Whistleblowing can be used as a potent creative tool to help your bureaucracy evolve towards a more enlightened organization.
Phone: 1-603-209-4206 steamshovel2002@yahoo.com
Note: I constantly update my articles.
Comments at the bottom of the article are always welcome!!!
Mike Mulligan, Hinsdale, NH
I am writing in response to your email concerning unidentified aircraft, such as drones, in the vicinity of the Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations. These types of events have occurred at a number of sites over the past several years, and we understand that the recent incidences are concerning. The NRC monitors such events and requires U.S. nuclear power plant licensees to report suspicious oversight activity, including the presence of drones, to us. In turn, we pass the information on to the FAA and FBI so those agencies can take proper action, as necessary.
As a former plant operator, you likely know better than most that nuclear power plants are hardened facilities designed such that the most important safety equipment is physically separated, typically redundant, and contained in robust structures. The NRC has contracted with the U.S. National Laboratories to perform vulnerability studies to assess unmanned aircraft systems’ (drones’) potential impacts to the safety and security of nuclear power plants. The NRC uses these studies together with ongoing interactions with the intelligence community and other federal partners to gain real-time information on the use and availability of drones. Additionally, the staff conducted a technical analysis of the potential threat posed by such aircraft and provided a paper to the Commission with its findings. A summary of the findings is publicly available via the embedded link.
As a result of the technical analyses referenced above, the NRC staff concluded there are currently no risk-significant vulnerabilities to nuclear power plants from drones and, as such, does not intend to pursue changes to licensees’ defensive strategies.
I was able to drive my car up on the bridge. I was the first civilian to drive on this new bridge.
Update: Sept 11
I rode my bike across the bridge. I am the first person to cross the bridge on a bike or E bike ever. Amazing progress in the last month.
I created the opportunity to build this bridge by getting involved.
Last winter I was the first civilian to walk half way an across the new bridge. The rest was not completed yet.
Yesterday I was the first civilian to walk all the way across the bridge. Did a spectacular little illegal hike across the new bridge, hiked down and across the old bridges, then back to the Stark bridge. I was the first civilian to finish this little route.
This was shortly before my alien encounter. I believe the aliens sent me this dream. Oh boy, they really get me. It’s as vivid as reality on earth. Astral projection or a out of a body experience.
Nov 4
I had this really crazy dream a few years back. It was extraordinarily vivid. Or was it crazy?
I love mowing my lawn. I lived in a public inner city low project all through my childhood. We never had to mow our lawn. It was done for us. I never had the lawn mowing experience in my childhood. I have been working on building up my lawn for years at my house. I spend prodigious amounts of time on it. I use way too much fertilizer. I do my part in creating co2. I have contempt for anyone having a riding lawnmower. I love walking behind my lawnmower looking at the nearby little mountain. All the insects, birds, chipmunks, squirrels, all the trees…the noise in the area when the lawnmower is not going. Hmm, the smells. The alway beautiful skies. If I want to be at peace with myself, the world and the universe…I’d be walking behind my lawnmower. I love snow blowing too.
In my dream I am approaching a pointy nebula. The point must be hundreds of millions of light years wide. I am star struck by the beauty of the universe. The nebula is the birthplace of stars. I then find me on a tiny plot of land on top of the tip of the nebula. I am on a very nice lawn walking behind my lawnmower. It is like it is real and I am talking to myself trying to make sense of how I got got here. I utterly amazed I seem to be out in open space breathing and alive. I worry about falling off the tiny plot of land. I feel my total isolation from humanity. I wonder where my family is. But I keep mowing on this lawn. I finally calm down. And I am mowing this lawn and in wonderment of this universe around me. Oh, it was so spectacular. Then all the earthly things hit me. Where am I going to live up here? How am I going to eat? How long am I going to live up here? I am hearing myself talking in my head discussing earthly realms and I can see the whole universe spinning right in front my eyes as I mow my little plot of beautiful green grass. There seems to be a separate me looking at myself mowing at a distance. I can see me talking to myself about earthly needs and I am totally engulfed within the whole infinite universe…
Yep, a gigantic crisis of the middle class. And a small proportion of us go insurrectionist. This is probably the most dangerous upcoming recession in our history. We are on a glide path to the Stone Age or end of civilization. Being a failed planet. You are going to miss us when we are gone. Dysfunctional modernity has caused this. This occurs on most civilizations in the universe. I hope we are being protected. It makes us terribly susceptible to outside planet forces. It has gone on past our ability to control.
“Macron warns of 'crisis of democracies,' including in US, in exclusive US interview”
Washington (CNN)French President Emmanuel Macron is warning about a "crisis of democracies," including in the United States, following years of "pressure" and "destabilization" efforts in an exclusive US interview with CNN's Jake Tapper.
Asked by Tapper if he's worried about American democracy, Macron replied, "I worry about all of us."
"I hate lecturing people and saying, 'I'm worried for you.' ... But I do believe that what is at stake is what we built in the 18th century," Macron said an interview.
The French leader warned of a global crisis of Western "liberal democracies" when asked by Tapper about the trend in nationalism, populism and racism spreading in Europe and the US.
"And this is why we always have to articulate the respect of people's willingness, middle class references, and all the progress made by our democracies welcoming different cultures, being open and cooperative. This is a matter of balance," he continued.
Update Sept 21
In a televised national address Wednesday morning, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced an immediate partial mobilization of Russian citizens, marking the biggest escalation since the start of his war in Ukraine.
Putin on Wednesday referenced his potential use of nuclear weapons, saying “those who try to blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know that the prevailing winds can turn in their direction.” He threatened to use "all the means at our disposal" to defend "Russia and our people."
Update September 20
Oh, he is still going to the main meeting but not stoping into the Climate meeting.
Biden just canceled his trip to the UN. I believe he did that because Russia is so fragile over Ukraine.
Was Guterres anticipating upcoming Biden’s speech at UN.
***I feel the USA has a high likely with failing in the near future. I think the planet is going to fail too. As the evolution of a planet advances-science and technological-all planets reach a Perilous point of failure. Science and advancements gum up the order of the planet. A huge number of planets fail at this point and just die away. I honestly feel we are on the path of being a dying planet.
At this time and our planet’s dysfunctional civilization development, the fast decline is beyond our control.
I believe we need tobask the aliens for help to save us and this planet.
To the Aliens: I believe you know how valuable the human species is. We all need a little help in our existence and I think this idea is a universal condition. We are all stronger working together. I ask you to openly intervene here to get us past this development stage. I know the earth in our totality of existence, earth’s civilization would be very beneficial to the universe. Who knows you might need us someday. For your own good and many other future civilizations in the cosmos, you need to quickly get us on a self sustainable Trajectory. Please help us and my family.
Live Updates: U.N. Secretary General Warns of ‘Colossal Global Dysfunction’
“The annual diplomatic gathering at the United Nations this week places the spotlight on its top chief, António Guterres, the secretary general, who is responsible for persuading an increasingly fractured and skeptical world that the U.N. — and, by extension, his position — is still vital for international order and multilateralism.
In his opening remarks Tuesday, Mr. Guterres said that the world was in peril, and geopolitical divides were undermining international law, trust in democratic institutions and all forms of international cooperation.”
“We cannot go on like this,” Mr. Guterres said. “We have a duty to act. And yet we are gridlocked in colossal global dysfunction.”
Goggle just took my alien encounter post down for not meeting their guildlines. There was nothing in that post that went past their guildlines, the post was up since Jan 15, 2021. (Mmmm, since around Aug 11, 2021)
Update June 8
I contested Blogger pulling my post. It back up within 24 hours. I got to give blogger credit for rescinding this first decision. Right, we are dealing with a needle in a haystack with such a big google system and my tiny tiny blog and my one post.
A former intelligence official turned whistleblower has given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General extensive classified information about deeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin.
The information, he says, has been illegally withheld from Congress, and he filed a complaint alleging that he suffered illegalretaliation for his confidential disclosures, reported here for the first time.
Other intelligence officials, both active and retired, with knowledge of these programs through their work in various agencies, have independently provided similar, corroborating information, both on and off the record.
May 4, 2023
What an amazing ride. I been seeing a new shrink. Basically post encounter my mind kept spinning out of control. I thought something was dangerously wrong with me and I voluntarily went into a locked mental ward. Just afterwards with the encounter I failed badly a test for dementia. When I went into the hospital I failed another test. Depression is the great impostor. They thought I had schizophrenia too and gave me a zombie drug. The new shrink and me decided to get off the schizophrenia drug. He put me on depression pills. It took a month before the depression pills worked. So I been seeing this guy for about a year. Today I have no symptoms with dementia and the shrink thinks I never had dementia. He thinks my depression was so severe, that was the reason why I couldn’t pass the mental test.
I am in good shape today. My wife and family think I am back to my old self. I had the best winter in a long time. I massively biked and hiked all winter long. I been out in “all” the snow storms this year.
My alien encounter is a fact!
May 25
I recently seen two UFOs over the Northfield MA area. It was in the daytime. I just got a glimpse at them. They are letting me know they are still around. Both while I was driving by myself. Why Northfield and not around my house? They were rather small craft and it about 2 to 4 miles away from me. A one or two person craft. There is no doubt they were alien spaceships and ufos.
One look like a block spacecraft with huge black wheels on the bottom of the ship. Hard to see with all the trees.
May 8
I had a alien encounter and abduction on Jan 15 2021. My mental health has been declining since this date. I am being treated for PTSD, on meds for that, was hospitalized for mental issues, diagnosed with dementia, and on meds for that too.
I have pretty bad PTSD coming from this alien encounter. These alien related human health reports have set my mind spinning. So I am heading up north in NH to a geriatric hospital for a least a few weeks to fix my alien fixation. Some of them hospital’s staffs feel I have the beginnings of dementia. These guys up north are going to be the experts on the elderly minds. So soon, I am heading to the faculty to talk it out. Another of the staff feels the encounter was brought on by a diabetes blood sugar control problem. With diabetes and 3 or 4 concussions, there certainly is a big probability I do have some kind of dementia. I really don’t think I have dementia, but how would I know? I just as likely could have brain damage caused by the aliens and I am in my great decline as outlined in these reports. Right out of x files…
April 8
Attached to the report was a list of physiological effects on people who had come into contact with UFO or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs).
The list compiled by the Mutual UFO Network included 129 reported cases of apparent abductions, 77 cases of electromagnetic effects on vehicles, 75 instances of perceived time loss, 41 reported cases of burns, 23 cases of electrical shocks, 18 reports of force field impacts and five reported
The existence of the secretive AATIP program was revealed by its former head and whistleblower Luis Elizondo in 2017.
In an interview with GQ in November 2021, he hinted at some of the effects of reported interactions with UFOs and UAPs.
“I’ve got to be careful, I can’t speak too specifically, but one might imagine that you get a report from a pilot who says, ‘Lue, it’s really weird. I was flying and I got close to this thing and I came back home and it was like I got a sunburn. I was red for four days,”’ he said
“Well, that’s a sign of radiation. That’s not a sunburn; it’s a radiation burn. Then [a pilot] might say, if [they] had got a little closer, “Lue, I’m at the hospital. I’ve got symptoms that are indicative of microwave damage, meaning internal injuries, and even in my brain there’s some morphology there.’”
“And then you might get somebody who gets really close and says, ‘You know, Lue, it’s really bizarre. It felt like I was there for only five minutes, but when I looked at my watch 30 minutes went by, but I only used five minutes worth of fuel. How is that possible?’”
“Well, there’s a reason for that, we believe, and it probably has to do with warping of space time.”
*I expect in the coming years a lot more documents and visuals are going to be released.
I am now afraid I am going to die a unnatural death.
This is the second report on health problems associated with alien encounters and abduction that came out this week. This report was paid by our government. I met three aliens out in the woods for god knows how long, have memories of being up in their ship and was tortured, plagued by nightmares and that the aliens are closely watching me. They have been closely watching mevfor at least three years and have put strange images in my head before the encounters. I never seen the alien’s ship. I assume the ship was cloaked some thousands of feet above us. This report says numerous people who had sightings died within a few years after the encounter. My life has drastically changed since Jan 15. 2021.
I wish some US government agency would take over my medical care and help me deal with the fallout. I wish there was a group of contactees where I could commiserate with. Group therapy. The traditional medical community is way out of their league through no fault of their own.
