Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mindless Gods Of Nuclear Nonproliferation

April 28:

Hmm, where does GE get its uranium from today's newspaper article about Vermont Yankee starting up....
Rob Williams, spokesman for the plant, declined to say how much money Entergy Corp., the Louisiana-based owner of the plant, invested in the latest refueling. The uranium was purchased through General Electric Co., he said. Two years ago, Entergy spent $100 million to refuel the plant

So what is going on here?  
We had a tremendous loss of need with U235 for nuclear plants over Fukushima. The USA is having issues with keeping their plant in operation consuming U235. Are the Russians moving their U235 over to China? There is no trustworthiness with the USA's disclosures where they are geting their U235. None!

I'll bet you the USA will make a deal with the Russians by the end of 2013...this is all negotiation going on.  
Where does China get U235 for their nuclear plants anyway... 

How about Japan, where does their fuel come from? They were thinking about recycling it. Does it come from Europe? To them French Basterds...
April 28:Trying to blackmail the USA?
"This program is due to expire at the end of 2013. The American government has been very active over the past few years in attempting to extend the contract – all without success. The current Russian powers view former President Yeltsin’s submission to the M2M program as a betrayal of Russian sensibilities, and of her national security. To the best of anyone’s knowledge, the program will expire, and will not be renewed in anything resembling its existing form.
A new contract has been devised and entered into, between TENEX and USEC. Announced in March 2011, by USEC, the so-called “Transitional Supply Contract” stipulates that USEC may purchase from TENEX a quantity of LEU, which is roughly half of the amount that was being delivered through M2M. However, this material has one very important difference: it is expressly stated in the contract that the uranium may NOT be derived from the Russian military or government stockpile. Furthermore, USEC must provide TENEX with sufficient natural uranium to replace any Russian mine supply used to produce this LEU. Hence, the Americans must source all the uranium that is used to supply all their own LEU. This contract is effectively nothing more than a purchase agreement for Russian enrichment capacity."
 What this article means, with one flick of a finger Russia could turn off the source fuel for 20% of our electricity nationwide...

This is a new kind of energy, financial and GDP "mutually assured destruction" (of two nations or ideologies) of a different kind. They recently blackmailed Europe in an energy crisis with throttling natural gas.

If you want to get some scam going on an unimaginable USA and international got to dress it up in our most primal evil fears of mass death to all of us. You got to persuade the world you are trying to prevent the deaths of millions of people and the devastation of whole nations. You got to really dress this up in political credibility and PhD educational credentials.

Green washing and other saving the world ventures are of the same deal...
Altruism or "do gooding" is a huge business in the USA over the skankyest profit ventures. 
It seem in our times: the more altruism we do, the more we destroy ourselves!  
Can news be altruism washing...
So I originally published this on Dec 17, 2004. Right, we were in the  mother of all financial bubbles. I am talking a mania in all of us.

In 2004 I drastically miscalculated the amount of Russian U235 that was powering up our domestic nuclear industry. I thought it was 20%, but it was more like 98%...

At that time, 98% of the electricity being produced from our domestic nuclear plants "came from Russian uranium  sources...

I questioned if it all of it came from the Russian nuclear weapons program...but from their current mining, and centrifuge sources.

It is as if 98% of all our gasoline came from Saudi Arabia for the nuclear industry...

As a concern with national security in can we remain independent with our domestic nuclear fleet being totally powered up on Russian uranium and 20% of our electrical power being supplied them...

They are our the Saude cheap gasoline of the 1960s,70s and 80s and on.They dominate our market and the world with their cheap uranium prices...

I thought the clever "Magatones to Magawatt" program was always a cover to dominate with the fuel into the American nuclear power market. It is the primary means to keep our domestic nuclear power industry viable in the 1990s and up to today. Maybe it was a national security scheme to keep Russia dependent on American foreign currency and allow us access to Russian insider information?

  Machiavelli: 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer'

So the question, is there an event on our horizon with Russia being so unstable that can drastically affect us?  The US could find we lose the viability of our domestic nuclear industry. This is a more plausible nuclear industry meltdown than what is known...a meltdown of a different kind. We might find Russia has been using American utility industry funding (uranium fuel) in a way that undermines us or creates terrorism. Then we get off the American addiction of using Russian fuel...

