Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Is Keene and Brattleboro A Month Away From Italy, or much Sooner

Obviously there is a delay to us from the big cities around us... with us getting the full brunt of the coronavirus Tsunami. No doubt our doctors and state administrators put us locally at a disadvantage with getting tested for coronavirus.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Cheshire Medical: About Fucking Time!

March 18

I wondering if this guy walked up stairs to the doctor's office and back. He might have had a off site doctor and I sure the hospital did the testing. 

So you have that Keene state employee and now this Granite group person confirmed positive for coronavirus. This virus has been circulating in Keene unseen for weeks. This guy must have tested in the hospital.      
An employee of The Granite Group's Keene branch has tested positive for the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19, according to a news release Thursday from the Concord-based wholesaler of plumbing, heating and other supplies.

The employee was feeling ill last week, was sent home and hasn't been at work since March 11. The employee will stay in self-isolation until cleared by medical professionals, the company said.
Update March 18

*Boston Globe: Hospitalizations For Coronavirus Escalates In Greater Boston 

*Well, life in Keene has been upended until next year. I know from personnel experience in recent weeks these school administrators are under unbelievable pressure and stress with the job of keeping out children safe and feeding their school children. These people are truly the heroes of these days. Everything is changed in Keene today.   
Keene State under 'extended curtailment' as faculty member tests positive for COVID-19

Keene State College students will no longer return to campus next month, after a faculty member tested positive for the novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, President Melinda Treadwell announced in a video address sent to faculty, staff and students Tuesday night. The message will also be sent to parents, according to college spokeswoman Kelly Ricaurte.

Prior to learning of the test results, the college alerted 66 people who could have potentially had contact with her as a precaution, in accordance with recommendations from the N.H. Department of Health and Human Services, Treadwell said.

"The increasing number of cases and new evidence of community-based transmission raises concern that the COVID-19 outbreak is intensifying in New Hampshire," said State Epidemiologist Dr. Benjamin Chan in the release. " ... We know that this novel coronavirus can be spread very easily through close contact, and the virus can be spread even when people are having very mild early symptoms of illness."
***This hospital and all hospitals are particularly dangerous during this times. Their big money and the best lawyers have paid off or have disproportion influence with the politicians. They made laws where outsiders can't see what is going on a the hospital, and mostly so they won't get sued. 

Did you assholes put a end to all elective procedures and surgeries? 

Are you measuring the temperature of everyone entering the hospital? One infected person walking around your facility would severely degrade the capabilities of your hospital? 
If these guys were patriotic and cared for the community...they would publicly disclose their top ten weak links. You would public advertise your "top ten" weak links allowing the state system and politicians to see you vulnerabilities. Tell them this is what we need. Please help us get through this? 

Like protective clothing, ventilators, and sufficient nurses, doctors, clinical people and quality lab people. I won't even talk about coronavirus test. 

What has been the capacity of the hospital for last month...what percentage of beds on average have been filled? What is your surge capacity?

Outsiders need to know about you vulnerabilities so we can all help you!  
Cheshire Medical bars all visitors

By Olivia Belanger Sentinel Staff 
4 hrs ago 

Cheshire Medical Center in Keene.Michael Moore / Sentinel Staff

Cheshire Medical Center is barring all visitors from its Keene campus to help curb the spread of the novel coronavirus disease COVID-19.

The restrictions include patient rooms, general waiting areas, emergency departments, clinics and hospital cafe, Matthew Barone, spokesman for the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health affiliate, said in an email Tuesday morning.

Those with doctor's appointments are still able to keep appointments at this time, but only the patients themselves will be allowed into the facility.

1919 Spanish Flu

You know, you can't trust any information concerning the Spanish flu. The US gov had a pandemic stratify to lie about the suffering and deaths in this contagion. Our national government forced the states, cities and towns to severely minimize the extent of the pandemic. Our states, towns and cities had little required transparency. The newspapers didn't have the power of government transparency. They didn't make records like we do today. The differences between suffering and extents of the deaths between cities was I believe just a matter of who was a better at lying and minimizing. A matter of competitive advantage. It is disgusting we are taking the written information about the Spanish flu as factual and you are just too ignorant and lazy to put those times in contextuality of those days and our primitive government. Remember our society's interconnectivity was primitive at those times too.         