“Clinical Medical Acute & Subacute Field Effects on Human Dermal & Neurological Tissues”
This paper relates, summarizes, and analyzes evidence of unintended injury to human observers. Second, an argument is made that the subsequent work can inform (e.g., reverse engineer), through clinical diagnoses, certain physical characteristics of possible future Advanced Aerospace Systems from unknown provenance that may be a threat to United States interests.
The evidence discussed includes scientific material that has been peer- reviewed, contained in recently declassified government documents, and early emergent clinical medical analyses also underway in companion research studies, supported by the Sponsor and Affiliates.
n Based on historical cases, humans have been found to have been injured from exposures to anomalous vehicles, especially airborne, and when in relatively close proximity.
n The primary mechanisms of injury are related to electromagnetic radiation field effects (EMR field effects).
n The biophysical characteristics of the injuries are well understood.
n The energy related propulsion systems are not well understood.
n The potential deployment of systems is thus, important to understand.
n Sufficient incidents/accidents have been accurately reported, and medical data acquired, as to support a hypothesis that some advanced systems are already deployed, and opaque to full US Intelligence understanding.
n Amongst the most important pathophysiological effects are: o Heating and burn injuries
§ Ionizing and non-ionizing
§ Thermally induced o Neurological effects
§ Cognitive / Central Nervous System
§ Neuromuscular / Central & Autonomic Nervous Systems § Sensory / Peripheral Nervous System
§ Neuropsychiatric / Neuroendocrine
o Auditory / Cranial Nerves VII & VIII
§ Communication & disabling effects § Noise and central neurocognitive
n Analysis of Clinical Diagnostic Codes together with environmental conditions observed during anomalous events are clustered in meaningful ways
n The medical analyses while not requiring the invention of an alternative biophysics, do indicate the use of (to us) unconventional and advanced energy systems.
April 6
“There are also ratings for UFO sightings, ‘Fly-by ratings’ and ‘Close Encounter ratings’ including CE4 in which an encounter with an alien results in permanent psychological injuries ‘or death,’” The Sun reported.
UFO sightings can depart witnesses injured struggling radiation burns, mind issues and broken nerves, in response to newly launched Pentagon information.
UFO Encounters Left Witnesses With Radiation Burns, Mind Issues & Broken Nerves, Claims Pentagon Docs
UFO encounters left witnesses with radiation burns, mind issues & broken nerves, claims Pentagon docs
The report, obtained by The Solar from the Protection Intelligence Company (DIA) as a part of an enormous Freedom of Data request, investigates the well being affect on people who’ve had paranormal experiences.
The report – titled Anomalous Acute And Subacute Subject Results on Human and Organic Tissues – investigates accidents to “human observers by anomalous superior aerospace programs”.
And the report – ready for the DIA – warns that such objects could also be a “menace to United States pursuits”.
People have been discovered to have been injured from “exposures to anomalous autos, particularly airborne and when in shut proximity”, it reads.
The report that usually these accidents are associated to electromagnetic radiation – and hyperlinks them to “vitality associated propulsion programs”.
It lists accidents akin to heating and burn accidents from radiation, injury to mind, and the in a position to affect individuals’s nerves.
“Enough incidents/accidents have been precisely reported, and medical information acquired, as to help a speculation that some superior programs are already deployed, and opaque to full US understandings”, the report reads.
It goes on: “The medical analyses whereas not require the invention of an alternate biophysics do point out to make use of of (to us) unconventional and superior vitality programs.”
The report added stated it had 42 instances from medical information and 300 comparable “unpublished” instances the place people had been injured after “anomalous” encounters…
Match 17
Why isn’t there any black people alien encounters. That would be my example in ufology and encounters, most of this is driven by people only out to make money. Will say anything to make a few Pennies.
Updated: I saying really what is behind ufology is the overarching desire to make money. Most of these people are anti Gov zealots and generally support authoritarian and insurrectionist based groups of people. Take Mufon, it is a private businesses and owned by a rich industrialist. This setup has setback full disclosure for decades. I actually think this is designed and supported by the bad aliens with the help of humans. It is a public relations tool of the bad aliens and the main tool is disruption of the acceptance of aliens. I just don’t understand why the good aliens haven’t leveled the playing field over our discovery of aliens. The good and very old civilizations, I don’t understand why they allowed the disruption with aliens disclosure for decades and enormously slowed the development of earth.
I have no idea if the aliens I met in the woods are good or bad. They intentionally targeted me for a intervention for years and studied me in depth. It is very hard to figure out the motives of alien whose civilizations are hundreds of thousands years more advanced than us. I wonder if this is somewhat about me living in a multi racial environment…getting two Korean babies when we were much younger. There is no doubt I am much more use to looking at foreign looking faces and bodies. I would still have big problems looking at alien faces and bodies…but I would adapt to it very quickly. They did gave me undeniable visuals they were aliens, but not enough to totally wig me out. And there is no doubt in my mind, they wanted to severely traumatized me for what ever is their ends. There intent was to severely traumatized for a prolong period of time with very little physically damage. Maybe driven a pycho-spiritual crisis in me to broaden my horizons. Maybe the aliens are warning me they are going to drive a psycho-spiritual crisis all throughout the population of this planet to waken us up. (added April 2)I could make the case with the Russian/Ukraine war and the west throttling the hell out of the Russian economy, maybe the planet’s psycho-spiritual crisis has already begun. Maybe it began in the Trump era with the building insurrectionist movement and also covid. These are huge inconceivable and unbelievable back to back crisis developing in the Trump era, now we are facing the Ukraine crisis and WWW III. You know what words or phrases I think are the calling cards of the aliens: the preposterous, the inconceivable and the unbelievable. Remember some alien civilizations are over a half a million years more advanced than us. They are just throwing physically forms at us so we can see them. I doubt they have a physical form.)
Added…I felt unbelievable dread and profound terror after the encounter for months. I still feel it and this dread woke me up last night. I am not even sure I have the words to express what occurred to me. But it is horrible beyond belief. I think I am feeling the aliens for some reason has been driving us between timelines erratically. We are all in a nightmarish fractured reality now and we perceived it as the world today. We are seeing now in a simulated reality to so call protect us…but our timelines are mixed up. I really feel we all have no control of our lives and no free will over our lives…we are all just going through the motions as to get the planet past this rough patch. I framed it here as alien “times wars”, that is how advanced species fight wars hundreds of thousands of years more advanced than us. I really don’t know how we get pass this. That is the kind of horrifying dread I have been feeling for the past year and a half. We are all living in a fake reality and none of us really have free will. We are slaves lost in time and we don’t known it. I guess the movie the matrix tries to express this. I am feeling more everyday we all live this universe and we have spirit life outside this life that is effectively indestructible. Are we stuck in this fake world forever? That is the dread I am feeling.
So how would it feel like if we didn’t live in this fake reality? It would feel like a intense LSD trip with us jumping around in our original timeline erratically. Humans life wouldn't sequence from birth to death. You would be a old man for a few moments, then be a toddler, then a middle age man and so on.
March 10
So I went to my new neurologist. She tested all my reflexes and asked me lots of questions. My trip to her by my doctor revolved around a preliminary terrible affliction. Luckily she said I am a normal 68 year old man with a fully functioning brain from her side of things. So I heading for a psychologist now. This is a really really hard issue for everyone involved.
Oh, I am taking Prazosin upon a diagnoses of PTSD. It is quieting my mind and preventing or minimizing nightmares. I have been taking it for three days and I can clearly feel its positive effects.
Fed 19
The marvel movie “Externals” main plot seems to model the alleged plot of most advanced aliens.
Feb 16
Well, over issues with somewhat high blood sugar levels, adjusting medications…I reminded them about the psych consult. These guys are just overcoming covid. So they are backed up. A psych nurse interviewed me yesterday over my encountered. Now I am heading for a neurologist appointment in May. I had a MRI last year and there was indications of white areas. I spoke about I think I was exposed to electromagnetic radiation. I told after the encounter I felt like I had brain surgery or something for the next 6 months. I got a terahertz level radiation in my research. The nurse was perplex with why I didn’t see a spaceshipSo am I. I knew once I was 50 yards away from the aliens I began looking their space ship and the lights eliminating from the light pole humanoid.So I am off to see a neurologist in May and the aim is for me to get another MRI. These guys are looking for a old man’s disease.
Basically my deteriorating cognitive condition described by my geriatrician report are all caused by the encounter and some kind of radiation. The dread, terror and fear in me was unbelievable.
Feb 10
I am a 68 years old. I think being abducted is a young man or women thing. I bet you my age makes this an extraordinarily rare event. Why would the aliens waste resources on such old man? Why am I so special?
Feb 7
So I was waking up in the morning. My wife gets up at 5am. I like to get up with her. It could be dicey with us in the first 10 minute with two old grumpy people. I shouldn’t say that, we have a great and happy relationship. We have a lot of fun with each other. But the first 10 minutes is still dicey until we both wake up. But I really enjoy talking to my wife in the raw early morning.
I am still having alien dreams. Very troubling dreams. I have gotten very good at evaluating the dream, I feel the dread in me…then wondering if I will be worrying about the dream all day long. Basically I am trying to recall the dream as best I can, then think I am going just make believe this dream never happened. Then live it.
I am sitting on my bed and stand up. I don’t know what is wrong we me, but I can’t get my full balance. So I finally stand up and take a few steps forward…I stand right in front of my closet door. I don’t want to fall down. I get this tunnel vision impression staring at the door. I can hear my wife asking me in a raised voice “are you all right”. Well, I am trying figure it out. I noice a horizontal line going up and down in my vision field. It kinda like I am looking at my closet door through tv screen. Remember those old TV sets slightly out of adjustment with a horizontal line going up and down on the screen…it looks exactly like that. I am not out of balance. I move my head slowly towards the right, now I got vertical lines going across my vision field. I think, wow this is cool. I move my head towards the left and the vertical switches directions. I then hear my wife almost screaming to me, “Mike are you all right”. They all in my house think I am a bit fragile now because of old age (68) and what the aliens did to me. Well, I am going to get a whole hell of a lot older and disgusting before I die! I am thinking at this point are the aliens playing with me? I am absolutely sure they could put that vision in my head. I am now pretty sure I got now the capability to override any alien visions in my head. But is the big stroke on the way? I just shake it off and walk towards the kitchen. I look back at my wife saying, “I am good”.
Update: I remember more about the morning now. Oh, this was alien related. So I am looking at the bedroom closet door maybe three or four foot away trying to get my bearings. I am fully awake and talking to my wife. So I am thinking I am really staring at the door looking at a tv screen within a screen. It looks real. My wife is not going bug-shit so I realize it is all in my head. The small tv screen in the middle has the old tv horizontal and vertical lines going across the screen depending which way I swivel my head. The large main screen is a unfamiliar room with people slowly moving around. I am desperately trying to recognize the faces in the room. I recognized no one, This occurred yesterday morning.
My doctor seems to believe this is all delusions. As he said, “mike, we got pills for that”. Well, of course you do:) I bet you they think I got the beginning stage of Alzheimer or Dementia. Nope, it is just a garden variety alien encounter.
I am going to overcome everything! Maybe even life itself when I naturally die.
How would I know I have delusions? How would they talk me into believing I got delusion? Delusions are tricky business. Am I delusional or is everyone else delusional. Look at the conditions of the world and the USA. I can tell you for a fact, nobody in my house is delusional. I live with five adults and two children in. They are all driving me crazy! We live in a really happy house!
Jan 21
So I finally ginned up the guts to talk to my regular doctor about the alien encounter or abduction. I got a high A1C effectively over worrying about this. I have been seeing this guy for decades. The PTSD and trauma is right on the surface. I just need to talk to somebody about this. My doctor quickly went to the questions, are your thinking about harming yourself or somebody else? I told him I am non violent. I told him in the first few months, the extreme dread and the terror was overwhelming. It was so severe I was contemplating suicide. I just couldn’t imagine living endlessly in that kind of state. I explained to him I feel much better today. He asked me if I feel safe. I delayed responding him. I don’t really feel safe as they could jump me at any time. I responded to him, well a year has gone by and they have mostly left me alone. So I guess that is safe. So I guess I feel safe. He asked over and over again do you feel like hurting someone? I said not a bit. I told him about the terrible nightmares at the beginning and it bled into when I was awake. I occasionally heard voices and urges in my head. I urged him he may talk to my wife about how I behave and he took me up on it.
