Whistleblowing can be used as a potent creative tool to help your bureaucracy evolve towards a more enlightened organization. Phone: 1-603-209-4206 steamshovel2002@yahoo.com Note: I constantly update my articles. Comments at the bottom of the article are always welcome!!! Mike Mulligan, Hinsdale, NH
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Florida School Shooting
There has been tremendous individual and public financial cost associated with these events. Mostly the tax payers pick up the cost. We should total up the cost and make the manufactures pick up the cost. We should tax the manufactures according to the damage their products make on us.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Last Dying Breath With The TVA behemoth Nuclear Facility
Usually they only replace a small proportion of the equipment. It is only focused on stuff associated with power producting equipment.
Last Dying Breath With The TVA behemoth Nuclear Facilityhttp://www.timesfreepress.com/news/breakingnews/story/2018/feb/20/tva-boosts-power-output/464144/TVA boosts power output at Browns Ferry nuclear plant with $475 million upgradeIt may have been a 3-day holiday weekend for most federal employees, but workers and contractors at TVA's oldest nuclear plant were busy over the weekend working on the first phase of what will one of the largest power upgrades of an existing U.S. nuclear plant.TVA is installing new equipment on the Unit 3 reactor on its Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant in Alabama as part of its refueling outage following a record 653-day run of power generation at the plant. The scheduled refueling and maintenance outage began early Saturdaymorning and will help TVA to boost the power output at the reactor by more than 14 percent, adding 155 megawatts of power once the refueling and equipment upgrades are completed.TVA spokesman Jim Hopson said that in addition to the traditional outage work of loading 344 new fuel assemblies, a final round of modifications will be installed that will prepare Unit 3 to become the first of the three Browns Ferry units to operate at the Extended Power Uprate approved last year by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. New equipment is being added on both the nuclear and non-nuclear parts of Browns Ferry to generate more steam and to use that steam to produce more power.Over the next year, TVA plans similar power upgrades on the other two reactors at Browns Ferry. In total, TVA is spending $475 million to add an additional 465 megawatts of electricity at the 3-unit plant, or enough to power an additional 280,000 homes."Outages are always important because it's our opportunity to do the work necessary to safely and reliably generate electricity for the next two years," said Lang Hughes, Browns Ferry site vice president. "There is added importance to this and our next two outages because we will complete the remaining work needed to operate each unit at extended power uprate conditions to serve the energy needs of the Tennessee Valley."…
NRC Stratiegic Plan: Government Hating And Deregulation
Risk Informed regulations isn't science based anything. It is fundimentally based on self interested assumptions with highly technical people.
Remember, we are in the largest economic crisis the nukes ever seen...
Remember, we are in the largest economic crisis the nukes ever seen...
NRC Presents FY 2018-2022 Strategic Plan
SAFETY STRATEGIES Safety Strategy 1: Maintain and enhance the NRC’s regulatory programs, using information gained from domestic and international operating experience, lessons learned, and advances in science and technology.
Safety Strategy 2: Further risk-inform the current regulatory framework in response to advances in science and technology, policy decisions, and other factors, including prioritizing efforts to focus on the most safety-significant issues.
Safety Strategy 3: Enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of licensing and certification activities to maintain both quality and timeliness of licensing and certification reviews.
Safety Strategy 4: Maintain effective and consistent oversight of licensee performance with a focus on the most safety-significant issues.
Safety Strategy 5: Maintain material safety through the National Materials Program in partnership with Agreement States.
Safety Strategy 6: Identify, assess, and resolve safety issues.
Safety Strategy 7: Ensure the NRC maintains its readiness to respond to incidents and emergencies involving NRC-licensed facilities and radioactive materials and other events of domestic and international interest.
Safety Strategy 8: Verify that nuclear facilities are constructed and operated in accordance with permits and licenses and that the environmental and safety regulatory infrastructure is adequate to support the issuance of new licenses.
Friday, February 16, 2018
Junk Plants Palo Verde: Has Their Power History Been So Erratic Lately?