Monday, March 16, 2020

Its Aerosolized

WHO considers ‘airborne precautions’ for medical staff after study shows coronavirus can survive in air

New research out of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) finds that the novel coronavirus HCoV-19 (SARS-2) causing the COVID-19 pandemic can survive for days on plastic and stainless steel and even lasts up to a full day on a cardboard surface.

“We found that viable virus could be detected in aerosols up to 3 hours post aerosolization, up to 4 hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to 2-3 days on plastic and stainless steel,” reads a new study posted online Friday.

How Big A Hit Did China Take

China suffered an even deeper slump than analysts feared at the start of the year as the coronavirus shuttered factories, shops and restaurants across the nation, underscoring the fallout now facing the global economy as the virus spreads around the world.

Industrial output plunged 13.5% in January and February from a year earlier, retail sales fell 20.5%, and fixed-asset investment dropped 24.5%. The unemployment rate jumped to a record 6.2% in February, when the outbreak worsened and much of the economy was shutdown.

We Got To Quickly Spin Up Quality Child Care for Hospital Workers and Much More

We got to ask every hospital worker or professional what are your short and long terms needs for you to keep working. And keep asking it over and over again Then give them whatever they need to stay at work without question. Whatever they need including, temp housing, money, food and delivery, whatever they need. This is a grave national emergency never seen before in our country. I contend you have to substantially give them a coronavirus increase in wages and salaries to incentivize staying at work. These people are going to take a huge risk and we should pay and support them for that.

These people are our heroic rock stars and football/basketball players of these coronavirus days!!!

Expected Future Unemployment Numbers and GDP Next Quarter


China suffered an even deeper slump than analysts feared at the start of the year as the coronavirus shuttered factories, shops and restaurants across the nation, underscoring the fallout now facing the global economy as the virus spreads around the world.

Industrial output plunged 13.5% in January and February from a year earlier, retail sales fell 20.5%, and fixed-asset investment dropped 24.5%. The unemployment rate jumped to a record 6.2% in February, when the outbreak worsened and much of the economy was shutdown.

***These sit outside any historic records: At least a million unemployed and a GDP decline of a 5%.

Stock Market Signals They Understands The Scale of the Pandemic Next Week

*Down 3000 points today. Second worst down day in history. 

*Down 8% today at 2250 points. Circuit breaker tripped. Feds dropped interest rates now to zero yesterday and other things to support the stock market. It didn't work a planed, everyone interprets the move as hell is on the way to the USA. Our whole population is terrified. Hoarding and panic buying at the supermarkets are everywhere. Empty shelves at supermarkets. Everything is shut down in the USA. Most of our schools. Our financial system is freezing up...the business cable channel are increasing talking a depression. What is occurring all around our nation is something we never see in history before. The dollar is weakening and they don't know how low it will go. Everyone realizes our hospitals throughout our nation are going to collapse. All the states are in a state of emergency and so is our nation. This freeze-up took longer that I thought.
First posted on 1/25 and re-posted on March 16, 2020.

March 12

Dow Down 2350 points...10%. Worst point decline ever and worst percentage decline since Black Monday 1987.

In the United States, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) fell exactly 508 points (22.6%).[2] This was the largest one-day percentage drop in history.

Feb 24

Almost a month later they are finally get it:

*Coronavirus cases surge in Italy, Iran, South Korea

*The Dow was down 1000 points today over the upcoming coronavirus pandemic. They finally get it.  

Update Jan 27

Dow futures sink more than 400 points as coronavirus cases rise

*If the stock market understands the scale with the Pandemic, it will be down 3000 to 4000 points by the end of next week. It will be down my one half the current value in six months. 

When Social Distancing Begins To Not Work

When the infection level exceeds 1% in the general public social distancing doesn't work. The infectiousness of the virus plays a role too.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

To My Space Aliens Friends

The world desperately needs you to step and help us. I am available.