I slid right back into zombie land over talking about my encounter. Began sweating heavily and the doctor noted my change in demeanor as I was talking to him. He said, you are feeling something real. We agreed I should see a psychologist. I noted his change in demeanor with him worrying about me. He came over close to me with his medical tablet, showing me how he was scheduling a visit to psychologist about having “delusions”. Well, he said before, “he was going to put it in the tablet as delusions”. I kept interjecting in our conversation many times “this is real”. I explained nicely I don’t like that word delusion because I know it as real. Then he smiled kind of sweetly at me saying, “but my system wont accept saying anything UFOs.” He laughed kind of lightly saying, “then they would send me to see a psychologist like you” “Mike, I just can’t think of a way to get you into system other than you are delusional.”I should have asked him to put it in on something traumatic.” “It is just a kind of a key to get you further help”, said the doctor.”So At this point I was sweating heavily and zoning out. Said “that’s fine”. I wish I could get to a point where I could talk about these things more rationally and somewhat unemotionally…not “zoned” out.
As I was first walking into the hospital, a army national guard man was in full uniform at the hospital entrance point. This hospital is in a pretty bad condition because of covid.
So now I am walking in the hospital hallways heading home and going past the directions or hospital phone answering front desk. It had two two people sitting there. I am in deep zombie land and I know it. I have adapted to feeling like this. I mean, I am self checking my state of mind as I was walking. I am amazed with how talking about the encounter has upset me so much. I am in a rather numbed state of mind. Making myself being “in the numbed state of the mind” is the only way I have survived for a year. It make me feel like me going out of control. I hear the hospital phone attendant’s voice getting louder and louder in my head… “hey”, “hey you”, “heyyy”…she is trying to get my attention. She stands up staring at me and asked me “are you ok”?
I am just saying I think this is a very rare event with a patient coming into a doctor’s office complaining about a traumatic alien encounter. They really have no training in this. So this is a naturally bewildering discussion in a doctor’s office. We are all struggling to come to terms with this. I like and trust my doctor.
Jan 15 One year anniversary on meeting aliens.
Jan 13
So I was dreaming all night last night. I get up to go to the bathroom few times in the night. That is how I can say I was dreaming all night. When I woke for the last time I had a pretty dramatic dream. So all the dreams prep me to it might be alien related. The dreams by no means where frightening, but really dramatic. You know how you wake up in a dream and remember clearly what it was about, but quickly forget what it was about. It happens to me all the times. You never know what the alien agenda is. You have to act on a alien message through your own free will. So I wake up this morning remembering the last dream. My mind is spinning about the dream might be alien related, but I worry I might immediately forget it. I think I got to get the quick take about what the story of the dream was about. I come up with the word “counter intuitive”. I say it over and over again in my head thinking something is going to happen today where the best alien choice is going to be counter intuitive. That is a big word I rarely use in my daily life.
I got a big project I have been working on for a few years. I can’t discuss it right now. I am reading my social media, somebody took my advice and it is big news in a very limited area. Huge ramifications! So the next advice to this organization is to go counter intuitive, to basically go against my past advice. Did this new advice arise from the alien message coming from the dream or did it arise from my own intelligence? This is the huge conundrum with alien cues. Did the word “counter intuitive” in relationship to my group arise from my natural intelligence or was that word seeded in my head by the aliens for a specific purpose? I pounder this a lot. I don’t remember alien voices in my head saying write it this way. I think my new advice came from my natural capabilities. These aliens are time travelers. But you never know for sure, as far as what they can do to the mind. So I think they knew I would use counter intuitive in my advice to the group through their time traveling capabilities, on my own. The message from the dream was just a show of support. A friendly pat on the back from the aliens for my difficult life. Trust and communications building exercise! I think free will is important to these beings. But humans are so fallible and weak to their own interest.
So about a hour after I gave my advice to the group, I am worrying about if I worded it right. I looked at the wording thinking it is all right. That is when it hit me, my proposal was in effect a counter intuitive strategy in order to fix the damn thing.
Jan 11
*Netflix movie “Don’t Look up”: Professor of astrology Dr Mindy got his hands on his head in a unbelievable state screaming “what the fuck, this can’t be real”. “This has got to be god damn joke.”
Big monied elites, corporate and businesses campaign contributions have ruin our political system. We had basically failed and corrupt democrats since the Kennedy years. All their monied failures have brought us to the point of failure. Basically all our institutions have been destroyed. It is like a small leak at a big dam. We let the dam leak for sixty years without repair. Now the hole is so large and the water flowing though the hole has so much energy…there is no way the dam can be repaired. Three hundred and fifty million people live downstream. That is the population of the USA. A series of catastrophes are coming our way soon. Hundreds of millions of us are already dead. Our country is a goner. A billion world wide will die and the earth’s civilization is highly in question. Our only hope is a alien intervention! Basically all our terrible dysfunctional national culture for 60 years have drove us all crazy and thus we can never deal with our future in a rational manner. It has gotten unfixable. The vast majority of us are undergoing a psychosis! I am a democrat at heart. The Republicans has always losers. It is a mass psychosis on a unimaginable scale!
Jan 14 update-NORAD and the FAA just blew the missile call.
So basically NORAD denies calling the shutdown and FAA has no comment…none of the agencies blames the stop on the missile. The Biden administration only blames the missile behind the scenes. Does covid all got this agencies misfiring.
***Ground stop on all west coast airports for eight minutes yesterday. The air traffic controllers all said it revolves around national security. Planes were ordered not take off and aircraft in the air were ordered to land. This is a very rare occurrence. In the same timeframe North Korea Launched a rocket. The rocket had no chance to get anywhere near the west coast of the USA. This is strange as hell. Yesterday we had failed talks with the Soviets surrounding Ukraine. Our US government has remain silent on this air shutdown which is beyond crazy. Remember that missile went north, really not too far…it would have to fly over the North Pole to hazard the west coast.
1) How about a huge alien spaceship or many craft doing crazy maneuvers above the west coast leading to the shutdown.
2) How about a secret and very stealthy Russian aircraft hazarding the west coast.
Basically the FAA and NORAD denies the missile caused the shutdown. Only the back rooms of the Biden administration hint it might be caused the missile launch. I believe the missile travel only 400 miles reach reached a altitude of 40 miles. This wasn’t near a ICBM. Maybe covid is effecting all the agencies?
Jan 10
Ok, so Russia and the USA are now in a face off over the Ukraine. Russia has some 100,000 troops stationed on the boarder of Ukraine. Russia years ago, took over Crimea that is territory of the Ukraine. Russia wants back its sphere of influence, those countries they lost when they collapsed. A lot of there lost are now part of NATO. So Russia’s side is they want no more encroachment by the west over their sphere of influence.
So my bet is Russia is going to take over the Ukraine. The USA is going to place horrendous economic sanctions on Russia and this will drop their economy. So Russia’s retaliation will have to revolve a equivalent amount of damage to the USA. The name of the game now for both sides is to create an event where one side gets to blame the other side for starting the war. This skirmish between Russian and the USA is like no other because of the damage of covid to both sides with their riling and seething populations. I’ll bet you both nations are eyeing the idea this will coalesce there population in this stressful times.
What is the Alien’s play here?
I bet you Russia will take out secretly one of our navy capital ships or aircraft carriers?
Russian cyber attack?
Huge amount of Russian immigrants…will they start blowing up buildings here?
Will China, North Korea and Iran do their Mischief?
***Seems there are at least twelve alien species visiting earth. Most of these guys are shape shifters, meaning they can come to us in a host of different bodies and different identities. They all mostly have biological robots that are similarly shape shifters. So here I have taken a stab at describing the greys I saw. But in the big picture, I have no idea what alien species I dealt with, because they can choose what body they want you to see.
Based on me not disclosing the encounter for 3 or 4 months because I worried people might think I am nuts and my family would be severely concerned about what happened to me…I bet these encounters occur much more frequency that you might imagine. To what level we don’t know. Is this a national security concern? I will bet you the aliens got a open door to multitudes of the US people?
Jan 9
I mean, what if I could see it all? All the alien civilizations, all the intra-frequencial, intra-dimensional and the whole number of universes…would we admire it all? Would we admire the perfection of it all? Ufology and the new age movement. Are they all guns for hire. I think the whole ball wax is so disappointing. Even religions across the board. What if we woke up to see it all and it was all just disgusting. My only hope is the earthy description of it all is not accurate? Show yourself to us and don’t be a cowards! It looks me all of all of this is based on a authoritarian system.
So like, the nazis for a more harmonious country killed the Jews and many others not like them. What does harmonious mean? We have to keep the black peoples in their place for a more harmonious USA?
Did the greys, through their ability to create a new earth’s timeline, like a Fibonacci code or fractal for the universe, did my encounter signify a new timeline was created over me? So we have one time line prior to my encounter and they created a new branch on Jan 9. Did they do some tinkering with the old timeline to end up a different historical outcome of earth. In other words, they changed the trajectory of the universe. I really don’t see any positive results over this. It’s just getting worst. Those being are so self centered. Time will tell? What if they could create a new timeline for each of us and effectively create a designer historical universe on a individual bases. There has got to be realm outside the infinite universes where we all end up shooting the shit before Reincarnation. In some way today I feel so alone and in the tiniest way, being a part of the all. What is your stab with how it all works?
Jan 8
Interesting, I probably got the tall greys and small greys mixed up. The tall greys are the real aliens and the short guy is fibrous biological robots. So the tall guy I seen on the swing was the real alien and the small guy with whom I had a very short conversation with was the biological robot.
Grey's credo: Serve, Protect and Synthesize. Where the hell is the word imagination!
Those very same words for a autocratic regime could facilitate unbelievable injustices. There has got to be some kind of huge demonstration with how moral and ethical a civilization before relations on earth. It that the black box:) How do you demonstrate your extraordinarily powers to do good without intimidating our insecure and fragile species, especially as we descend into our collapse and the ravages of covid? There is no doubt in my mind you could time travel this whole planet back to any point in our history? But if you do that, how could we learn from our mass trauma, sorrows and lost that brought us to today? We would just repeat this terrible history over and over again. How can we stay connected to the history that brought us here and move forward to our next perfect future. Our perfect history! Some of my greatest spiritual growth occurred due to the traumas I was forced to endured all over my pathetic life. And buddy, I ain’t a good example for anyone.
Jan 6
How can I get into a contract with a the greys? Come on, the stability of the universe? I need a spectacular mission?
Nice speech we heard over and over again.
The paperwork or speech shuffling elites who are afraid to use the power we gave them. Why the hell should we vote? Have they routed out the anti Gov forces in the country and reinforced our institutions. Made new laws and locked up the bad people and silenced the anti Gov media. Have they silenced the anti Gov businesses and corporations and how they bought off our politicians? Has he reformed our political financing by big businesses? Not a thing has changed except he gave a nice paperwork shuffling speech! Has he reformed our business and corporate tax laws the stole so much from us and clawed back all money. We are ungovernable and out of control. It not up to the people to vote, it is up to him using his power to fix this. It up to his administration’s imagination to fix this. I am tired of wining but always losing. It is always about our imagination…it is all a failure of imagination. Our forefathers solely use their imagination to fight the Brits and write our Constitution.
He is a failing president as he speaks!
I think we as a nation last year voted for radical reform of our nation. Today all we are seeing is the intensification of the Trump forces. It is as if we are supporting the intensification of free speech for the autocrats.
Ok, right now, this is the USA collapsing!
***This is how dysfunctional we are. Why arent we assuming another highly highly highly more infectious covid mutation would come on the scene with a starting high fatality rate. Say something like 25% or more. I guarantee you we would declare marshal law and suspend habeas corpus then.***
Insurrection day is a big day for me.
Who knows what the agenda is with the aliens? As VP Pence was running away from the insurrectionist in the capital complex seen in the security vedeo, I got a voice in my head asking where is the nuclear football? We all didnt see this till the footage came out just prior to the second Trump senate impeachment trial in just a few week away or so on Feb 9. I notified CNN among others about the risk with the football getting their hands of the insurrectionist on Fed 8. It was all over the media. I was the first one in the USA including all aspects of the military who recognized this risk. The alien encounter happened on about Jan 15. There was major reforms on our nuclear strike force as a result of our intervention. I believe the encounter was over reforming the strike system. And thus my life has been upended forever. I did preserve my family over this and we are all happy today except for the virus.
Jan 5
TV new series on Syfy: Resident Alien. Funnest alien or UFO show I ever seen. I really like that little boy.