What would we look like if we didn't purchase Russian uranium for our domestic fleet. How do our onshore supplies look like? What would the world situation look like if Russia didn't didn't export nuclear fuel to the USA. Just think about if Russia kept these supplies for their own nuclear fleet...the fuel cost would just about be zero for the foreseeable future.

The USA electricity price within a short lag would spike to extraordinarily high levels. We certainly would go into nationwide blackout within a short period. This would be exactly like Fukushima accept without the nuclear meltdown on a much grander scale. Our nation would be battling blackouts and electricity shortage...extraordinary high priced electricity for a decade. I bet you they modeled this out on computer simulation program. I'd like to see that baby...

Do you see how hard it is to get the information on how much of our domestic nuclear fleet is sourced by Russian uranium and creating any internal debate. It is a classic cover-up and they are using energy and fresh money to maintain the cover-up.

If we look at the Vermont Yankee plant 2 miles from me right now with new eyes....they produce Russian electricity. The whole nuclear industry is just a middle man with distributing Russian energy.

But everyone calls me crazy!

2004: Mindless Gods Of Nuclear Nonproliferation
From:"Michael Mulligan" Add to Address Book
Subject:Re: [Know_Nukes] Russian nuclear fuel Mike Mulligan
Russian nuclear fuel> >

You got to remember that here in the USA we've got a tremendous Russian community that is now living in our country. They come here for something.

The question is -what is the morality of using Russian nuclear fuel? So what are the conditions of the employees who have worked on making the bomb material? What is the condition of the current employees who are refining and concentrating the uranium ore? The flip side of this, and I think it's hugely important –what happens if we lose Russia? 
Are we overly dependant on Russian fuel and is that leading into weakening the rest of the companies who are in the uranium business. So the problem becomes like natural gas, we start increasing the use of nuclear power and then we lose Russia –that leads to a spike in Uranium price.

So the big question is: Would it have been moral of us to import cheap shoes from the Jewish WWII Nazi slave camps -that allows our poor to be shoe'd because that is the only price they could afford? Have we become so hungry for energy and profits –that we'd do anything for it? Where is the money going from the sale –is it doing good in Russia -is it going to the Russian gangs?Believe me, this proliferation rationale rings hollow.

You see those Russian workers who mined, centrifuged and manufactured nuclear weapons, much like our own nuclear employees, are owed something for their national sacrifice in serving national security. These people's lives aren't like red meat on a table ready to be sold to the highest the mindless god's of nuclear proliferation!

Even in servicing this god of nuclear nonproliferation -we end up paying off the elites(nuclear engineers) and letting the lower level employees starve.


mike mulligan
Hinsdale, NH

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a great title: "Mindless gods" etc.

That's actually 90% of a good blog---a snappy and brainy-sounding title. When real-life paid authors have to choose a book title, they search for just such a phrase.Without an actual book , though, the title by itself ain't much of a creation.

Reading the "mindless gods" blurb, you suddenly get the feeling of " was just a good title and reading on , its confirmed by the stumbling for an ending,
or for a point, or for anything smart to say.

So the Russian smelt workers were ripped off by the"mindless" engineers?

Lemme analyze this.

The engineers computed & designed the process.They set the size, shape, power level and
duty cycle of all the machinery involved. They arranged the process so no unwanted criticality events could emerge (as happened in Japan),and then they trained the good proletarian smeltwoiker show to run the stuff.


Not hardly.

Very, Very "Mindy" indeed.

The Vodka-swilling smelt woikers then showed up, lit a cigarette, turned on their transistor radios, agreed who would get to sleep on that shift, and who would stay awake to watch for the boss,and pulled the lever to start the centrifuges. In between filling out soccer pool cards,
and viewing porn magazines, they would run the machines until the end of their shift.


Who is mindless here?

Did you mean to write as a title:

"The Mindless Proletarian Dogs of Radioactive Smelting
April 28: I was trying to use the below in current events in 2004 that ask us the question, could we get unpredictable results from the Russians and their closed society within our national dependence on using Russian uranium. Imagine if through CIA or NSA means, we learned a Russian political faction wanted to disconnect the Russian-USA relations over our domestic use of their fuel. So in truly Machiavellian fashion, they egged on the  Chechens to attack us and the whole deal was uncovered by our CIA or NSA means.  It was financed by nuclear industry monies through purchasing fuel.