Power Reactor | Event Number: 53215 |
Facility: PALO VERDE Region: 4 State: AZ Unit: [1] [ ] [ ] RX Type: [1] CE,[2] CE,[3] CE NRC Notified By: JORGE LESTER HQ OPS Officer: JEFF HERRERA |
Notification Date: 02/16/2018 Notification Time: 02:50 [ET] Event Date: 02/15/2018 Event Time: 21:53 [MST] Last Update Date: 02/16/2018 |
Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY 10 CFR Section: 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) - RPS ACTUATION - CRITICAL 50.72(b)(3)(xiii) - LOSS COMM/ASMT/RESPONSE |
Person (Organization): GREG WERNER (R4DO) |
Unit | SCRAM Code | RX CRIT | Initial PWR | Initial RX Mode | Current PWR | Current RX Mode |
1 | A/R | Y | 100 | Power Operation | 0 | Hot Standby |
Event Text
"The following event description is based on information currently available. If through subsequent reviews of this event additional information is identified that is pertinent to this event or alters the information being provided at this time a follow-up notification will be made via the ENS or under the reporting requirements of 10CFR50.73. "On February 15, 2018, at approximately 2153 Mountain Standard Time (MST), the Palo Verde Generating Station (PVGS) Unit 1 Control Room received Reactor Protection System alarms for Low Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio and an automatic reactor trip occurred. Prior to the reactor trip, Unit 1 was operating normally at 100 percent power. Plant operators entered the emergency operations procedures and diagnosed an uncomplicated reactor trip but noted that Reactor Coolant Pumps 1B and 2B were not running due to a loss of power. All CEAs [Control Element Assemblies] fully inserted into the core. Following the reactor trip, all nuclear instruments responded normally. No emergency classification was required per the PVGS Emergency Plan. "The PVGS Unit 1 safety related electrical busses remained energized from normal offsite power during the event. The Unit 1 'B' Diesel Generator is currently removed from service for maintenance. Due to ongoing planned maintenance on NAN-X02, Startup Transformer 2, fast bus transfer for NAN-S02 (from NAN-S04) was blocked. This resulted in a loss of offsite power to NAN-S02 and NBN-S02. The offsite power grid is stable. Unit 1 is currently stable in Mode 3 with the reactor coolant system at normal operating temperature and pressure. "The event did not result in any challenges to fission product barriers and there were no adverse safety consequences as a result of this event. The event did not adversely affect the safe operation of the plant or the health and safety of the public. "The NRC Resident Inspector has been informed of the Unit 1 reactor trip." * * * UPDATE ON 2/16/18 AT 1640 EST FROM DAVID HECKMAN TO DONG PARK * * * "Unit 1 is stable in Mode 3 following an uncomplicated trip. Offsite power has been restored to non-safety related electrical busses. Troubleshooting continues to determine the cause of the event. "During performance of the alarm response procedure, it was identified that the seismic monitoring (SM) system had been in alarm since the reactor trip and was incapable of performing its emergency plan function. Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii), this condition constitutes a major loss of emergency assessment capability. Compensatory measures have been implemented in accordance with PVNGS procedures to provide alternative methods for HU2.1 event classification with the SM system out of service. Maintenance is currently in progress to restore SM system functionality." The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R4DO (Werner). |
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
LaSalle Torus Discovery Is A Example The NRC Doesn't Inforce Regulations
This is my example we don't know the true condition per licensing of every plant in the nation. We are going to have a lot of surprises in the next big accident... And the gap between licensing and the actual conditions of the plant are widening. Can you imagine all the processes though the decades that was missed by the licensee and NRC. It is horrible...
LaSalle Inspection Report
It is imperative a licensee knows the conditions of the safety equipment and all documentation reflects the actual conditions. The torus has probably been inop since the plant has been in operation. This isn't the case.
When found, the torus should have been declared inop and emediately shutdown till the paperwork has been fixed. Plus an additional amount of time. It would help keep everyone else keep safe fearing the NRC would thrown down the hammer on them.
LaSalle Inspection Report
It is imperative a licensee knows the conditions of the safety equipment and all documentation reflects the actual conditions. The torus has probably been inop since the plant has been in operation. This isn't the case.
When found, the torus should have been declared inop and emediately shutdown till the paperwork has been fixed. Plus an additional amount of time. It would help keep everyone else keep safe fearing the NRC would thrown down the hammer on them.