***Well, Canada is preparing for the potential of the USA failing in just a matter of a few years. There position is this would cascaded into many nation’s governments failing and unbelievably financial hardships worldwide. I estimate a billion lives would be lost worldwide over the USA failure. I am convinced if Trump gets elected or his forces, he would suspend Habeas Corpus. Habeas Corpus is in our Constitution for dire emergencies, such as a invasion or a large amount of anti government forces trying to overthrow our government. I believe we are three years away from losing our country. Once Trump declares this, we will never recover. It would lead to a world wide cataclysm leading to a billion dead. Habeas Corpus is exactly designed for this kind of crisis. We suspended Habeas Corpus during our civil war.
I request President Biden immediately suspend Habeas Corpus. Round up the leaders of the anti government movement, intern all the politicians who supported the insurrection who tried to interfere with the election and shutdown any media who support overthrowing our government. And anything else that is needed. If president Biden fails to do this right now, we will soon lose our country and billions of people worldwide will be dead…we are at great risk of losing the whole civilization on Planet earth. This is the first time earth truly could lose their human civilization! Our political system and government institutions are just too gummed up with the anti government forces, they would not be able to act in time to head off or prevent the cataclysm. The whole planet is at risk.
You bet your ass the aliens helped me with this.
This is how it would go. It will be probably be the most controversial thing a president has every done. When you got them on the run and in their rat holes…that will begin the calming down of our political system.
Years out there will be a lot less conflict in the USA. Our political system will function. The people will be overjoyed with our stable environment. Shortly you stop the suspension. You be tagged with the president who saved the republic. You will go down in history for a thousand years as the heroic president who saved the USA and brought stability to the planet. Most other democratic countries will follow suit. And other countries will take up their version of democracy. All the advanced civilizations in the universe will admire your difficult choices. Because it is in the interest of the universe, you will get help.***
Yep, and that was verification the aliens got a gunship stationed 5000 feet above my head. I would sure like to get a picture of your beautiful spacecraft.
Is this about the anniversary of our insurrection? I hope you would worn us.
I believe the insurrection was the genesis of my alien encounter and allowed us to reform our nuclear weapons strike capabilities system beginning at the nuclear football level.
Jan 4
Holy smokes is the Disney movie “Tomorrowland” the conundrum of the aliens: the past, current and future. I have had a intense urge since the encounter to review as much old news and all media like movies and tv shows?
From the movie:
“You gave up!” “You want to sink.” So let’s make money over it. They were talking about the metaphor surrounding the sinking of the Titanic. We intentionally steered toward the iceberg.
“I am looking for the dreamers…I have been programmed to find dreamers!”
Meteorites and booms
Just saying, the NH meteorite occurred on Oct 10 2020 and the Penn boom occurred on Jan 1 2022.
Remember I effectively provoked the aliens into putting on a show for me causing the Oct 10 NH boom. I wrote extensively about this NH boom here. Now I got proof it occurred. Well, I am trying to bring it to your attention again, but it is really designed for me. You won’t understand.
The NYTs and WMUR says the NH boom or meteorite occurred at 11:30 am. How would you think of two meteorite booms in different states occurring at the exact same time of day, but different dates. I think the probability of this occurring naturally at the same time of day is astronomical.
“Some Granite Staters reported hearing the sound at about 11:30 a.m. and then feeling a slight rumble. Reports came in from more than 40 cities and towns from Keene to Farmington and from people in northern Massachusetts and eastern.”
A host of media articles has reported a meteorite boom in Pennsylvania on Jan 1, 2022 at 11: 26 am.
“The NWS in Pittsburgh released a tweet saying equipment recorded a flash at about 11:26 a.m. Saturday that was not caused by lightning at the time the explosion was reported. The NWS says it cannot confirm it was a meteor, but says it “is the most likely explanation at this time.””
Basically both the NH and Penn booms have very little evidence supporting it was a meteorite. Just the boom and a flash on a weather radar. They both speak in terms of it “might” be a meteorite. Basically at 11:30 am in NH and 11:26 am in Penn are exactly the same time day. This occurring on Jan 1, 2022 is significant. This is a signal to me by the aliens something big is going to occur in 2022. They basically approve of what I had written on this blog recently.
It would be child’s play for an advanced alien species to make a boom in our upper atmosphere. Directed energy weapons, a entering space ship into the atmosphere and them directing an appropriate meteorite at the right time and area.
So basically the show goes like this. On Oct 9 2021 I goated the aliens into displaying their power to me through this blog post. I was experimenting. Then next day at 11:30 am a huge boom was heard all over western NH. The weathermen said it is probably a meteorite. But it was the aliens answering me from the day before. Pretty sure it was a alien aircraft making the noise. I am positive. So the boom in Penn on Jan 1 was answering me too. Basically the aliens now approving and supporting what I wrote on this blog. The aliens knew I was the only one on this planet able to catch this time association occurring on Oct 11 last year and Jan 1 a few days ago. The 11:30 am! I think we’re are working on strengthening our communication processes. Me getting practice on catching their cues in my head. I had strange dreams for a few days leading up to Jan 1. I thought it was alien related and assumed they wanted me on alert for message or situation. I am still on the alert status and I am looking everywhere for more messages. I might not be over.
***You get it, this broad thought and mind control makes all our high tech weapons and any defense useless! And the longest lasting civilizations in the cosmos are just standing by and doing nothing. All it takes for a universe to fail is the longest lasting good aliens…is to justify doing nothing. How can a wildly spinning out of control earth collapsing down into hell, with so much pain and lack of any harmony, how can that be good for the universe? You are all two faced. Two face is saying one thing and doing the opposite.
This is the end of this current civilization on earth! It’s over!
Effectively the alien attack makes our Constitution obsolete. Democracy is never obsolete. But the alien technology has vastly outpaced our Constitutional ideals. If the alien technology effects or infects so many human minds, how can voting be legitimate?
We are a nation of paper shufflers or the electronic equivalent. We magically think things get done through only shuffling paperwork without nothing nothing else done. I guess shuffling paperwork just makes us feel better!
The trajectory of the nation and the planet now indicates we “are” a failed civilization! We are too far gone to correct our problems. This is just the beginning. This is societies collapsing in on themselves. The next step is a huge breakout of wars including big nations failing. It being setup right now. We are beyond the ability to control our destiny! You people all know it. The Canadian Globe and Mail position is the USA is going to soon fail leading to global strife we never seen before. We are a failed planet and we are watching the planet bleed out right now in front of us. We are all goners!
Oh there is no doubt Fox News and the insurrectionist hard right are under the thumbs of the authoritarian aliens. The invasion has begun. Just think of it, our system and constitution has a inability to stop internal forces trying to collapse our democracy and the USA. Sounds like one of those broad time-space weapons that effect multitudes of peoples. They say we live in moral universe. Where are the good aliens? Matter of fact, our whole political system is under the umbrella of the bad aliens. The invasion is here!
Jan 3
I have had very limited free will over my life.
Harmoniously Single Being Universe!
So the grey agenda seems to be this. They know the cosmos has cycles of destructions and rebirth. A lot of experience gets lost in the destruction phrase. They are attempting to end this destruction phase by interfere with timelines.
Well, nobody on earth really wants to talk about this but I am. The theory goes covid is a invention of the aliens. It is how they broadly transform a planet. Two possible theories:
1) This is a rather soft takeover of the planet. They kill a lot of people and they still have a lot of the planet’s infrastructure left and willing subjects.
2) This virus is all part of a massive upgrade of the planet leading to a Star Trek era. Step one is to upgrade our DNA by the covid/micron virus. Step two is to finish the upgrade through some sort of big energy field hitting the earth. It in interesting with micron. Many believe before microm is done, mostly everyone on planet earth is going to be infected.
I don’t know, is the trade off that is currently in play, is we are heading for a certain planet failure. Is sacrificing a really small percentage of our population for the survival and progress of the rest of us moral? Everyone knows we never die anyways. The grays might think the approaching failure of the planet is our fault, so we might have to sacrifice a small percentage of the population for the common good. So the suffering will stay with us for a hundred years. But it is the blacks, minorities and the poor who are dying the most in the infection. A highly developed civilization? Why aren’t our elites who set up the planet’s failure dying the most? Why doesn’t the sacrifice goes across all segments equally. I guess updating our DNA through a virus always carries a small risk. Can you bring back the innocent dead in the pandemic when the new world becomes? Maybe bring them to another planet for training and upgrades, then bring them back to the planet with the same old memories and free will. These guys are master engineers. So how is all this going to turn out with justice for all. Yea, the elites are just victims like the rest of us?
How about this. Maybe I can help you with understanding the USA or anywhere. Be a adviser. You might need me to be off planet for prolonged periods of time. I want to continue naturally with this timeline. Basically to remain in my family. You absolutely know I am game for any situation that furthers my spiritually. So I would have fidelity to this current timeline. But I would spit in two conscientious such that I could go off planet. But conscientious would have complete fidelity between each other. I know your are a time traveling species. We could work out a arrangement doing time traveling.
I had a very troubling nightmare right after the encounter. That somehow you took my conscience out of my earthly body and inserted it into your wiz bang earth simulator. This simulation perfectly modeled the current conditions on this planet and my family relationships. I painfully puzzled for weeks after my encounter about which reality I am in. Either your fake realty or the current conditions on earth. I have no doubt you have the capabilities for this. I am ready for another massive spiritual adventure. Actually right now I am kinda bored.
Jan 2
Basically the small and tall aliens wore American cloths like me…dungarees and a collared shirt. That is why I had so much difficulty figuring out what the hell happened to me in the woods. Like if it was a reptilian species, well there is no doubt it was alien. There is no doubt they wanted to shock the hell out of me, but within limits.
You know out some one hundred feet, the area being so lit up so brightly, I utterly knew this was other worldly. I thought then, do your really want to get big time involved with the alien crap. I thought, I could easily take a different path to get home. From my perspective, I had a choice. But who knows if the alien would have forced a encounter. I love utterly exploring new vistas. If the face of unbelievable uncertainty I just plowed on. As I got closer, I felt some kind of energy field, from there on I didn’t have a choice. It had to be completed. I walked around all these beings at very close distance say within 15 feet. All of these beings during the close encounter would just disappear and pop back in view. I couldn't see them disappear, just that they were gone. Then back. It is interesting at the end, the stick guy and the tall gray just permanently disappeared. All that was left was the small fellow in the playground. I think the aliens were curating the encounter so I approach the little guy. Made me somewhat comfortable. So I would get really close on my own and I would ask the question, look him right in his eyes, “are you ok”? Or at least let me feel this encounter was my choice.
In Amazing stuff, I am 100% aligned to the greys spiritually. I am certain i met the tall and short greys out in thicket hill. I would say the tall grey was the guy swinging on the swing. He is the aliens species I contacted. The small alien was was a fibrous artificial technological shell. I guess the talls can import their consciousness into the robot like small beings. The small being was the guy I had a short conversation with. The grays want to jack up our evolution. They knew for years I felt something big was was wrong with my country and the world. This made me the broken man that I am today. I think the “spirit” side of me was yearning for a bigger mike and a bigger world. I think this whole shocking experience is to get me to an inflection point where I had the the choice of staying the same old mike or joining the Gray Confederation. This whole thing I feel, the grays must have gotten my spirit’s (body, mind and spirit)permission for this inspiration or opportunity. We are three part beings,(body, mind and spirit). The spirit basically carry’s your true identity throughout time. It guilds the rest of me through my (developments)in my current life, advice, what experiences I need in the next incantation. Anyways something like that. Basically all of this in the past year was effectively my choice on a deeper level. You did right! I give my allegiance to the grey alien species. There is absolutely no contradiction between my allegiance to the USA and the gray aliens. But I am going to need some future trust building exercises with aliens. Have a better understanding with your beliefs system. What is a loving and a more harmonious universe? In What does that mean for earth, my country and the community I live in? But right now “I am a gray” and am in complete alignment with you!
Dec 28
Ok, I give the aliens permission retroactively to upgrade me in any way they wish including all medical and anything psycho-spiritual. Just don’t warn me if I need another one!
Well, I had a continuous extreme sensory and traumatic overload events from my alien encounter for at least nine months. It bleed into my dreams during sleep. Numerous extremely traumatic events over months and to a much lessor extent recently. But that could changed in a moment. There is no question this led to me to a massive psycho-spiritual rebirth. We are only talking on the terrestrial side of the human re-engineering event. I know big procedures were done to me in their craft. We can be talking about brain downloads and DNA engineering and below that reengineering. A GPS chip? They can do a lot with X-rays and a host of other energetic frequencies. Who the hell knows what else they did. A small chip for communications and cues. I could be one of the most dangerous persons on the planet in a good way. Honestly, now I got a alien gunship stationed 5000 feet above my head at all times for my protection!