Back to 2004:
 A Message From The Future
Letter to the Editor:

I am speaking from the year 2106. Our planet has just begun to recover from the modern dark ages. They say truth is stranger than fiction –who would have thought airplanes could be used as political guided missile messages that destroyed two skyscrapers, witness the Twin Towers in New York City in 2001. These are the astonishing events that led to depopulating of half the planet. Modernity dropped back a century in time on average to 1900 throughout the world by 2020.

Ironically, this modern Dark Age holocaust saved the planet. We were heading over the unrecoverable cliff if we kept going the way we were. Human life would have ended on this planet earth without this nuclear exchange. What did we say about that life and evolution always protects itself? All of a sudden , the planet wide political pressures of global warming, energy and resource shortages were drastically reduced because of the planet wide human and industrial die-off.

As we sit in 2106 on a global level -all of our political and educational processes have been drastically changed.We have developed a planet wide ethical and moral code. This came through a catastrophe of enormous proportions and the death and sufferings of billions of people. The way we look at our children today is so different than in the year 2004.

We know that any child born on this planet has the potential and the requirement –to change the course of history of this planet. We give our poorest and disadvantaged children the finest educational tools that money can buy in the hopes that one child will change the course of our future history. Every child on this planet gets educated like this –and every child is our own child!

The extremist Islamic Iranian wilayat al-faqih eventually got a series of nuclear bombs in 2006. They detonated two bombs in Israel, one each over downtown Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The Israelis never knew if it came by missile or was sneaked in through the boarders of a destabilized Iraq. Israel within hours immediately retaliated. They devastated Iran through a series of atomic detonation. The Israeli military destroyed the capitals of China, Syria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia (and Holy City of Makkah (Mecca) and Russia. You have no idea what this did to the price of oil –this was devastating to the global economic system.

The majority of the financing of the Iranian nuclear bombs came from a surprising source. There is evidence today that there was an Al-Qaeda plot involved with the Russians and Iranians. It also seems that a few Russians generals held a grudge with the American involvement in the Afghanistan Vietnam. This led to the downfall of the old Soviet Empire. At the 2004 timefram Russia didn't have a real government –it was ruled by mafia don like figures.

The majority of the financing of the Iranian nuclear program came from the American electric utility rate payers. By 2004, the electricity in one out of ten households (update in 2013: one in five homes) was being supplied from the Russian weapons grade nuclear material through the "Megaton to Megawatt program". We were purchasing HEU grade Uranium from the Russian nuclear bomb building program and fueling up American nuclear power plants in the hopes of reducing the nuclear proliferation problems to the tune of one half a billion dollars a year. There was just too much money to be made at all levels of the production and manufacturing with this Russian nuclear material for anyone to have any moral qualms with this.

A large proportion of the American monies got diverted into the Russian covert nuclear proliferation program that created the Iranian nuclear weapons. There was a theory that it was Chinese rocket technology that propelled the bomb to Jerusalem. It was common knowledge throughout the American political and intelligence establishment that the American nuclear electric monies were disappearing in the Putin regime. We knew the Russians would sell weapon technology without a hint of morality –likewise most of the countries on this planet would sell weapons without a hint of morality, including and especially the Americans.

To this day, we wonder why the American CIA and intelligence community didn't inform the American public of this impending catastrophe. It is recognized that the American intelligence community was going under historic reorganizations because of the intelligence failures of 9/11 and the WMD failures in Iraq. It was discovered the American intelligence community had gotten even more blinded than the lead up to 9/11 because of the failure of the American public's responsibility to manage their political system by 2006. This became another item on a long list of American institutional political failures of recent.

We wonder to this day did the American intelligence community work for the particular political regime or did they work for the people at large? Why wasn't the American intelligence community working for the people's of the planet. What it discovered, was a common relationship throughout the planet is the elites had transcended into competing for wealth and power among themselves –special access to markets and capital. They had forgotten that they were given this privilege in order to create stability and progress for the whole planet

It was a huge planet wide educational failure of theirs!