You need to park your spacecraft above Washington and ask for a meeting with the world leaders. Bring us the coronavirus vaccine or cure and allow us to distributed it. 

You could take over one of the  major cable new channels temporally  before you arrive. Tell us all you are coming to earth to cure coronavirus. The do it. 

Then establish a earth panel who could work our future interactions. 

You would have to demonstrate you can do it. I"ll pick a hospital filled with coronavirus patients and then you cure them all. Tell us the location and time and date before you do it. Then do it.

I would be disappointed with you it you made secret deals with governments to accomplish it. Everything would have to be transparent.       

Shutting Down The USA For Two weeks

This is ridiculous. There are afraid to tell you the truth. The two week shutdown is to make it politically palatable for the businesses and public. If we shutdown the nation for two weeks, we would stay shutdown until the end of the year. 

All Dead Bodies Should Be Tested For Coronavirus Within 12 Hours Of Death

It should be a federal law. It would immediately give us the extent of the Pandemic and it lead to giving us the true fatality rate. All bodies, not those just suspected with the infection.

Risk Perspectives and Priorities

I think these terms are all bullshitism. The burdens of these terms, and they are all ideological, are going to fall on the dis-empowered, poor and weak. We should live in a world that has enough resources for everyone and we should never hear risk perspectives and priorities again.

You should be outrage that Italians doctors have to make a choice of who is to live or dies because there is not enough ventilators. Those doctors, all of us, should be spitting mad at how coolly and clinically the doctors.

I tell you what, if I was in a system like that and I don't care how grave the emergency is, I'd quit or withdraw from the job or system. I would never let a long term dysfunctional system demand I make that choice. I would  fight them from the rest of my life. I would never let a corrupt system ruin my life because it set up this condition.

A shocking Lack of Imagination In Our Society...A stark failure Of Imagination

What is killing our imagination in our society? The idea we  are overly dependent on rules, laws, evidence and facts. The role of imagination  towers in importance over rules, laws, evidence and facts. 

We Need A Unprecedented Public Works Program Like Our 1930 Depression

It is got to be started up  immediately. From artist to PhDs. The massive infrastructure program we been contemplating for decades is enormously too small. 

What kind of public works projects can we create for the internet...     

Shocking Deflationary Depression On the Way

*Could our local hospitals handle this?

Italy reports 25 percent spike in coronavirus death toll, in deadliest 24-hour span to date

ROME — Italy on Sunday announced a 25 percent spike in its coronavirus death toll, reporting 368 deaths in the deadliest 24-hour span to date.

The country’s death roll has risen at an alarming rate: In each of the past three days, at least 200 people have been reported dead because of the virus. It was only three weeks ago that Italy had its first reported death from the virus. Now, more than 1,800 people have died.

The total number of active cases has been rising roughly 20 percent daily, and the government’s nationwide lockdown — restricting movement and stopping most commercial activity — has not yet caused a slowdown.

Some two-thirds of Italy’s deaths have happened in the region at the center of the outbreak, Lombardy. There, because of overloaded hospitals, the official fatality rate is more than 9 percent, according to government data. In the rest of the country, it is 5.1 percent. By either measure, Italy’s death rate is higher than other countries’ — in part because it has a larger proportion of seniors than any country other than Japa

* I think it is baked into the cake. It is a inevitability. Our politicians need to prepare us for this. Panic more than we can imagine would happen, if we are deep in a Pandemic with bodies piling us, then we realize our economy collapses and it will be around for maybe a decade for us to repair it.   
Japanese minister says virus may be worse for economy than 2008 financial crisis


MAR 15, 2020

The effect of the new coronavirus on the economy could be worse than the 2008 financial crisis, economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura said Sunday.

Speaking on Fuji Television, Nishimura called for strong measures to protect the economy and said proper consideration should be given to whether reducing the sales tax would bolster consumption.

The economy was already teetering on the brink of recession when the effect of the virus began to kick in, partly due to an increase in the sales tax to 10 percent in October from the previous 8 percent. Some have called for the increase to be reversed to help encourage consumption.