Ketamine Therapy Is Going Mainstream. Are We Ready?
“He would then orchestrate what he called a “sensory overload show,” with lights, sounds, and images from violent or erotic movies. The idea was to push the patients through an extreme experience to a psycho-spiritual rebirth. One of the participants, an American psychology professor, described the session as a “descent into hell.” But Roquet wanted to give his patients smooth landings, and so, eventually, he added a common hospital anesthetic called ketamine hydrochloride. He found that, given as the other drugs were wearing off, it alleviated the anxiety brought on by these punishing ordeals.”
Dec 28
Ufology is based on the bad alien reptilian governing system. They are out to overthrow our government and replace it with the reptilian model system.
Everything revolving around the current ufology is based on anti government, authoritarian, libertarian or extremist Republican meme in everything they do. It’s basically making money above anything and generally keeping their employees in a no income, low income state. They are feeding us a totalitarian or authoritarian future system for the USA. And the vast of amount vulnerable people who feed this system are being brainwashed for profit. There isn't Democrats in the lot. But the democrats don’t really stand for anything. I think this group as a whole are littered with the bad alien reptilians species and are supported with off planet reptilian resources.
Time war: evidentially the alien species have mastered the fabric of the universe such that the can locally control the evolution of the planet. They also have entities that come and stay on earth to keep abreast of us and basically shape our destinies. What is the motive of this? So I hear they want what’s best for the universe and it’s final outcome. Yet the construction and operation of the universe totally revolves around probabilities. And an infinite amount of time lines for every being? So they need to control us such that it further developed the universe. They put their thumbs on us to the ends of that. Now if I thought a alien being or their civilizations where so massively spiritually advanced beyond my understanding, I think I would follow them to the end of time. But I would alway be loving to my family, my town, mostly to the USA and our planet. I just don’t what to blindly follow any being. I just don’t want to be apart of some zero sum game controlling my planet or anywhere else in universe. You see, I coming up to the limitations of my Human experience and the my primitive development, and worsening environment on our planet. That is what I have been immersed in all my life. These are such big issues and fundamentally I am so poorly developed. You got a pill to fix that? And my age is a problem too. I know there is a infinite loving perfection out their in the universe but I am so wounded…I basically trust no one. How do I overcome all my limitations to be any good to the highest alien civilizations in defense of the perfect development of the universe. And I have no idea of the size of the universe. Who can I trust? Who can be deep friends with me? Yea, I get it, this is all about my personal spiritual development. And I have stated that to you in the past. But I have seen so much unnecessary suffering in my wonderings on my planet, so many people are so poorly developed they can't even take care of themselves, our economy is so ineffective with developing and supporting the vast majority of the people…I am just a broken man. That is why our ideologies and political systems are destroying planet and everything surrounding the spiritually of the the human species. Oh, they have whittled a lot of what it means to be a human. Maybe that is my old age existential crisis. I have a sense of the suffering all around me and throughout this planet. I can’t do anything about this because I am just too weak. I am going to die knowing the suffering and I feel it’s going to intensify upon my death. Maybe that is the horror and terror of all this is the suffering I am seeing. Or people are so gone they lack the ability to suffer. When I die, am I going to see the magnitude of all the suffering on planet earth and it’s shallowly educated and experienced population. Am I going know all the suffering in the cosmos too. How can one being handle it all? I know our lives should have been much better and this would have served the better ends of the cosmos. Sometimes I don’t want to live anymore on the planet and I live in stark terror when I die I will finally understand the magnitude of the suffering on this planet. I don’t want to live anymore and I am more terrified to dying because of this. I don’t believe anymore things will turn out ok. And yet I have a very beautiful family that we all cobbled together. Can you aliens feel me now!
Yea, I get it. Suffering is vital ingredient for human development. But basically excessive suffering and insecurity returns the human spirit to almost the five year old human age or so on. It retards the human experience on planet earth on a humongous level. So if the beliefs of the advance alien civilizations are to better the universe, none of this makes sense to me at my primitive development? How can this be?
As a theme, I call it doing good or altruism abuse or corruption. The US has killed millions of people over fake national security rationals or in the name of protecting our families. Some were legitimate wars. We do this kind horror all over the planet. How many sentinel beings or planetary civilizations all over the cosmos could you sacrificed towards the purity of the universe or protecting the evolution of the cosmos. Are you any better than us? Or a planet civilizations stymied for the ends with the vital development of the cosmos. I guess we got so many dimensions or an infinite amount universes in the all, one single life of a being or indeed the survival of a planet’s civilization means nothing to you advanced beings. I will do anything to protect the development of the all is such human bs and is grossly incompatible with the really advanced civilizations. I do understand the limitation with my information and my development I am keying on.
Dec 26
The battle for our planet begins?
Or I should have put it better, the battle for earth time begins.
Or, this planet’s and its inhabitants first battle for time.
I am certain time wars have occurred on this planet in our ancient past. Alien time wars between themselves.
Is this the first time “time wars” has been used in our modern lexicon?
Well, time wars have been discussed in our fiction. But it is here now and getting bigger by the second.
And quality of “time” wars, such that civilizations cycle thought the development stages as fast and efficiently as possible while still digesting the lessens and mistakes Of history. So we can get the dangerous early civilizations passed the early development stage with the relatively advanced technological development without the necessary moral and intellectual stage that goes with the relatively advance technological advance. No more intentionally slow walking planet civilizations through their normal development stage for the benefit of the moderately advanced civilizations.
I have been reviewing a lot of old tv shows, movies and everything with old news. This type of thing is going on with everything in my life. I can make a case my relationships with my family is intensifying. I have been seeing everything with new eyes. My interpretation of everything is subtly different. I feel I am at the precipice of understanding a completely different and foreign paradigm. Am I going to have to choose to live in the new paradigm or stay in the old paradigm? Will my new understanding of the cosmos make all my past life irrelevant. I fear most in the end, it will all be my choice. I almost wish the aliens could make the choice. In a way we already did. The world has put so much garbage in my head and has rearrange my neuro connections over a lifetime. How does a old man overcome our history? When I get deep into thinking my alien encounter, I still feel a deep dread about going deeper into our new future. Eventually is everyone going to face this? I think my humongous dread with the future is losing my connections to the current and past. It is just like all of our quest for modernity has disconnected us from really appreciating the now, all of our brutal history and the preciousness of the insignificance moments of our life. How do we ever intermesh the past, the now and the future? Let alone digest all the dimension, the infinite numbers of universe the new realities and aliens. Reconcile all of our human sins. You know, 8 billion of us barely living on this rock. What a Herculean god like job ahead of us. But for the grace god, there go I.
My family and I just had the best Christmas ever. I am the happiest and luckiest person alive in the cosmos!
Dec 23
So on Cosmic Disclosure episode 3 discussing a grey alien…the German guy perfectly describes my first encounter with a grey… it basically horror for the first half an hour. I makes the case, the aliens never moved toward me. I was controlling the distance to the aliens until I passed out. If you ask me how tall a grey was I would tend to be vague about its height. I think it was 5.5 feet to 4.5 feet high. See I don’t got the vocabulary for a lot of what I seen. It was kind of like blurry but not blurry, part of my eyesight could estimate his height, but the other really couldn’t pick up the height. I would lie my ass off to the investigators to protect my pathetic credibility cause the vast majority of humans have no idea what I have gone through. I would tell with perfect self confidence the alien height is exactly 4.5 feet. All I think it was today is a special mask on that would obscure his figure. I think the motive was to not frighten too seriously. But it was a kind of shock and horror I never seen before. But all i asked the alien was “are you ok”, with a response of, “I am good”. In the little quiver of those three words, I sensed a bit of humanity in that being.
Dec 23
My humor seems to be coming back. Get ready for a little alien humor. The new “Matrix 4” reminds me of my alien encounter and this past year. Neo in the opening scenes keeps saying over and over again, “I can’t be sane”?
(Update I liked the beginning plots twist, but in the end it was a big disappointment. Gratuitous violence just like everything else going our our nation.
Dec 16
(You just have to have extreme skepticism with anything ufology. At best you get only slight of truth out of the lot of them. You know, what is truth anywhere in the universe and throughout all of time? It is like a gulp of air with being underwater for sooo long. Sometimes that is enough. Come on, the universe has only developed to this stage? I bet you out of all the universes in the blessed all, we get a “D” grade for advancement. There is just no professional codes and standard on anything. Just secret agendas running riot. Why did so many good beings in the cosmos standby and do nothing? It is the sign of our times too down here on our floundering planet. I can make a case of if earth is floundering here, the disease is everywhere in the universe. Right, it is the selective “we are all one”.
God damn! Began watching season 15 episode 1 of Cosmic Disclosure. It just began showing today. Two aliens experts are talking about all the different kinds of aliens that have come to earth. My apprehension is rocketing up but definitely under control. God damn.
I am now ready to see you again or you can visit me any time. God damn!!! You know I visit that encounter site all the time to desensitize me. God Damn!!!
(You know the phrase “God Damn” is like our exclamation mark in our written language. It has nothing to do with religion. It is like raising your voice when speaking. It highlights the sentence. It is like jacking up the emotional content.)
Dec l5
Oh, there is no doubt I have serious PTSD. I self describe it here.
People who believe they were abducted by aliens could have PTSD: study
Dec 12
I am ready to sell my story to the most professional group and highest bidder. The most exposure I can get. It is a extraordinarily compelling story. We can work together with how to portray this
I want a top notch movie deal from a big studio. Royalties. A job as a advisor for the scrip writing and the movie production. I can pitch the hell out of movie before and when it comes out. Just tell me how to be useful. I can be flexible and I have all the time you can need. I can travel widely. I love working in teams and get along with everyone. I will give this 100% or just back off.
I have no use for a typical alien horror movie, I need a bigger thinking movie than in the past. I want us to speak to the alien in this!
***“I had amazing alien situations in the year leading up to the alien encounter. But I never seen the encounter coming. I have been up in their ship. It is hard to imagine having a powerful and 200,000 year or more older alien civilization than us having their thumbs on you so to speak. I think this encounter is unique in the USA. My whole world has been upended. I expect they will visit me again. I led a very interesting life and been involved in many big events. I am a very young 68 year old. In the 1970s, I served on a new experimental fast attack nuclear submarine in our navy. For four years, when I was out to sea, I spent 65% of my time underwater. I slept 35 feet from four hydrogen bombs during my time on my sub. I worked in the control room of a nuclear power plant. I do have a moderate form of ptsd.
I am fully ready to do this thing and whatever fallout that happens to me. I have been married for 37 years, two children and two grand children.”
***“As I was watching the capital complex security video with VP Pence running away from our insurrectionist, I got a alien voice in my head. It asked clear as a bell, “where is the nuclear football”? Then I seen it. The aliens understood I knew what a nuclear football was from my time in the navy. The next voice said, “do something”! I wrote up a quick explanation of what I seen on the video and posted it on my blog. Then I got the CNN tip address and wrote a few sentences with what I seen and provided them with the blog entry. Then sent it. They called me back pretty quick. Talked for a few minutes and we hung up.
As unbelievable as this sounds, I was the first one in the USA including all levels of our military who understood the vulnerability and risk with the nuclear football if it got in the hands of the insurrectionist.
By the dawn of the first morning on our second Trump senate impeachment, this nuclear football story was being run all around the world in the media. This is how the aliens and me began the reform of our nuclear strike capabilities including the nuclear football. This system is the highest national security classification. This began a host governmental investigations and hopefully deep reforms of this system. I am lucky I am not in jail.
As unbelievable as this sounds, a month before this, during the alien encounter, a black box was at the feet of one of the aliens. I think today this black box was a symbolic representation of our nuclear football and the nuclear bomb strike capabilities of our nation.
Note to self: Six months ago I had a brain MRI and they found white spots on my brain. The results of the MRI are included in this post. She said they are from old issues and it is now of no consequence. This guy below has little credibility for my taste, but you never know. I reported earlier here I felt like I had brain surgery. My brain was just going crazy for a months after the encounter. I have no brain issues today. I am in good shape. I was within 20 feet of two aliens and got to less than 10 feet of the little guy. There were three aliens.
