Monday, January 31, 2005

If there is a god, why did he enable us to build thermal nuclear divices.

…”if there is a God, why did he enable us to create thermo nuclear devices?...

Well, I believe we are embedded in a perfect system –a creative matrix. I mean, I’ve been out in a moonless desert by myself breathlessly looking up at the stars and universe -wondering about what the meaning of this is to me. Is it just a quantum chance that we are here?

I think god is saying to us when look up at the universe –this is how creative perfection can be –and it’s telling us that this is what we should strive for that in our individual and collective world. I believe god is saying you can be as creative as I can be. Isn’t making and having a baby a similar magnitude miracle as inventing the universe. I don’t necessarily believe in the god of religions—but you get some good clues in them.

So we are embedded in the dichotomy of good and evil. This system is designed to drag us into enlightenment. If you look at the planetary conciseness change from after the development of the bomb –look at the new language we invented (MAD); look at how the bomb made us more interconnected (the red phone line to Russia); what about the positive technological fallout…the internet as we talk... So in the face of stark so call evil –you see god has invented a system where he can transform the worst evil we can dish up –into a miracle of infinate hope and goodness.

So if you see another hungry abandon disabled child in he world; if you see tyranny of another Auschwitz; if you see the hopelessness of an inner city neighborhood, if you see the shallowness of a million dollar gated community –the universe is begging each of us to be as creative in counteracting these negative as she was in making the stars, in and above our heads. That’s right; any of us has the power to interact with any of these so called hopeless problems on this planet in a big way…. indeed we were born for that…

So we sit here wondering about the industry of making the hydrogen bombs –the negative image we get is wrecking our cities and the killing of millions…of ending humanity as we know it…

But the flip side of it is the universe is always asking us… is inviting us… begging… pleading… lovingly…confident in our goodness …. of who can you be creatively in relation to the perceived horrors of a nuclear exchange or any of the horrors that is facing us today –what kind of world relationship structure can you create to counteract that…

The bigger and more intrangent the evil –the bigger the jump we make in our race towards enlightenment. Just tell me who would we be if there were no evil?

The universe is the most optimistically creative structure that was ever conceived –and it has complete faith in us and our future enlightenment! Every one of us!


mike mulligan
Hinsdale, NH

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