(Closed) Unresolved Item 05000373; 05000374/2016001–01: Adequacy of Changes to Pool Swell Analysis a. Inspection Scope During the 2016 first quarter integrated inspection period, the inspectors reviewed the operability evaluation associated with loss of coolant accident suppression pool analysis. The inspectors identified an unresolved item involving changes to the methodology and design assumptions of the suppression pool analysis and whether those aforementioned changes provide a reasonable expectation that the affected systems, structures and components were operable. During the follow-up inspection activities to the Unresolved Item (URI), the inspectors reviewed LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2—Issuance of Amendments Re: Request to Revise Suppression Pool Swell Design Analysis and the Facility Licensing Basis (CAC NOS. MF8702 AND MF8703); dated October 30, 2017. The inspectors also reviewed Operability Evaluation OE 12–003; Potential to Increase Pool Swell Loads; Revision 5 and supporting calculations of record. The inspectors determined the licensee’s operability evaluation provided a reasonable expectation of operability. Based on this review, the inspectors sufficiently resolved these concerns and consider URI 05000373; 05000374/2016001–01 closed with no performance deficiencies identified; however, during this review, the inspectors identified one additional issue described below. This operability inspection constituted one sample as defined in IP 71111.15–05. b. Findings Primary Containment Structure, Suppression Pool Columns, Downcomer Vent and Downcomer Vent Bracing Did Not Meet Seismic Category I Requirements Introduction. A finding of very low safety significance (Green) and an associated NCV of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion III, “Design Control,” was identified by the inspectors for the failure to ensure the adequacy of the design for the primary containment structure, suppression pool columns, downcomer vents and downcomer vent bracing. Specifically, the inspectors identified three representative examples where the licensee failed to perform adequate design calculations resulting in the design not being in conformance with Seismic Category I requirements as defined in UFSAR Sections, and 3.8.6. Description. UFSAR Table 3.2–1 delineated the primary containment structure and downcomer vent as Seismic Category I and meeting the quality assurance requirements of 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix B. The suppression pool columns were part of the primary containment structure and support the drywell floor. The columns were designed to transfer design loading from the drywell floor to basemat.
In UFSAR Section described the primary containment as utilizing a Mark II over/under pressure-suppression configuration. The primary containment consisted of a steel pressure vessel enclosed by a concrete shield wall both supported by a concrete basemat. The primary containment was enclosed by the reactor building, a reinforced-concrete structure functioning as a secondary containment. The drywell was connected to the suppression chamber by downcomer pipes. Steam that could be released in the drywell during a postulated loss-of-coolant accident was channeled through these downcomer pipes into the suppression pool where it is condensed thus effecting pressure-suppression. This would result in a lower pressure and temperature. The downcomer vent pipes were braced at Elevation 697’-1” and Elevation 721’-0”. The downcomer vent bracing design function was to provide horizontal restraint for applied lateral loading on downcomer vent pipes due to the seismic and loss-of-coolant accident design event. The downcomer vent and downcomer vent bracing design requirements are delineated in Section of LaSalle County Station, "Mark II-Design Assessment Report (LSCS-DAR)," Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago, Illinois, September, 1982. The design assessment report was incorporated by reference in UFSAR Section 3.8.6. During a review of calculations for the primary containment structure, suppression pool columns, downcomer vents and downcomer vent bracing, the inspectors identified the following three representative examples in which the licensee failed to meet the design requirements: • Calculation No. 195B; Containment Assessment; Revision 0; and Calculation No. 161I; Suppression Pool Columns; Revision 0. UFSAR Section stated, in part, “The design and analysis procedure is in full compliance with the requirements of Article CC–3000 of the ASME B&PV Code, Section III, Division 2…” The design yield strength of reinforcement shall not exceed 60,000 psi as described in Section CC–3422 of Article CC–3000. In addition, UFSAR Section defined the allowable of Fy as the minimum guaranteed reinforcing steel yield strength. The licensee used certified material test reports or actual material yield strength for the reinforcing steel in the evaluation of the containment structure and suppression pool columns. The use of actual material yield strength did not meet American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler & Pressure Vessel (B&PV) Code Section III, Division 2 and UFSAR requirements. The licensee documented these deficiencies in Issue Report No. 4070065; NRC Id: Clarification on Material Strength Values in Calcs; dated October 16, 2017. • Calculation No. L–002547; Assessment of Containment Wall, Basemat, Liner, Reactor Pedestal, Downcomer Bracing, Drywell Floor, and Suppression Pool Columns for 105 percent Power Uprate; Revision 0. As delineated in Section of LaSalle County Station, "Mark II-Design Assessment Report, the stresses within the downcomer were considered acceptable if they satisfy the ASME B&PV Code, Section III, Subsection NE. As permitted by Subsection NE–1120 for Metallic Containment components the downcomers were analyzed using Subsection NB–3650 of Section III. The licensee did not use the ASME code acceptance limits. The licensee documented these deficiencies in Issue Report No. 4074674; NRC Id: Clarification of Design Basis Code of Downcomer Vent; dated November 14, 2017.