I seem to be on a great alien quest post encounter. But I think this has become a diversion. I am not going to stop. It is a worthy endeavor in itself. But I have been severely traumatized. I think I perceive I have been severely tormented by the aliens, but my brain in a self protected manner won’t let me remember what really happened. I just remember the beginning of this. I try to focus on remembering, the severe and terrifying dread starts arising in my brain and it automatically shifts away from focus. There is this severely deep, dark dread in my head that I am too terrorized to remember. PTSD!I think for the last year all of this is me trying to fix myself. It is all a evasion from remembering the whole even. A lot of this we don’t have the words to even to explain it and I certainly don’t have the vocabulary. There is this dark dark and terror hanging over me. I tried really hard to tell the truth here. I think I walled it off from my family fairly well as they aren’t complaining about me being depressed or urging me to see a doctor.
I just finally admitted this to my wife. She is a school principle and all she is doing this afternoon is gathering contact information for her covid infected kids. It is as bad as it ever was now here. As I thought, I knew she could handle this seeing this as a historic event. She would have had great difficulties seeing this from day one. She would have been really upset if I had to described my nightmares, symptoms and my brain going wild during the post event for the few months. We got more to talk about and she so far has been very sympathetic. How does one know how a spouse will respond when you tell them you have been abducted by aliens? It not easy being deceptive or withholding information from her. I feel bad for her worrying about me.
I think eventually a lot of good will come out of this. But the longer I am into this thing, I think that kind of thinking is a way for me to paper over the trauma that I have perceived in the beginning of this and the mountain of trauma I know I am hiding from myself. They say time heals all wounds. But I am now wondering now if I need professional help.
I can’t understand why they hurt people like me. I know they got me fixated on everything UFOs and aliens. Do they know humans so well that they know severe trauma will make them search or research for any information related to what hurt them? Will that be useful to me or the aliens in the future? See, I am really desperately trying to spin this as it will eventually is going to be good me or the alien. I don’t really think that is healthy.
Nov 30
I consider earth as a baby compare to a advanced civilization planets. And it is a lot worst for the really old civilizations in the universe. I consider them all guardians of the universe compared to a technologically baby planet as earth. I consider the alien advanced civilizations as negligent in providing the resources to develop a budding and backward civilizations, like earth, from the the first time earth felt their first alien foot print. Who is responsible for the terrible conditions on planet earth at this time? It is the amazingly technically and powerfully advanced aliens who experimented on this planet in the distance past. All the alien civilizations who participated on the early and current development of planet earth are a disgrace to the universe. I believe you owe us a lot of attention and resources due to your past negligent and dangerous activities that got us to this point in our history. You are a disgrace for the whole universe and beyond. And honesty, the god of the universe, you all should all be put in jail for the indifference you showed to all of the human beings in this current timeline.
I think there are two types people on our failing planet. Those that do nasty things to people for play and only look out for themselves. Of course, the other side of the same coin is the good people who standby and do nothing in this failing planet. There are only two types of people on this poorly developed planet. You aliens are utterly no better than the poorly developed humans except your got magically powerfully technologies. What you look like to me is you see the threat of a advance technology civilizations with poorly developed beings, a existential threat to your civilization. Well, I see the aliens as a highly advanced society with magically powerful technology. But your souls are heartless and your citizen are more poorly developed than us on our failing planet or beyond. You are all a disgrace to this universe. I heard it as the aliens are us but way off in the future. You are just still as shallow as us. We need a revolution universe wide to overthrow you for your vaulted position.
Nov 29
By the way, what pathogen protection are the aliens taking when walk on this planet unprotected?
The Day Aliens Invaded Facebook: A Viral UFO Says A Lot About The Company’s Misinformation Woes
How do you read this event? My take is enough of the general public are ready and expect relations with aliens…that is right around the corner. I wonder what the alien take is on this situation?
How do you think the social media and the internet would respond if the aliens flew their big space ships slowly around ten of our biggest cities? They wanted to force full US disclosure. Can you even imagine how overloaded our social media and the internet will become for weeks. Would we blame the aliens for the shutdown of the internet and social? I think earth needs a intervention over our dysfunctional behaviors. We are a risk for the whole universe as it sits now or we are quickly going to perish. It’s shit or get off the pot time! Do you really want planet earth to play a role in the history of the universe? The problem with me now is I feel I have some influence with the aliens. I am gun shy. What if there is a huge and unprecedented ufo flap nationwide tomorrow over my advice?
Well, the day is coming soon. I hope our nation is preparing for the day of contact like this? The drop of our internet and social media from overload nationwide. This would make first contact unnecessarily painful. This would be a worldwide event. Actually, our whole planet is so gone now, the only way you could save us is with a shocking event like this. As long as this ends with neighborly relationships between civilizations.
Nov 27
Ok, thinking about the black box got me thinking about a spooky situation out in the woods a few days ago. So I am in area of the woods that is not really traveled much. You can call this “boxes on the brains” if you know what I mean. Been out in that area for twenty years. Never seen anything like this. So I walk down this isolated trail that I keep up. My whole idea of the cosmos has been overturned in a very short period of time over the alien encounter. I just now know time and reality is very flexible today and I am trying to navigate myself around this paradigm with my new reality. So as I am walking I started thinking I just walked passed a six foot tall and a twelve by twelve foot box in the middle woods. Damn, what is abnormal after meeting aliens in the woods and their magic? As I am walking down the path I am thinking it is just feet off the path. Then I look back around where the tree trunks won’t allow me to see much distance. But a see a slight shadow in the far off path and it seems like it has the shape of a box. I am thinking I am just making up things in my mind again. But I turn around and walk towards the shape. Damn, I think, as I get closer, it is a block tent like thing in the woods and it has the appropriate military camouflage on it for this time of the year. Yep, my fear is ramping up, but I got control over it. Have you ever seen a square style tent in your life? I haven’t. It first seems to be a very high grade nylon type material. It was twilight at the time. I couldn’t find the entrance at first. I came back the next day with a flashlight. It is strange this second time, the tent outside material now seemed like a cheaper material. It is still square. I find the door. It is just empty tent with a cheap chair inside.
In normal times I would think some dummy decided to invent a eye catching square tent with now everyone needs one of these things. I have gotta say the square tent fits into the straight tree trunks and brushes. I am wondering why I first missed this tent last night only a few feet off the trail. It actually was amazingly hard to see fifty feet from the tent.
Update: a square tent with a completely flat roof don’t seem popular. I couldn't find one like the one I seen out in the woods. It is still a high probability this was a hunting tent.
If I wanted to go excessively negative like everyone else I would go this way. I say the aliens somehow scrambled my brains. About a year later I am back in good shape. What if they turned my condition into a mass casualty event? Like more severely damaged brains of a lot of people over a wide area. Make it so they are incapable to take care of themselves but completely ambulatory.
“The people who have had alien encounters are all people from the future, all of you will be going through the same thing we have been going through.” I got a lot out of the movie “The Observers”. Some areas of the movie seem kinda kooky to me.
…So this was taken right out of my encounter story below.
“On the ground now, aside the moving swing is a small being (added, on the moving swing seat was a tall man standing on the seat swinging hard like a mad man). The little guy is playing or trying to hide from me a black box looking instrument. It had black tubing or I think thick wiring. He seems to be ridiculously trying to hide the box and wiring now like a child from me.”
I remember trying to focus really hard at trying to figured out what the use was with the black box and wire. I thought it must be a control panel or computer screen. There is no doubt the aliens were dangling a worm on a fishhook and line with the black box in front of me. It was almost so traumatizing all though this encounter that I couldn’t speak or they wouldnt let me speak for this whole encounter.(actually the alien did allow me to speak at the end once. The little guy was acting real strange to me. I asked him “are you alright”. His response was to me was “I am good” with perfect english. He had no trouble answering me and his response was immediate. Basically only seen part of two sides of the black box. All I could see is a completely black box. I have been looking for that box all throughout the ufo media for just short of a year. This is the only mention of a small black box anywhere in my search. As I am still trying to look for the meaning of the light stick like use car lot balloon figure. I would really like to know the meaning with that light stick being? Am I in the shits again with the aliens when I see the stick light being next time? Are these images just a piece of a puzzle like the stick man and the black box? Am I suppose to put the puzzle together at the right time? Yea, I know, you should never take on face value anything what a contactee says.
So I am watching a 2021 ufo movie last night named “The Observer”. A abducted contactee talks about seeing a small black box inside a alien space ship. The contactee asks the alien what is the black box for? The alien says, the next time you see a similar box, you will know what it is and know how to use it. It seems the aliens wanted her to eye ball the black box carefully. Sounds like a another encounter is already scheduled? The alien seemed say you will run into the black box again. Am I going to see my black box again? It seems I have a purpose in my life now. I believe the aliens knew once I seen that black box in the encounter, they knew I would spend a enormous amount of time for the rest of my life looking for it in a alien context.
The black box appears in The Observers movie just past the 45 min 10 second timeframe.
Does anyone have a clue what the light stick used car balloon advertisement man means? The stick light figure means. Any symbology?
So if my interpretation is right, if I see that black box and wiring again, as I seen in the alien encounter…I will automatically know what the black box does and know how to use it. It sure sounds to me like the black box is really advanced alien technology.
Update: here is a hypothetical. What if the black box was a really advanced energy source which could solve all of our energy problems in the future? Or give us a military advantage over our worldly competitors. The aliens just told me to do what you want with it. Will I become the first trillionaire on planet earth? I mean, how would I deploy this new energy source? Who on planet earth could I trust to deploy this new energy source for the best interest of the USA and the planet? I couldnt do this by myself with my limited means and my limited contacts. The aliens would just have to give me guidance. This thing is just too big for any one person to handle. I would want to go to the military and government first. But I am no fool with the condition of our government. I mean, nobody in their right mind should not have any faith and trust in me? They got these new military ufo agencies in government. Maybe I would contact them. At the end of the day, I would want to have sole rights to the technology until I could get my organization up and running with the people I trust. Honestly, and I would need a few bucks for myself and family. When my organization is up, running and strong with the highly educated and experienced I can trust…I would turn the technology Over to them. I would be highly transparent. But this thing would be so transformational, I ain’t got a chance in hell with pulling this off. I just don’t have the deep education and organizational experience to carry this out. My advice to the aliens is find another person that would be a lot better than me. If I ran the show, it would drastically pull me away from my family for the rest of my life which isn’t long. I can’t imagine having a better life than I have right here with my family. I know this grand technology project would yank me right away from my family. But I imagine they would gain a lot from this all. But my first instinct would be to go to the government as hard as I can and give them the technology to them with my oversight!!! Honestly, if I can get that technology to make magic with my own hands and thoughts, I might make a pitch to the NYTs. I would tell them of the possibilities of this new technology and who gave it to me. Then I would tell them I want the USA and the world to benefit from this new technologies. Oh, I know my world would drastically change, but the planet could change over this. Get my name associated with the new technology. Hopefully maintain some control over the implications. I would give it a chance and do my best. But I haven’t a hope to succeed based on how corrupt the world has become. Can a butterfly’s flap of a wing change the whole direction of a planet or the universe?
Nov 18
Had a pretty terrible nightmare last night. Brought me right back to Jan 2020 with the terror level. I got to say I got over it rather quickly. Something about a covering was placed over my face suffocating me in some way till I lost consciousness. Then they uncovered my mouth or something until I regained consciousness. Then they put the covering back over my head again and there I was at the edge of a blackout again. I couldn’t see anything as if my eyes were covered over during the whole procedure. Then I woke up terrorized.
I really can’t tell if this was alien related. But the important thing is at 3am in the morning I am fully terrorized it might be alien related…my mind begins spinning evaluating if the dream was alien related or just a normal nightmare. I am just going to make believe this never happened.
Was that a actual fragment of memory from my lost time?