“This may be on a par with the Lehman shock, or even worse,” Nishimura said, referring to the 2008 collapse of the Lehman Brothers U.S. investment bank. “We need measures on the same scale. They should be bold and not limited by what’s been done before.”

Mobilizing Our Military For Domestic USE

Yea, this is about protecting our military from coronavirus, but it sounds like we might use the military in a big way for domestic  use. Congress should pass the applicable laws to facilitate the use of the domestic use. I wonder if the National Emergency allows the use of our military domestically. I have absolutely no fear the military would turn against us. The internet and our news media would prevent this. 

The example is we have a ton of military, cargo planes, vehicles, trucks and drivers who could distribute food and other things. 

I think we will need the military to do security issues around the country. Remember in Katrina and that hard ass SOB U.S. Army Lieutenant General Russel L. Honoré   
In the wake of the global coronavirus pandemic, the Navy’s top officer and his most senior enlisted adviser took to social media and official online sites Saturday to calm the fleet and explain the unprecedented orders they’re instituting to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
The brief message — 74 seconds — addressed sweeping changes in how personnel and their families will travel and work over the next 60 days, including the suspension of official, personal and PCS travel inside the continental United States and to designated locations worldwide where the disease is entrenched in local populations; plus "flexible work schedules and the use of telework.
“Our understanding of the coronavirus is rapidly evolving, and we may have to implement further measures to combat the spread of this virus,” warned Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday.
“America depends upon us to help provide security and stability to this nation, and that’s exactly what we will continue to do.”

The Battle Between Government Coronavirus Centralization and Decentralization

What we are seeing now with Trump is severe ideological  government decentralization. A patchwork of state and city action surrounding coronavirus. It is a tremendous waste of resources and actions end up failing or being unbelievably slow. Should we act as one or are we isolated rugged individuals. We have shifted all of government to the decentralization mode in service to the rich and businesses. They gain a unfair from this and it dis-empowers most of this. The rub with centralization it takes a highly educated and trained government work force... States rights versus federal rights. Basically one set of rules everyone follows and enforced. Our military is like that. I am talking about a democracy with public rights and processes that would soften authoritarianism.           

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Trump Declares A Coronavirus National Emergency On March 13

This will help put me in the future remember the context of the times we live.

Coronavirus in Italy: More Younger Patients Going Into Intensive Care and Sicker

The second wave is younger and sicker. Is this guy mutating right in front us. There is absolutely no reason this won't happen in the USA. And it just might get more deadly!  
Coronavirus: More young patients being admitted to hospital, Italian doctor warns

Over 17,600 people are infected by Covid-19 in Europe’s worst-hit country

Italians admitted to hospital for coronavirus are getting younger, a health official has claimed.

“The type of patient is changing,” Luca Lorini, the head of anaesthesia and intensive care at a northern Italian hospital, has said.

“They are a bit younger, between 40 to 45 years old and the cases are more complicated.”

Dr Lorini, who works at a hospital in Bergamo, told radio programme RaiNews24: ”People are arriving who got ill six or seven days ago and treated themselves at home – and then their conditions became more and more critical.”

Twelve per cent of those who have been treated in intensive care are aged between 19 and 50, according to official figures released last week. Around 52 per cent are between 51 and 70 years old, with the rest all over 70. 

Recently, hospitals in Lombardy have seen people aged between 25 and 50 diagnosed with Covid-19 and subsequently hospitalised for treatment, according to local media reports.

“Even if the data is only preliminary, the fact there are more young people hospitalised and in intensive care compared to the first wave can be interpreted as a natural phenomenon,” Pierluigi Lopalco, a professor from Pisa University, told Italian newspaper Il Corriere della Sera.

“In Italy, the first clusters of the infection started around hospitals, more commonly frequented by older people, and in small towns,” he said.

“Now the virus has spread, it is travelling around the whole country way more and it is younger people, with lots of social contact, that are more at risk of contracting the disease if they do not stick to the rules of social distancing.”...