• Calculation No. L–002547; Assessment of Containment Wall, Basemat, Liner, Reactor Pedestal, Downcomer Bracing, Drywell Floor, and Suppression Pool Columns for 105 percent Power Uprate; Revision 0. Section of LaSalle County Station Mark II-Design Assessment Report described the allowable acceptance limits are based on the 1.6 times the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) allowables but no greater than 0.95 times Fy (minimum specified yield strength of section). The licensee increased the allowable stresses by 50 percent based on using plastic section modulus properties which exceeded the elastic acceptance limits set forth in Section of LaSalle County Station Mark II-Design Assessment Report. The use of plastic section modulus properties would allow for permanent deformation of the material. Also, the downcomer bracing gusset plate uses plastic section modulus properties as well. Lastly, the licensee used a dynamic increase factor of 10 percent to increase the allowable acceptance limits. The dynamic increase factor was not contained in Section of LaSalle County Station Mark II-Design Assessment Report. The licensee documented these deficiencies in Issue Report No. 4070067; NRC Id: Clarification on Acceptance Criteria in Calcs; dated October 16, 2017. The inspectors reviewed the operability evaluation in accordance with IMC 0326; Operability Determinations & Functionality Assessments for Conditions Adverse to Quality or Safety; dated November 20, 2017 to assess whether the nonconforming primary containment structure, suppression pool columns, downcomer vents and downcomer vent bracing were operable. The inspectors identified no performance deficiencies with the operability evaluation. In response to the inspector’s concern, the licensee initiated CAP documents as AR 4070067; NRC Id: Clarification on Acceptance Criteria in Calcs; dated October 16, 2017, AR 4070065; NRC Id: Clarification on Material Strength Values in Calcs; dated October 16, 2017 and AR 4074674; NRC Id: Clarification of Design Basis Code of Downcomer Vent; dated November 14, 2017. Analysis. The inspectors determined the licensee’s failure to perform adequate evaluations to demonstrate Seismic Category I compliance for the primary containment structure, suppression pool columns, downcomer vents and downcomer vent bracing was contrary to the design control measures per 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, requirements and was a performance deficiency. The performance deficiency was determined to be more than minor because the performance deficiency was associated with the Barrier Integrity Cornerstone attribute of design control and adversely affected the Cornerstone objective to provide reasonable assurance that physical design barriers (fuel cladding, reactor coolant system, and containment) protect the public from radionuclide releases caused by accidents or events. Specifically, compliance with Seismic Category I design basis requirements was to ensure the primary containment structure, suppression pool columns, downcomer vents and downcomer vent bracing would function as required during a Seismic Category I design basis event and not adversely affect the function of the containment barrier.
Friday, February 09, 2018
Am I Seeing More Of These kinds Of Pages?
Current Event Notification Report for February 9, 2018
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Operations Center
Event Reports For
02/08/2018 - 02/09/2018
***No events reported***
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Operations Center
Event Reports For
02/08/2018 - 02/09/2018
***No events reported***
Thursday, February 08, 2018
Grand Gulf: So unmazingly Unprofessional
February 7, 2018
Mr. Eric Larson, Site Vice President Entergy Operations, Inc. Grand Gulf Nuclear Station P.O. Box 756 Port Gibson, MS 39150
Dear Mr. Larson:
Thank you for your letter of December 21, 2017, (ML17362A041) which provided clarifying information to supplement your September 21, 2017, reply (ML17269A031) to the Notice of Violation concerning calibration of the main steam line and containment/drywell high range radiation monitors. The Notice of Violation was issued on August 22, 2017, in NRC Inspection Report 05000416/2017012 (ML17235B265).
