Friday, December 17, 2004

Russian nuclear fuel and Iran

Russian Nuclear Fuelby: steamshovel2002 (49/M/PO Box 161 Hinsdale,NH)
10/07/04 04:27 pmMsg: 40271 of 40830

Re: Russian Nuclear Fuel -12 billion?by: steamshovel2002 (49/M/PO Box 161 Hinsdale,NH)
10/07/04 10:43 amMsg: 4030 of 4030

So the question becomes – between 2.5% and 5% of the electric bill’s of the American public and businesses is going towards turning Russia back into a authoritarian state. Is the American public undermining democracy in Russia through their electric bills? Is the 12 Billion hard currency going towards financing undemocratic leanings of Putin. Of course the it could be higher if you local area depends more on nuclear power –I think some places it can be 50% of your electric bill is going to nuclear power...

So is those $12 billion dollars going toward creating a nuclear “IRAN” and undermining the biggest nuclear threat facing the planet? The Russian’s are building an $800 million reactor in IRAN and we are pumping 12 billion dollars into the federation? Is the utilities monies financing the new nuclear Russian missiles? Is the American corporations and public financing Iran going nuclear? How come we aren’t pulling the plug on the Megatons to Megawatts in light of the Iranian threat to the world?“Finally, the US is concerned that the knowledge gained by Iranian scientists working at Bushehr could further Irans nuclear weapons program.” are many unique and remarkable aspects of the Megatons to Megawatts program, not the least of which is that it is driven by the market at no expense to either government. At the same time it provides for a greater market outlet to the Russian hi-tech nuclear technology and maintaining plentiful jobs both in Russian and the United States.Thanks,mike mulliganHinsdale, NH

Re: Russian Nuclear Fuel -12 billion?by: steamshovel2002 (49/M/PO Box 161 Hinsdale,NH) 10/07/04 09:43 amMsg: 4029 of 4030

Well you know that –after all you were the one who initially invited me to go over to Know_Nukes.I thought it was hilarious getting censored by the libertarians and from a MIT site. What hypocrisy from their stated beliefs; but the whole USA nuclear industry is now threatened by what I am saying? So is 10% of the USA nuclear electrical production based on screwing the Russian and American people -and being hidden behind the security curtain of the nuclear nonproliferation gods. Would the viability of the nuclear option lead the USA utilities into a corruption on a massive scale –and are enormous profits being extracted on both sides up and down the manufacturing and production chain? Has nuclear non proliferation become nothing but a tool of corruption for the USA nuclear utilities –and the fuel production facility? Will this corruption lead to undermining non proliferation on a grand scale? Is the Russian fuel artificially boosting the stock price of the USEC?

Know_nukes wouldn’t want to ever admit that somebody was ever thrown out of their fully transparent message board –but they effectively have done that. I guess I could still send messages in –but it would have to go through the Libertarian Censor. I won’t agree to that.

The Russians I been talking to in NYC absolutely hate Putin –and he is consider nothing but a gang member who gets to use his skills acquired from the Soviet Union CIA.

mike mulligan
Hinsdale, NH

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Is America undermining Russian Democracy?

    you cannot undermine
    something that never existed,
    and which can never exist.

    Like it or not,
    the Putinesque array of old comrades,
    old KGB people, Corrupt old agency heads,
    and just plain Mafia Gangs
    which now run Russia
    are all that Russia ever had.

    Buying radioactive stuff off this crew
    goes right to what moves them the most...
    quick cash.

    Being quintessential pragmatists
    (as criminals always are)
    they therefore will have
    a short circuit jumpered across
    any other notions of how to profit
    off the old "Sizzly Stuff",
    and will not come up with any other,
    more dangerous schemes.

    Russian Democracy is another fantasy, Mike,
    just like "transparency"

    Russian society was irrevocably criminalized
    during 80 years worth
    of unrealistic commie restriction.
    Everybody cheated.


    You don't have anyone in Russia
    who knows how to live without cheating.