Thank You,
mike mulligan

Hinsdale, NH
NOVA doesn't get what is behind the USEC scam. What is fueling this sham. USEC is the portal in which all the Russian nuclear fuel from the USA's Megatons to Megawatts program gets funneled into our domestic nuclear industry. These are the brokers who divide Russian power plant uranium up to our utilities and then send it along to the nuclear fuel pin manufacturers. These are an extraordinarily connected set of dark shadowy national and international political players mixed up in the morality of our nonproliferation and national security issues. There are using the false "altruism"of nuclear weapons nonproliferation as a weapon to make profits and have influence.

NOVA Calls for End of "American Centrifuge" Hoax

Updated 16 hours ago Special to HuntingtonNews.Net
Neighbors for an Ohio Valley Alternative – an alliance of formerly nuclear-dependent communities stretching from Piketon, Ohio, to Paducah, Kentucky – today called for an end to the ruse of an “American Centrifuge” commercial plant at the Piketon site. The non-materializing plant has been promised to the jobs-starved area in one form or another since 1976, when Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter campaigned for the presidency on the promise that they would deliver a new uranium enrichment plant to southern Ohio voters.

The first centrifuge project at Piketon was terminated by the Reagan Administration in 1985, after a test-run contaminated the site and produced erratic assays of uranium in a manner deemed not commercially viable. The same technology was revived in 2001 by the privatized USEC Inc., which promised workers and investors completion of a commercial facility by 2009. But in 2013, four years after the promised completion date, USEC has yet to even complete a test of the technology, or to propose a financing plan to support a commercial plant. About $500 million in bonds issued in 2007 to finance commercial construction are due for repayment in October of 2014, before construction of a commercial plant can even begin.
“It’s time to end the charade,” says NOVA executive director Geoffrey Sea, who also is a fence-line neighbor of the Piketon project. “At this point, all parties including USEC know that no commercial centrifuge plant will ever open at Piketon. The play-acting is continued for political reasons:
  • because the age-old backers of an Ohio centrifuge plant will not acknowledge the scandal,
  • because neither USEC nor the federal government have set aside the funds required by law to pay for the site’s full decommissioning and cleanup,
  • because ACP’s continuance is used to justify a 100-acre radioactive waste dump that Fluor-B&W and the Department of Energy would like to put at Piketon, (Fluor and B&W are also ACP partners)
  • because industrial interests wish to reserve the Piketon site as a storage location for spent nuclear fuel, as they actively attempted to secure in 2006.”
NOVA issued its call at a public meeting of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in Piketon on Thursday evening, at which NRC purported to certify the “safety” of USEC’s centrifuge operation. “It’s not too difficult to certify the nuclear safety of an operation that hasn’t, in fact, been operating,” said Geoffrey Sea. “NRC pulled this ruse twice before. Once when it used the period of USEC’s 'operation' of the gaseous diffusion plant at Piketon to certify its safety record, even though the plant was closed during that period. And again when NRC certified USEC’s 'safety' after the horrendous centrifuge crash of June 2011, even though the machines that crashed were running no uranium. NRC isn’t certifying USEC’s safety. It’s certifying USEC’s continued sham of non-production.
If NRC used USEC’s record of operation at the working Paducah plant as a basis for analysis, NRC would conclude that USEC has the worst safety record in the nuclear industry. The Paducah plant is scheduled to close at the end of May, one month from now. After Paducah closure, USEC will have no operating production facilities and will be reduced to what some have called a “uranium broker.”  
(NOVA doesn't understand the magnitude of the phase they used for this article of "what some have called a “uranium broker". It means USEC is currently the  Russian uranium broker to 98% of our nuclear plants and only god knows how much Russian uranium is sold to the rest of the nations.)