The NRC identified several discrepancies in your initial response that required clarification. We have reviewed these clarifications in conjunction with your initial response to the Notice of Violation and find that they address the violation and the corrective actions taken. Following review of your responses to the Notice of Violation, we concluded that the surveillances performed on the main steam line and containment/drywell high range radiation monitors in response to the Notice of Violation demonstrate reasonably accurate instrument responses. However, the changes to the calibration procedures themselves warrant additional review. In particular, we noted that the procedures continue to allow tolerances significantly wider than industry norm. We will review the implementation of your corrective actions during a future inspection to determine that full compliance has been achieved and will be maintained.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice and Procedure," a copy of this letter will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the NRC’s Agencywide Documents Access Management System (ADAMS), accessible from the NRC’s Web site at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html.
Tuesday, February 06, 2018
The NEI, NextEra And Entergy War.
Is this the beginning of the great collapse with the USA's nuclear industry? Is the NEI playing hardball with NextEra trying to prevent other utilities from the leaving the organization?
NextEra Suit Accuses Nuclear Trade Group of ‘Extortion"
February 5, 2018
By Rich Heidorn Jr.
NextEra Energy, which quit the Nuclear Energy Institute last month over the trade association’s push for subsidies, last week accused the group of “extortion,” saying it was spitefully denying the company access to a database used to screen workers.
The company initially declined to say publicly why it was leaving NEI when it informed the organization of its decision on Jan. 4.
NextEra Suit Accuses Nuclear Trade Group of ‘Extortion"
February 5, 2018
By Rich Heidorn Jr.
NextEra Energy, which quit the Nuclear Energy Institute last month over the trade association’s push for subsidies, last week accused the group of “extortion,” saying it was spitefully denying the company access to a database used to screen workers.
The company initially declined to say publicly why it was leaving NEI when it informed the organization of its decision on Jan. 4.
But NextEra ended its silence after NEI notified it on Jan. 30 that it was terminating its access to the Personnel Access Data System (PADS). NextEra said NEI informed it that it would be cut off Feb. 4 unless it paid $860,000, “the vast majority of which is NEI membership fees unrelated to PADS.”“NEI’s actions were taken for no purpose other than to retaliate against the NextEra companies because of their withdrawal as NEI members,” said the suit, filed Feb. 2 in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.NEI CEO Maria Korsnick issued a statement Monday saying she “vehemently denies” NextEra’s allegations and “will vigorously defend our position in court.”NextEra said losing access to PADS could threaten seven scheduled refueling outages at its nuclear plants in 2018, including one set to begin Feb. 7 at the St. Lucie nuclear plant owned by its Florida Power & Light subsidiary. The company said St. Lucie’s workforce would jump from 700 to 1,700 during the monthlong outage.The nuclear industry developed PADs in the mid-1990s as a shared database for employee security information such as criminal history reports, fitness-for-duty test results and psychological screenings.NextEra said it would be “exceedingly difficult” to meet Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements without PADS, noting that staff can more than double during plant outages. “Many of the additional maintenance workers employed during these refueling outages are highly transient — moving from plant to plant across the country to work during outages,” the company said. “Without access to PADS, nuclear operators would be forced to start from scratch in screening individual applicants for unescorted access, and they would do so without the benefit of consulting information already collected by other nuclear operators in an easily accessible electronic format. Similarly, without universal industry participation in PADS, the database would become incomplete. This would result in additional manual screening efforts even for continuing PADS participants.”The company contends the PADS participation agreement, which it signed in 1995, does not require participants to be NEI members. “NEI took this retaliatory action notwithstanding that the NextEra companies have been at all times in compliance with the agreement and have paid millions of dollars to develop and upgrade PADS,” it said.Korsnick disagreed with NextEra’s interpretation of the participation agreement. “When NextEra voluntarily chose to discontinue its NEI membership, it was no longer entitled to continue participating in PADS,” she said. “Even then, NEI conveyed to NextEra that it would supply the information in PADS necessary to maintain strict compliance with the NRC regulations. That exchange has been accomplished and will continue throughout each work week.“To call NEI’s approach retaliatory, or even suggest the notion of extortion, is both counterfactual and offensive to the good faith effort the offer represents,” she continued. “NEI’s good faith outreach was intended to open a dialogue that would advance the industry’s interest in remaining unified, or as unified as possible, on regulatory and other policy positions. Unfortunately, rather than even opening a dialogue, NextEra immediately followed its rejection of NEI’s offer with a baseless lawsuit.”Break over Policy