Nov 15
Helicopter Intimidation Phenomena below the Vernon Dam
So I just read this guy again. At some level I am still in deep denial. In the back of my mind for a year or two I knew the aliens were monitoring me closely before the actual encounter. How did I know this this? I considered I was going crazy or had a cancer of the brain. Were the aliens trying to prepare me for the actual direct contact? Well, I still never seen it coming. Back last Dec 2020 when I wrote this I knew I was talking crazy. Just like right now I think one side of my brain is talking crazy stuff. But I am stilling trying to put this all together. Were the aliens sending me messages behind or under my conscientious? Do I have special mental powers that most people don’t have? Like I could feel the crazy idea that somebody was watching me and it is probably alien in nature back in Dec 20 2019. How should I use these powers in the future? They are so damn erratic. Here comes that haunting feeling that again that my life is totally out of control. It is stark terror really. So a month later from the helicopter event on Jan 15, 2020 I had the alien encounter. But I will overcome everything! I bet you I am only one of a few people who has had such a close alien encounter as this. And I have a feeling my encounter is unlike any other alien encounter on the planet. Kinda puts me on the spot. You know back last Dec I was just experimenting with recording my free floating crazy thoughts coming directly up from brain without any internal censorship. What told me that? You know then in Dec, I was recording crazy dreams like I never had before on this blog that was just simmering in my head until just needed. Were the alien sending deep subliminal messages underneath my dreaming? You know what I am feeling now, I am somehow beginning to get separated from humanity. I am having an experience that few or nobody has ever had before. I would be fucked or crazy if I didn’t have a loving and close family to fall back on. I can get immersed in my daily activities with housework and interactions with my family. My only hope is something good is going to come out all of this. What does the future hold for me? I hope I can make the right choices for my country and this planet if that is in play. I pray to the universe I can do the right thing and model the love the cosmos gives to me. I love god with all my might always!
“Helicopter Intimidation Phenomena below the Vernon Dam”
Update Dec 22 Nov 14
A note to the aliens.
Probably the best thing that could happen to the planet now is to help me disclose the negative alien/human interactions in the last seventy years. Were you good aliens or bad aliens? To make sure full disclosure happens quickly.
Nov 10
Holy fuck!
I would say my cognitive state was normal for a man my age at the end of 2020. This mental fog was caused by the alien encounter.
I was diagnosed with a mild cognitive decline for my age. This whole thing began on the encounter date of Jan 15, 2020!
I forgot about this medical specialist appointment. I had a brain MRI, full labs and neck ultrasound. This is the write up on the appointment. The appointment occurred on July 28, 2020. It is about 6 months after my alien encounter. She was a old age specialist. She was really busy so you have to wait months for a appointment. I bet you I made this appointment at the end of April 2020. There is no doubt I have brain damage from the aliens. It all fits. I feel much better today so that says something.
“Mr. Mulligan is a 67-year-old married gentleman who presents for evaluation today accompanied by his wife Joanne. History was obtained from the patient, his wife and review of the record. According to his wife over the last year he has been more repetitive of questions related to appointments. For example he will frequently ask her when something such as an appointment is scheduled. In April of this year he started experiencing issues with word finding. He was also more forgetful as to where objects were located. In June he went to a restaurant in Northampton alone. There were other people in line with him. He had difficulty recalling more complex words while at the restaurant. He also described having difficulty reading the situation such as interpreting the body language of others around him. He was quite upset by this development. He felt that his difficulty reading a situation persisted for several days. In recent weeks word finding has improved. He reports that in April he started using a pill planner which he had not been using previously. He also obtained a new cell phone in May switching fromanandroid to an iPhone. On his old phone he had an app for managing medications which he did not install on his new phone. As a result he was missing medications and uncertain whether he had administered insulin. During evaluation by family medicine he was found to be mildly hypothyroid. Thyroid replacement was started.In June his hemoglobin A1c was elevated at 7.7. Previously in October 2019 hemoglobinA1c was 6.8.”
Nov 9
I didn’t see a spaceship above me. Believe me I was too frighten to look up. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it was 5000 ft above us. I didn’t have any red rash. My wife would had then made me go the emergency room mandatory if I came up with a bright red rash. But I wouldn’t rule out some sort of electromagnetic emission. Why would these guys want to hurt me?
I might have had microwave brain damages?
Fighter pilots who intercept UFOs might undergo radiation burns & expertise warped time, Pentagon insider fears
Nov 4
I had this really crazy dream a few years back. It was extraordinarily vivid. Or was it crazy?
I love mowing my lawn. I lived in a public inner city low project all through my childhood. We never had to mow our lawn. It was done for us. I never had the lawn mowing experience in my childhood. I have been working on building up my lawn for years at my house. I spend prodigious amounts of time on it. I use way too much fertilizer. I do my part in creating co2. I have contempt for anyone having a riding lawnmower. I love walking behind my lawnmower looking at the nearby little mountain. All the insects, birds, chipmunks, squirrels, all the trees…the noise in the area when the lawnmower is not going. Hmm, the smells. The alway beautiful skies. If I want to be at peace with myself, the world and the universe…I’d be walking behind my lawnmower. I love snow blowing too.
In my dream I am approaching a pointy nebula. The point must be hundreds of millions of light years wide. I am star struck by the beauty of the universe. The nebula is the birthplace of stars. I then find me on a tiny plot of land on top of the tip of the nebula. I am on a very nice lawn walking behind my lawnmower. It is like it is real and I am talking to myself trying to make sense of how I got got here. I utterly amazed I seem to be out in open space breathing and alive. I worry about falling off the tiny plot of land. I feel my total isolation from humanity. I wonder where my family is. But I keep mowing on this lawn. I finally calm down. And I am mowing this lawn and in wonderment of this universe around me. Oh, it was so spectacular. Then all the earthly things hit me. Where am I going to live up here? How am I going to eat? How long am I going to live up here? I am hearing myself talking in my head discussing earthly realms and I can see the whole universe spinning right in front my eyes as I mow my little plot of beautiful green grass. There seems to be a separate me looking at myself mowing at a distance. I can see me talking to myself about earthly needs and I am totally engulfed within the whole infinite universe…
Nov 3
Well, here is something new I never felt before. The encounter happened in the middle of last winter. There were no leaves on the trees. I seem to be getting apprehensive about the leaves falling from the trees. Walking around in a leaveless world or forest. You know, the real traumatizing part of this was the three months after the Jan 15 alien encounter. I hope I can handle the winter? I worry how I will feel about the encounter on the one year anniversary? It is not over! Remember this happened in heavily wooded area. Will the holidays unnerve me? To tell you the truth, encounter was actually the easy part, but I clearly remember how I felt in the next two months. The first month after the encounter, Jesus the first week…unspeakable. It just scrambled my brain. I am really afraid of going through that again. It felt beyond horrible and kept this from everyone.
Can any of you imagine this? I contemplated this. I probably should have seen a doctor. Hey doc, I wasn’t even sure this was alien related at this point. You know, maybe I had a stroke or something. I was worried I would be disabled for the rest of my life. Hey doc, I think something is wrong with my brain? I feel unbelievably disoriented and traumatized. Oh, by the way, I seen aliens out in the woods. Can you even imagine how traumatizing my family would be by this? A 68 year old man saying he seen aliens out in the woods. They don’t have the capability to understand this. I know exactly where my wife would go…oh boy, he has Alzheimers. I would run away from that diagnoses for as long as I could. Really, they couldn’t fix this. Really, the medical community never seen anything like this. So just let’s ride this out until I land in the emergency room, is the way I am going to deal with this. None of my family are at all interested in this blog. There is nothing wrong with that. I prevented a lot of suffering within my family. You know, I am going to eventually come to the end my life and I will make them suffer horribly over that. I am really not afraid of dying…I feel horrible how my death will effect my family. Horrible, horrible horrible! I seen enough that in my life.
I wonder how post brain surgery feels like? I felt a tremendous amount of disorientation, fog and confusion post encounter. Wicked nightmares for weeks and awake nightmares during the first few days. Did I undergo some kind of brain surgery during my missing time?
See, every time I spend time on this a new horror comes up. I will overcome everything!!!
Nov 2
You just can’t depend on any ufology data base. They aren’t funded properly and most are just in the business of making money. You don’t know where they are getting their numbers from? You just can’t depend on a anonymous self reporting and self selected systems. These guys all are grossly out of date. There is no standardized reporting requirements and quality assurance…utterly no enforcement. You are typically depending on the secret agenda of one white male. You know, why haven’t I seen a man dressed in black yet. I would love to talk to a government black women dressed in pink surrounding my encounter.
UFO Sightings Are on the Increase Nationwide
There has been a spike in UFO sightings across the nation. With the recent release of a US intelligence UFO report, are there just more people looking up in the sky or is it something else? 2020 produced 7,200 UFOs, an increase of over 1,000 from 2019. The US government and military confirmed investigations and sightings of UFOs bringing this phenomenon back into the mainstream media. Earlier this year the DoD's inspector general launched an investigation into how the unidentified aerial phenomena were being monitored by the military.
Nov 1
Update on the nuclear sub collision. The Navy admitted the sub hit a hidden under sea mount. Ok, you gotta think, because our navy does this. I been calling them for months now our lying navy. They gamed this out with how would the public respond if we admitted “we don’t know what the sub hit”. Christ no, they never would admit they hit a alien craft. As far as what would drive the public interest most, the unknown cause scenario would massively inflame the world wide public interest. All they want to accomplish here is create a plausible scenario that ends the attention to the problems with our navy. Our navy is not prepared for war. We got a hollow navy. And that is an incentive for our competitors to actually start a war. I hope they are looking for foreign paint scrapes on the collision area. Sample everywhere like a crime scene. I doubt the metal hull of a alien spaceship would ever scrap off on a sub’s hull. We arent talking harder than steel alloy here. We are talking about a high energy or magnetic field protecting the space ship that would bump into the sub’s hull. For Christ sakes, I believe the aliens could actually drive the sub unknown to the crew if they really wanted too. All our advance military equipment here on earth are but really really primitive to these guys. We are really barely out of the Stone Age compared to these guys. If they wanted to take over this planet, it would have already been done. We all would be ingredients in their soups. They want something bigger and harder from all of us. They want us to evolve! Time is running out with our current conditions on earth!
I know I shifted from the aliens trying to prevent war by crashing into our sub, to separate the opposite the forces to now I am seemingly talking about they want our navy to be better prepared for a war. It sounds like I am talking out of both sides of my mouth. But the deal here is I feel the aliens think we are closer to war in numerous ways. It is not just one path to a conflict that would undermine all of our societies! A massive trade war without firing a shot would lead to the same result. There are many paths to planet wide societal ruin. That is the rub at this point in history. Global warming and widespread societal internal strife because of our poor politicians. We are all sitting on the precipice and we seemly don’t care. It is a suicide planet, we are embarking on a ride through space on a suicide space craft. A ride to nowhere… How do you expect these really advanced beings are going to respond? You think it’s indifference? I don’t think so. Sterilized the planet and let it regrow. I don’t think so. Retribution, I don’t think so. By the way with the aliens, I believe they could secretly initiate any nuclear tipped missile on this planet and targeted it anywhere. Nobody would ever know who really launched the missile. What is the value of all eternity with planet earth? We don’t know what that would be. I’ll bet you the aliens would know the exact value of this is? Our existence?
… I mean this doesn’t make sense. Our mass media has unprecedented interest in the UFOs and alien encounters coming out of 2017 navy fighter pilot encounters. I am sure more amazing stuff is going to come out of the federal investigation in the near future. This is just the beginning of “wow”. We are in unprecedented and historic UFO and alien encounter times. Everyone gets that. There is no doubt the aliens sense this and realize the significance of these times. Do they see our future? If ever there is a need for a save by the aliens, it is right now.
…I never knew the importance of the helicopter or massive amount of airplane circling above me event. It was just a tiny blip on the scope in my life. But now in hindsight, this was extremely important to document this. As for me to interfere with the lives of these fishermen, I don’t think this is my place. This is their individual journey. They steer their own ship. But I am a firm advocate that if you go searching, the cosmos will give you your answer. I would love to talk to these guys. But encounters like this often end up in unbelievable trauma and terror. That is how I first perceive my event. They first need to talk a professional ufo person who can guild them through a conversation. The shock and terror, and brain fog that continues over many months. It is not a one off event, awareness comes back in waves over many months. So say you are in a conversation with a ufo expert, she will delicately ask you if you got any missing time. In my case, I said confidently I got no missing time. It was like my brain was trying to protect me me from traumatic events. Many months after my interview I was thinking about the encounter when something clicked in my head. I realized the memories I had of the encounter were false. They all looked faked, I called the event first as carnival like situation on my first take. Then my brain got fixated on the traumatic and fear base event itself and the resultant trauma. It took me months to gin up the courage to allow my brain to go over the impossible event with some objectivity. That is when I first realized they have overwritten my first memory. Them bam, I realized I got missing time. Then the trauma and terror came right back even more powerful. Here is another. The interviewer ask if I seen the face of the little being. I never really focus on the face other than it was human. She asked the question about what the alien face looked like, then I quickly reviewed my memory in detail…where I seen the face sitting way abnormally away from the skull. I first termed the face looked perfectly human. But it wasn’t a human at all. He had on a high tech mask on . And I firmly believe the easily seen off-set face was an intention of the aliens. They knew in my mind, in the trauma state, it would first be seen as a normal human face. We humans are all face centric beings. Then months later after some prodding, I would see the grossly off-set face. Only god know how much more I would have been more traumatized if I seen a alien face on that fateful day. You see where I am coming from. I have been traumatized once by these guys. In the my many missing times, how many more traumatic events are secretly stashed in my head? Some trigger is going to pop them out one by one. I will tell you what, I will eventually handled anything you can throw at me. I will overcome it all. I didn’t feel any physical effects on my body. Like holes, wounds, scratches, any implanted devices or any soreness on my typical bodily entry points. I basically think the aliens were minimizing my trauma with the off-set face. Cause once I seem that off-set face, I realized I had a direct alien contact. There is always a little angel sitting on one of my shoulders saying none of this can be true. He is still there but getting smaller and smaller. You got to fight that. I didn’t want to talk to anyone after the reinterpretation of little guys face. It just horrified me at the time. The trauma came right back at full force. You have to be very careful with these contactees. Its got to be on their terms. We are talking about reoccurring traumatic experiences that is going to last a lifetime. You got to talk to somebody like a ufo expert who seen and heard everything. Who is very delicate.