On April 29, NOVA will present the Commissioners of the NRC a letter detailing USEC violations of NRC requirements for maintenance of a construction and operating licence, and will call on NRC to suspend USEC’s licences at both Piketon and Paducah, as a matter of public safety, until such time as the deficiencies can be rectified.
Numerous factors make it highly unlikely if not impossible that a commercial ACP plant will ever be completed:
  1. 1. USEC’s technology is forty years old, dating to the 1970s. While USEC’s technology has stagnated, its competitors have forged ahead. URENCO now operates a state-of-the-art centrifuge plant in Lea County, New Mexico, and GE-Hitachi is moving to commercial-scale implementation of SILEX laser technology that will render centrifuges obsolete. GE-Hitachi has expressed interest in locating its SILEX plant at the Paducah site.
  2. 2. USEC missed every deadline for demonstration of the viability of its technology, which was due by contract in October of 2005. That demonstration has yet to occur, and USEC now relies on 80% federal financing to accomplish it, contrary to provisions of the USEC Privatization Act.
  3. USEC has terminated its power contract at Paducah after May 31, even though no firm closure date has been announced, suggesting that USEC’s financial capacity is severely strained.
  4. There are strong indications that USEC’s dire financial predicament led to shortcuts that caused the multiple-centrifuge crash in June of 2011. Neither NRC nor DOE takes responsibility for investigating that situation, leading to a potential safety calamity of the kind that just led to the fertilizer plant explosion in West Texas.
  5. USEC has proffered no plan to pay off its bond holders before the 2014 due date, and the schedule for ACP construction start after that date appears to anticipate that the company will no longer be around to make good on its present commitments.
  6. USEC’s stock has declined from a 2007 high of $23.91 to the current all-time low value of between 29 and 32 cents per share, a total depreciation of about 99%. 99% losses are frowned upon by investors.
  7. USEC stock is selling at less than one third of the required minimum for listing on the New York Stock Exchange and NYSE issued a delisting warning in May of 2012. If delisted, USEC bonds would immediately be due for repayment. USEC has delayed its 2013 shareholders meeting , at which measures to prevent delisting must be voted upon, without explanation.
  8. There is no indication that USEC has met or can meet the Financial Assurance requirements to cover the costs of decommissioning for either the “Research, Development and Demonstration” facility or a commercial ACP plant, indicating that no party has an expectation that a commercial plant will be built.
  9. USEC has proffered no credible financing plan for a commercial plant. USEC continues to say it will obtain $1 billion of additional needed financing, on top of a $2 billion federal loan guarantee, from a “Japanese Development Bank,” even though such financing is considered out of the question following the Fukushima disaster, which involved uranium fuel supplied by USEC.
  10. The Department of Energy took an ownership share of USEC’s operation in the summer of 2012, suggesting that DOE knows that USEC is in danger of liquidation under various planned or unplanned scenarios.
Given these and other factors, NOVA contends that continued government support for ACP in any form constitutes a hoax perpetrated on the people of southern Ohio and all Americans. Ohioans deserve real jobs and real development, free of legacy waste dumping, at the Piketon federal “reservation.”


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Such a great title: "Mindless gods" etc.

    That's actually 90% of a good blog---
    a snappy and brainy-sounding title.
    When real-life paid authors
    have to choose a book title,
    they search for just such a phrase.
    Without an actual book , though,
    the title by itself ain't much of a creation.

    Reading the "mindless gods" blurb,
    you suddenly get the feeling of
    " was just a good title"

    and reading on , its confirmed
    by the stumbling for an ending,
    or for a point,
    or for anything smart to say.

    So the Russian smeltworkers
    were ripped off by the
    "mindless" engineers?

    Lemme analyze this.

    The engineers computed & designed the process.
    They set the size, shape, power level and
    duty cycle of all the machinery involved.
    They arranged the process so no
    unwanted criticality events could emerge
    (as happened in Japan),
    and then they trained the
    good proletarian smeltwoikers
    how to run the stuff.

    Not hardly.
    Very, Very "Mindy" indeed.

    The Vodka-swilling smeltwoikers then showed up,
    lit a cigarette, turned on
    their transistor radios,
    agreed who would get to sleep on that shift,
    and who would stay awake to watch for the boss,
    and pulled the lever to start the centrifuges.
    In between filling out soccer pool cards,
    and viewing porn magazines,
    they would run the machines
    until the end of their shift.

    Who is mindless here?

    Did you mean to write
    as a title:

    "The Mindless Proletarian Dogs
    of Radioactive Smelting"