NextEra owns all or part of the Duane Arnold Energy Center in Palo, Iowa; the Point Beach Nuclear Plant in Two Rivers, Wisc.; and the Seabrook Station in Seabrook, N.H., equivalent to 6% of total U.S. nuclear generating capacity. In addition to the St. Lucie plant near Fort Pierce, Fla., FPL owns the Turkey Point plant near Miami. As of the end of 2016, NextEra also owned about 16% of U.S. wind capacity and 11% of the country’s solar capacity.NextEra — which had been paying about $3 million in NEI dues annually — quit last month over what it called the trade group’s “irrational and unreasonable policies that would distort electric energy markets.”Its suit cited NEI-funded studies “that call into question the reliability and costs of the electric system, attempting to create a false sense of panic and unfairly and incorrectly maligning the operations of its members, including the NextEra companies.”“NEI claims that the ‘grid-based electricity supply portfolio in the United States is becoming less cost-effective, less reliable and less resilient,’” the complaint continues. “Such a thesis is unfounded. In fact, the policies that NEI is advocating would produce those very results by introducing artificial constraints on the way in which an electric system is planned and operated. … As large nuclear generators, the NextEra companies obviously support nuclear energy. But the NextEra companies cannot financially, or otherwise, support an organization that fundamentally mispresents the state of grid reliability in this country.”Korsnick said NEI’s lobbying in support of Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s call for price supports for coal and nuclear plants followed “a rigorous process for gathering input from member companies to inform our policy positions.”“On most issues [NEI] does not advocate a position until it has been approved by members of the Executive Committee. NextEra may not have agreed with NEI’s effort to support the continued operation of existing plants, but our work was guided by the interests of our member companies,” she said.“NEI remains committed to achieving its foundational mission: to preserve, sustain, innovate and grow the nuclear energy industry. All of NEI’s actions should be and are consistent with that purpose. NEI also ensures all decisions and actions taken maintain a safe, effective and well operated nuclear energy fleet. NEI’s commitment to each of those core principles will always be absolute without compromise.”NEI did not respond to a question about NextEra’s contention that the group is “suffering from financial difficulties.” NextEra cited NEI’s Form 990 for 2015, which it said “shows negative six-figure net assets for the 2015 and 2014 tax years.”Entergy also Left NEI
Entergy, which operates seven nuclear plants in the U.S., also quit NEI last month, but it has not commented publicly on its reason for doing so.“NEI has been one of several vehicles through which to advocate our positions on important policy and regulatory issues impacting the nuclear power industry,” Entergy spokeswoman Emily Bealke Parenteau said in response to a question about the company’s departure. “Entergy has made the decision to leverage its other internal and external resources for advocacy efforts.“While Entergy will no longer be a member of NEI, we have a system in place that replaces PADS. We will continue to engage actively and cooperatively with the industry in both the operations and public policy arenas,” she added.One industry official with knowledge of the situation said Exelon and some other NEI members view Entergy as a “traitor” for closing its uneconomic merchant nuclear plants rather than fighting for subsidies.Exelon purchased Entergy’s James A. FitzPatrick nuclear plant in New York after the latter said it would close the plant regardless of whether the state approved zero-emission credits. Entergy also has agreed to close its Indian Point plant under pressure from Gov. Andrew Cuomo.“Exelon told other NEI members that Entergy effectively forced them to buy [FitzPatrick] — they believed that … to get ZECs passed, they needed solidarity, and Entergy wasn’t playing ball,” the official said. “The fact that Entergy is closing Pilgrim [in Plymouth, Mass.] without a whimper and Palisades [in Michigan] when their contract ends in a few years has some NEI members upset. … Every time that a nuclear plant closes, it hurts their specialty vendors and, as a result, vendors shrink, and remaining ones have some market power. And that raises costs for every remaining plant.
