Saturday, December 18, 2004

It's always about the intangibles!

Yahoo! Message Boards: USU

Re: telling the truth
12/18/04 10:00 amMsg: 40834 of 40836
How many people lost their jobs in the companies you claimed to have put out of business or forced into bancrupcy?

On a temporary or permanent bases! Of course we haven’t talked about all the officials who quit; because they had seen the headlights of train bearing down at them. The real reason these employees lost their jobs was through financial corruptions and unfair competition from foreign sources with the paper mill. I could make the case that it was the employees fault themselves –in that they didn’t engage the corporation, regulators and police at the earliest opportunity.

As I’ve said –I’ve talked to the employees at these sites and they all knew the true conditions of their bureaucracies before I acted –they just didn’t have the courage to act. It’s that attitude of “what can little old me do” against such a big problem. They whole system around us turns us into insecure little people –while the truth is we are all magnificent beyond our own imagination.

I put it this way; I interacted within extremely brittle systems. The results ended up being a type of cascade. It was definitely cause and effect on my interactions. I’d say it was in the area of 1500 people on permanent bases. Right, there was always a failure to follow the rules and laws -with that adding to the velocity of the cascade.

I would say the final magnitude of the cascade was a function of the cover-up and the structured ignorance of the regulators. I mean, once you get out the angle that the regulators and politicians should have known about the magnitude of the problems and were negligent –then the system has the lay down the hammer on the entity in a fit of self protection. It’s an interpretation that it might be perceived by outsiders as negligence –it’s not about the facts. You get them to panic –you never know how deep it will go. The dominate position of our time is survival of the fittest. Right, it’s about being on the top of the mountain –with the only thought being is how big of a snow ball will it take to create the snowball effect. It can be such a dangerous thrill! If you use your head you can create the world you want.

It’s a natural reaction of these bureaucracies and it makes them extremely vulnerable. I would say corruption doesn’t pay in the long term for the corporation. I’d say an official and executives can gain and perceive of a self interested short term advantage –but the bureaucracy pays an extraordinary disproportionate price for this gain in the end. I would put it like this –it’s the same rationale for most of us with being up to our necks with extraordinary credit card debt –we immediately feel the short term pleasant feelings of the purchase and we don’t think about the long term consequences. We just might believe that you can buy statute and status; with that being an enormous error.

It is a massive natural human vulnerability that use can use to your advantage. You should be a “fly on the wall” when a bureaucracy gets into a corruption crisis –it’s all about survival and deals with your buddies. If that won’t hold, it then is about deals with the investigators and police against your friends of decades. We are all animals in the end!

The next question is how many lives did I save, or lives did I make better, or did any of my actions make it harder for budget cuts. It’s always about the intangibles that you can’t see. That might mean did I change the course of the future

I am telling you we are all time machines and we can change the future...and I could make the case that we can change the past just as easily! Of course it was the “we” and they did a lot more harder work than me in this.

I could also make the case that at the nuclear power plant –I set up a decade of good performance against a backdrop of near bankruptcy of the VT parent utilities. It took a sacrifice though!

We could be talking about 100,000’s of people on this who ended up with a better outcome.

You aint seen nothing yet!

AUDIO: n-t n j -b l KEY
1. Incapable of being perceived by the senses. 2. Incapable of being realized or defined. 3. Incorporeal.
1. Something intangible, especially an asset that cannot be perceived by the senses. Often used in the plural: intangibles such as goodwill and dedication.2. Law Incorporeal property such as bank deposits, stocks, bonds, and promissory notes. Often used in the plural: a state tax on intangibles.


mike mulligan
Hinsdale, NH


  1. "What amazed me about the different categories is how certain situations seem to be initiated in one mode and then transform into another mode. Consider what happens in a couple situations:

    When you buy a car you exchange, with the car dealer, a promise to pay for the car. The car dealer then exchanges, with a financial institution, the promise to pay for real money. The financial institution then converts this into a threat interaction by essentially saying that as long as you make your payments you can keep the car.

    When an employer hires an employee it begins as an exchange interaction where the employer agrees to pay the individual for accomplishing work that needs to be done. This then transforms into a threat interaction wherein the employer says that as long as you do what I tell you do do I will let you keep your job and not fire you.
    What seems to be most beneficial to all parties involved, and in terms of the results produced, is operating at the Integrative or Generative modes. I think groups that really become teams operate in an Integrative or Generative fashion."

    theWay of Systems

  2. I certainly admire your writing skills. I am desperately trying to figure out how to remove your comments. Functionally I agree with most of the things you say though. You are right the nation-state is at the cause of most of our violence and poverty. It’s a legitimate criticism with your impression of me puffing myself up. I would term it as these are the tools I used and the results I got –I am only a D plus student at best. I do have the perception that I’ve been involved with some extraordinary events. So I guess we are asking about what framework could we use to bring cohesions and advancement to the world –I do like the ideals expressed by our constitutions –the idea that all men and women and men are created equal. I never did like Soros –I don’t trust him –never did. It’s interesting that you seem to have a need to tear me down in your war state of against me -much like the relationships with present age Stone Age nation-states. You don’t walk the talk! It certainly feels like another domination shell game, within a shell game, within another shell –with how you communicate with me. You got an axe to grind with me and your motives are hidden. You certainly don’t share any events in your life with me -you’ve just got this hidden ideology and you hide the real events from me of your life. I am certainly not the anti you paint me out to be if you really knew anything about me.

    I will tell you one another thing, I am a magnificent human spirit and so are you.
