are erasing the living troubles for many tens of thousands of us –hiding these people in our jails--- which is not that much different from what happened in the 1930’s. And the dominant reasons is we are doing it is for an unthinking economic rationale–high taxes- and we are wrecking the lives of the disabled and the non disable alike ---when we equate the value of humanity with money. How much are youworth! It severely hurts us all.

But can there be even a bigger issue here –I think so. I can’t understand why you people don’t see it. All of our national infrastructures are sitting on the edge of dysfunctions and enormus ineffeciency; have become extremely fragile just sitting there waiting for a avalanche or cascade ---our roads, rails, public transpotation pipe lines, electricity, health care, our educational systems, our water systems…indeed our national economic system as witnessed by our deficit. Your gated communities are not going to protect you from the results of this. It is common knowledge thatour roads and rail lines should be completelyseperated –with the theme is it would be too expencsive. Maybe for an increasing proportion of theworld it’s gotten just to expensive to live!

There is no doubt we are heading for a cliff with a host of planetary changes including global warming. It’s like we are driving in our car –we are heading towards a cliff -with the idea and rational in ourhead that it’s going to cost us too much to move the steering wheel or apply the brakes. Do we have a collective planet wide mental illness?

The issue in front of us is we –the whole planet –is going to have to create an unprecedented public works program; we are going to have to invent a whole new planetary economic system -we are going to have to engineer the whole planet for the 21st century –both in the realms of our material infrastructures and in those systems which brings security, human dignity…creativity…modernity … the painful hunger forindividual and planetary progress –the real food that quenches the unfathomable depths of our human spiritand of minds.

Oh, president Bush has got it right this time….it isfreedom that we all seek….

mike mulligan
Hinsdale, NH

"Michael Mulligan" Add to Address Book

Thu, 27 Jan 2005 07:36:10 -0800 (PST)

Re: [Root_Cause_State_of_the_Practice] Train Wreck: What can rooticians learn from this one?

Sorry I forgot to copy over the references -but I had another thought.222

“Later, police would find marks on the tires suggesting the Jeep had moved back and forth before the train hit. They concluded that Alvarez tried to drive forward over the tracks, but the car wouldn't move. So he tried to back up and failed. He was stuck.”222

The world is increasing asking these questions–witness Asia’s deadly Tsunami. So why don’t we charge god with the deaths of the 11 and the injuries of 180 people in California? Did he(She) actively keep the car on the tracts? Was god asleep at the switch? I believe there is no such thing as a coincidence.

Boy, would I like to ask the question to the universe-like in a court proceeding –did you (god) cause that train wreck -If so why- why do you cause so much suffering of the innocence, if you truly love us, when we love you so much.

Are you(god) and we using Juan Manuel Alvarez as a scape-goat for our failure?

...and “god's work must truely be our own” -I keep hearing in my head....?

mike mulligan
Hinsdale, NH,0,3761980.story?coll=la-home-headlines,0,6996255.story?coll=la-home-headlines 222

"It was almost like a perfect storm of an accident,"said Mary Travis, who oversees rail programs,including Metrolink, for the Ventura CountyTransportation Commission. "The timing of those threetrains being at the same spot at the same time is justtoo horrible."

…The crash renewed long-standing questions about railsafety in Southern California, where commuter linesshare tracks with busy freight systems and intersectfrequently with parts of the nation's most extensiveurban road network.

Could have been worst… Trains can attain up to 79 mphin the stretch where the wreck occurred. Officialssaid, however, they were probably traveling moreslowly because the northbound train had just left theGlendale station and the other was approaching it.

…He apparently turned onto the tracks just south of acrossing at Chevy Chase Drive. Police said there wereindications that he tried to back out but got stuckbefore abandoning the vehicle.

…Wednesday's crash was the third fatal Metrolink crashin less than three years, and it brought fresh urgencyto calls for costly projects that would put railsbelow or above roadways.

…It also raised questions about Metrolink's practice —a common one among commuter railroads — of using a"push-pull" system in which locomotives are in thefront of the train in one direction and in the rearthe other.

Michael Mulligan" Add to Address Book

Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:24:57 -0800 (PST)


Re: [Root_Cause_State_of_the_Practice] Train Wreck: What can rooticians learn from this one?

For decades, transit officials have been aware that the system was obsolete, but updating it - both logistically and financially - has been seen as impractical.”


If you think this is a republican issue or President Bush with the disabled you are wrong. Most of the managers and the "hands on" people with the disabled are hard nosed liberals. What I find most amazing, is how the good people can turn any ideology into a destructive tool of self interest.

You should see the distorted liberal rationales they use as tools to hide what is going on in the name of human rights and dignity. Almost without any controls they can accuse any employee with a human right violation in an attempt to hide the greater abuse that is going on. It is a concentration of unconscionable power bar no other industry, because it is perceived and structured as they are doing it in the interest of the weak and powerless. They are abusing power in this manner for the sole interest of selfish self interest. It’s the old iceberg.

We see it in the Clinton(president) and Dean (VTgovernor) where they created policies of economic governmental efficiencies in the name of votes–cutbacks to the least of us- and they slit the throats of many helpless people in the name of a smaller government philosophy –i.e. it’s clearly what the public wants and demands of the democratic politicians. You see that’s the dirty little shameand secrete of our whole nation –is the majority of us are systematically abusing the least of us. That’s why it’s so intractable. Didn’t the governmental cutbacks in the Clinton administration lead to the NASA Columbia tragedy? Didn’t that destroy the NASA safety culture really? So what do we really think about theVermont state mental hospital meltdown?

You see it’s us…us…us… –who is committing crimesagainst ourselves-most especially our liberals.

We’ve seen many so called liberals democratic governors, who have with malice have cut costs of the human services in a bid to get reelected even as they intentionally reduced transparency to themselves of the wreckage of lives all around them -and to the public. What we get is these perpetual seasonal political reorganization of the human service agencies– they spends tons of money on experts, reorganization experts and credit card dinner and drinks, thus the elites gets a bonus out of the horrors, everyone gets destabilized by the repeated changes of the organization -but it creates the illusion that the political class is acting on the horrors of the system.

Folks it’s political class protection and nothing elsehere –and the democrats are up to their necks withthis knowingly disgrace…

We are watching very closely the recent subway fire inManhattan subways –the A and C lines. It’s amazing the interactions with the “undesirables”( homeless and disabled) potentially setting the fires –and disrupting 600,000 people’s lives for months and years–antiquated and 1930’s engineering of the wiring ofthe subway –not being able to find the money for the system upgrades – and the status of our mega cityinfrastructures as seen in this. It’s a world wide problem.

We sit there looking at these sparkling cities from a distant -but we wonder what is really going on in the belly of the beast.

Isn't that the symbol of our times on the big picture?


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