Monday, February 05, 2018
New Startup For Junk Plant Grand Gulf
March 9
Grand Gulf is down to 90% and River Bend is up to 87% I see we hit the spring outage time nationwide...
March 8 Now River Bend is at 14% and restarted...
March 4
So now Grand Gulf is down to 78% power. Its first big downpower since startup. River Bend is shutdown.
March 3
Much congratulation to Grand Gulf with staying up at 100% for two or three days. But now River Bend is down to 24% power...
March 1
Grand Gulf has been at 100% for days now. I doubt they will get by March without another trip. But now River Bend is in trouble. They came up slowly from their recent scram. They have been banging around 80-90% for many days now. Something was preventing them coming up to 100%. Today they are down to 24%. I have done this all to highlight the erratic and unreliable nature of Entergy...
Feb 21
Ok, so now Grand Gulf is at 100% power. So it took them 18 days to get to 100% power from startup. An atrocious amount of time.
River Bend: They have been stuck at 90% for days. The operations of these plants indicated they are highly erratic and unreliable operations. They are in quick decline...
Feb 20
I read the wrong columb. Grand Goof is a 93 power. Will they even get to 100% power before they trip.
Grand Gulf is finally at 100% power. Just think of this, it took at least 17 days for the plant to come up to 100% power. How is that good for a vital and critical societal need?
River Bend has been is stuck at 90% power
Fed 19
Grand Gulf is finally at 100% power
River bend is stuck at 90% FOR DAYS!!!!.
Jan 16
Grand Gulf 83%
River Bend 90%
Why has River Bend been stuck at 90% for 24 hours...
Update Jan 15
Hold your breath, Grand Gulf is near their peak power level (91%) last startup...
Update Jan 14
Hmm, River Bend is pulling a Grand Gulf?
Grand Gulf 83%
River Bend 65%
Update Jan 13
Grand Gulf 63%
River Bend 85%
See this is driving me crazy. Why did Grand Gulf take a deep 22% drop in power, while River Bend is maintaining around 80% power? Why is Grand Gulf so unstable.
Update Feb 12
Jan 12 76% power
Jan 11 74%
Jan 10 55%
River Bend started up on Jan 10 (1% power) and is 81%
From the evidence, I just don't think it is a xenon problem. It might be some of it. I think something is going with the core or fuel.
Notice the event date and power level? The inner and outer airlock doors are supposed to be shut and tested before startup. It is not supposed to be opened until the next shutdown. On the far side of inner airlock door sits the reactor core. It is really radioactive inside that door. They had to open the door for a problem inside containment. I wonder if they actually went through the inner door a power? It is very abnormal. The failed seal in the inner door, they should have picked it up on the pre startup seal testing. I did leak rate testing on these doors all the time. They were inches thick metal door for employee radiation protection. The doors were very heavy. It took a lot of heft just to close the doors... I don't think a girl could close doors :)
Feb 9
Must be a xenon soak thing. Up 3% to 70%.
River Bend is still 0% from last scram.
Feb 8
Feb 7
Still at 26%. So we are already at a highly abnormal startup. They just weren't ready for power operation...
River Bend is still shutdown.
Feb 6
Stuck at 26% for 24 hours. The fun begins.
Feb 5 26%
Feb 4 17%
Feb 3 1%
Grand Gulf is down to 90% and River Bend is up to 87% I see we hit the spring outage time nationwide...
March 8 Now River Bend is at 14% and restarted...
March 4
So now Grand Gulf is down to 78% power. Its first big downpower since startup. River Bend is shutdown.
March 3
Much congratulation to Grand Gulf with staying up at 100% for two or three days. But now River Bend is down to 24% power...
March 1
Grand Gulf has been at 100% for days now. I doubt they will get by March without another trip. But now River Bend is in trouble. They came up slowly from their recent scram. They have been banging around 80-90% for many days now. Something was preventing them coming up to 100%. Today they are down to 24%. I have done this all to highlight the erratic and unreliable nature of Entergy...
Feb 21
Ok, so now Grand Gulf is at 100% power. So it took them 18 days to get to 100% power from startup. An atrocious amount of time.
River Bend: They have been stuck at 90% for days. The operations of these plants indicated they are highly erratic and unreliable operations. They are in quick decline...
Feb 20
I read the wrong columb. Grand Goof is a 93 power. Will they even get to 100% power before they trip.
Grand Gulf is finally at 100% power. Just think of this, it took at least 17 days for the plant to come up to 100% power. How is that good for a vital and critical societal need?
River Bend has been is stuck at 90% power
Fed 19
Grand Gulf is finally at 100% power
River bend is stuck at 90% FOR DAYS!!!!.
Jan 16
Grand Gulf 83%
River Bend 90%
Why has River Bend been stuck at 90% for 24 hours...
Update Jan 15
Hold your breath, Grand Gulf is near their peak power level (91%) last startup...
Grand Gulf 85%
River Bend 90%
Update Jan 14
Hmm, River Bend is pulling a Grand Gulf?
Grand Gulf 83%
River Bend 65%
Update Jan 13
Grand Gulf 63%
River Bend 85%
See this is driving me crazy. Why did Grand Gulf take a deep 22% drop in power, while River Bend is maintaining around 80% power? Why is Grand Gulf so unstable.
Update Feb 12
Jan 12 76% power
Jan 11 74%
Jan 10 55%
River Bend started up on Jan 10 (1% power) and is 81%
From the evidence, I just don't think it is a xenon problem. It might be some of it. I think something is going with the core or fuel.
Notice the event date and power level? The inner and outer airlock doors are supposed to be shut and tested before startup. It is not supposed to be opened until the next shutdown. On the far side of inner airlock door sits the reactor core. It is really radioactive inside that door. They had to open the door for a problem inside containment. I wonder if they actually went through the inner door a power? It is very abnormal. The failed seal in the inner door, they should have picked it up on the pre startup seal testing. I did leak rate testing on these doors all the time. They were inches thick metal door for employee radiation protection. The doors were very heavy. It took a lot of heft just to close the doors... I don't think a girl could close doors :)
Power Reactor Event Number: 53201 Facility: GRAND GULF
Region: 4 State: MS
Unit: [1] [ ] [ ]
RX Type: [1] GE-6
HQ OPS Officer: DONALD NORWOODNotification Date: 02/10/2018
Notification Time: 22:37 [ET]
Event Date: 02/10/2018
Event Time: 18:35 [CST]
Last Update Date: 02/10/2018Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY
10 CFR Section:
50.72(b)(3)(v)(C) - POT UNCNTRL RAD RELPerson (Organization):
Unit SCRAM Code RX CRIT Initial PWR Initial RX Mode Current PWR Current RX Mode 1 N Y 68 Power Operation 70 Power Operation
Event Text
"On 2/10/18 at 1835 CST at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, while the 208 ft. Containment Airlock Outer Door was tagged-out for planned maintenance, the 208 ft. Containment Inner Door was determined to be inoperable. Grand Gulf had performed 06-ME-1M23-R-0001, Personnel Airlock Door Seal Air System Leak Test, on the 208 ft. Containment Airlock Inner Door which had been deemed satisfactory. While performing planned maintenance on the outer door an additional review of the paperwork determined that the test was actually unsatisfactory on the inner door. TS Condition C was entered at 1835 CST on 2/10/18 for both 208 ft. Containment Airlock Doors being inoperable. Maintenance of the Outer Door is expected to be completed, and the airlock returned to operable status, prior to TS required action completion time."
The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
Feb 9
Must be a xenon soak thing. Up 3% to 70%.
River Bend is still 0% from last scram.
Feb 8
Feb 7
Still at 26%. So we are already at a highly abnormal startup. They just weren't ready for power operation...
River Bend is still shutdown.
Feb 6
Stuck at 26% for 24 hours. The fun begins.
Feb 5 26%
Feb 4 17%
Feb 3 1%
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