These aliens are experts on the human experience or condition. They know us better than our academics. They know me to the tee. They “see” me. Wouldn’t a objective outsider really know the human experience better than somebody in the soup(alien humor)?
Ok, alien version 1.0 is crashed spaceships, really splashy lights and a unimaginable assortment of spacecraft.
The Covid intermissions. Believe me Covid is involved in all of this. It is a inflection point in the history of the planet. We will be lucky if we survive the ongoing ramifications of Covid.
Alien version 2.0: more personal encounters like the Maine fisherman and me. Drop the splashy ships. I think our encounters are closely linked. It this the template for the near future?
Hmm, oh, I am fishing for associations. So the fisherman’s is about six months from my encounter. What will the next six months bring?
This really is important. Is the rest of our nation in the same condition as NE? Does NE stand out from everyone else? Does the UFO sighting the USA stand out from the rest of the world?
Honestly, is this the generation?
…Well, we got problems with Mufon and the other ufo reporting problems. Mufon operation overall is erratic. Basically these ufo reporting organizations are starve of funding. So the question becomes are we seeing most of the ufo encounters. I say we are only seeing a small proportions of the sightings. We have no idea if alien activity is increasing or decreasing. They are not mainstream enough. We need to reform the ufo reporting system with some standardization on a national bases. I would prefer this be a government function now or at least somebody trustworthy with running the organization. These small private owners with these ufo reporting function just won’t cut it anymore. I clearly don’t know basically how these new or updated organizations should fuction. You are not going to get anywhere with the aliens if you get fixated on the so called evidence and facts. I think all the aliens want is to understand how you feel and perceive reality.
Anyways I see some similarities with my alien encounter and this one.
Oh, I get it, I got to get a little egocentric, but everyone seems to be interest in what I am thinking and feeling. We got to get everyone expressing what they see and feel here. I’d want to understand how this event effected these fishermen’s lives.
PORTLAND, Maine — In August, two men were fishing Sebago Lake’s Kettle Cove in a small boat, just after 9 p.m. That’s when strange yellow lights appeared overhead and their electronic fish finder went flooey.
At first, they thought the teardrop-shaped object in the dark sky was a drone. Then, they realized it was too large, moving too fast and far too silent for that to be true.
“In a fraction of a second, without changing speed or course, [it] brightened and completely vanished,” said one man in an anonymous, written UFO report.
Doesn’t the below have some similarities with my helicopter and all those aircraft flying in circles above me in the woods? I have come to the conclusion these inconceivable encounter memories are false or implanted memories. The aliens overrode, with a known highly emotional event, or in a my highly inconceivable situation, like fish congregating extremely abnormally…that is the implant or fake memory. The aliens know you better than anyone on earth. What happened to these people is not known yet. They got missing time.
Looking back over the last three quarters of a year…I can say clearly, the type of alien encounter that occurred to me was perfectly designed for me. It is like they could “see me” unlike my brothers and sisters down here on earth. They know me better than my wife or kids. It is really unnerving that a person or entity knows me as well as the aliens knows me. I sit here metaphorically naked. The event perfectly interlocked with the events and continuing problems in my life. This is not blackmail or intimidation of any kind. It is exactly the opposite that, it is a unbelievable intimacy unlike I ever seen in my life. If people on earth knew perfectly like the aliens know me, would they still love and respect me? This has nothing to do with sex. They have telegraphed to me painfully they understand me very deeply. I hope in the end, I will have a intimacy with them as they do with me with their high tech. I hope I finally see the aliens intimately…I want to understand them as seen through their experiences and through their eyes? Why are they hiding from us? You know the kind of half or incomplete lives we live on planet earth? We only throw a shadow of ourselves to the ones we love. Even less to our friends. We all have a secret and active inner lives outside what other people can see. Well, they seem to be able to see all of me. Is that what these times have done to us all..split us in half. What if everyone could live one single holistic life outside the shadows lives of today? Is that what they are advertising? This has nothing to do with politics, ideology or how you want to live your life. It is deep inner shit man. As I said, my encounters have been specifically designed for me. They really ‘see’ me. I wonder, believe me with much hesitations, what do the aliens think of me and my life??? Do I need special help? How do I measure with other people on this planet and with the typical advance civilizations’ person out in the universe. What is my measure?
I just want to know who I am…I am finally ready to “hear” who I am. I would be ok if I was just nobody. I don’t care what people think of me. I just want to know who I am? Can you help me?
Then, they saw something uncanny on their fish finder screen.
“Thousands of fish were all congregated along this area — more together than I’ve ever seen, and I grew up on the lake,” the man wrote.
It looked as if the entire water column, from surface to lake floor, was filled with fish. Then, nothing. They were all gone.
“I believe the two events had to be connected,” he concluded. “Not to make light, but it appears E.T. was fishing along with us that night.”
The flummoxed fishermen are not alone out there. Maine is a national UFO hotspot, according to some estimates. Last year was a particularly good stretch for sightings, with numbers up well over the past half-decade average.
But that’s over now.
So far this year, reported Maine UFO sightings are down roughly 50 percent over the same period in 2020.
Like nearly everything, it’s probably got something to do with the pandemic. As the COVID-19 threat continues to lessen, fewer people are spending large amounts of time in the great outdoors, at night.
The two largest gatherers of strange sky-sighting reports are the Mutual UFO Network and the National UFO Reporting Center. Both collect written statements online.
Between January and the end of October 2020, NUFORC received 71 UFO sightings from Maine while MUFON cataloged 43. That’s a combined 114 reports.
This year, NUFORC dropped to 26 and MUFON to 24 over the same time period, for a total of just 50.
MUFON, founded in 1969, also gathers pictures and video, along with reports. It employs a nationwide network of field investigators who further document some sightings and experiences, as well. NUFORC, in addition to gathering online reports, has maintained a 24-hour reporting hotline since its inception in 1974.
This dramatic drop in numbers fits a pattern identified by nationally-recognized UFO number cruncher Cheryl Costa.
“The patterns are as much about human behavior as they are about UFOs,” Costa said.
Costa, and her partner Linda Miller Costa, wrote “UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America,” a rigorous compendium of statistical charts and graphs analysing over 100,000 sightings around the country between 2001 and 2020.
The Costas contend UFO sightings are driven by four factors: Hours of darkness, population levels, weather and leisure time.
In other words, the more time you spend outside, in the dark, under a clear sky, the more likely you are to see something weird.
It stands to reason then, as the pandemic weakens, with more Mainers getting vaccinated, fewer of them are as desperate for outdoor experiences this year. Thus, there are fewer UFO reports filed.
“If it wasn’t for smokers and dog walkers, we wouldn’t have 40 percent of the reports we have,” Costa said.
Costa also said more UFOs are reported in areas of the country with higher population densities. When more people look up, more gets seen.
Maine’s population is low but its 2020 sightings-per-100,000 people was high, according to online science and technology writer Kristin Cooke.
When Cooke crunched the numbers in the first half of 2020, Maine came out near the top with 7.22 sightings per 100,000 people. In that analysis, Idaho, Montana, New Hampshire and Maine ranked one through four. New Mexico rounded out the top five.
According to our math, Maine is down to 3.64 sightings per 100,000 so far this year — a number which falls in line with the overall drop in local UFO reports.
oct 15
We was wondering about the sonic boom problem on hypersonic weapons? Oh, they are fake weapons on all sides? So we would have sonic booms say all the way from China to the USA.
Oct 13
To my alien buddies,
This just isn’t enough evidence here for them to believe. You are just going have to go much bigger.
All I can say is everyone else is sure a meteorite has been seen and the NH one seems to be not certain.
Flashes in the Sky: How the Lightning Sensor on a Weather Satellite Can Also Track Meteoroids
July 20, 2018
Here is one in Michigan in 2020. Do They have a picture of the current one in NH? The measure all sorts of attributes with this.
GOES East Captured Meteor Streaking Over New York State
The Washington post reports on another meteorite: Algorithms interpret this. You catch it, the boom was heard over Grand Bahamas and silent in Florida.
“April 2021: “The GOES East weather satellite captured the exploding meteor as its blinding flash lit up the sky, satellite algorithms interpreting it as a lightning flash. The satellite has a special geostationary lightning mapper that is used to plot lightning based on the near-infrared waves they emit; in other words, most sudden, bright flashes of sufficient size are generally lightning, but in this instance, it was a meteor…”
The meteorite crashing though our atmosphere is going faster than speed of sound. Thus the sonic boom. Here is one engineer who witnessed many rocket launches and their sonic booms. He says this didn’t sound like a sonic boom.
Seattle Times: Did a meteor explode over New Hampshire? That may explain the boom
These event has been in the USA Today and the NYTs. It is a very popular story. The scientist have been pressured to come up with anything. It is the typical bias of these professional people where they end up guessing what caused this to appease the media and public pressure. This sonic boom noise was an intentional event caused by a aliens craft in response to my plea for them to put on a show. I am absolutely sure our government knows about my alien encounter and and are concerned about my apparent influence with the aliens. I haven’t gotten any phone call from the government. I am dismayed with all the people these aliens frightened. I would ask the NASA guy how many phantom signals do the get from their satellite? I think we need a deep dive what caused that signal.
Keene Sentinel
A giant boom was heard throughout New Hampshire on Sunday. No one knows for sure what it was.
MUpdate oct 12
Basically lightening, meteors and sonic booms have been ruled out at 8 pm tonight. Nobody has a idea where this came from yet. I say it is alien vehicle with their signature on it. I requested a alien ship show over a large area of NH. If you look at where the calls came from with the booms, it certainly looks like a alien noise flap caused by one of their ships.
Update oct 11
Conformation the boom was a alien craft:
(There was no lightening in the area) William J. Cooke, head of NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office, said Monday evening, however, that the satellite reading “is not characteristic of a fireball” and more closely resembles lightning. To produce a loud noise, he also said a meteor would’ve needed to penetrate deep into the atmosphere, making it visible in a clear daytime sky. (The sky in Keene Sunday morning was mostly cloudy.)
You know I alway was heading towards International relations. Taiwan and China are basically in state of war. The USA thinks China is our greatest threat. We have vowed to protect Taiwan from a invading China. China has vowed to reunite Taiwan to China through any means possible. Recently China has overflown Taiwanese ocean territory with hundreds of intimidating modern fighters. The South China Seas are bristling with a host of Navies in a low level warfare state. The south China seas have been totally militarized with submarines, aircraft, ships of all sorts and aircraft carriers with many nations.
Recently our Navy has disclosed one of our fast attack nuclear submarines had hit something big underwater in the South China Seas. Our Navy wasn’t going to disclose this. A tip to the Navy Times drove this out. A submarine collided with something big underwater. This injured 11 sailors. The sub had to surface and forced to transit back to their home port on surface. This is highly irregular. They had to hit something in the tune of hundreds of tons to get the kind of damage. The Navy has thrown a national security screen all this. The say the sub collided with a unknown object. They won’t tell us what the sub hit.
I think the aliens thought this area was in a world changing risk of war. I think they intentionally drove one of their underwater craft into our sub. Or they drove a Chinese and our sub into a collision. The object of the alien intervention was to essentially prevent war. They knocked two superpowers kid’s head together sending a message to both of them, you needs to put more distance between your militaries. We won’t let you have a war in this world critical area of the planet at this unstable time. Both of you will pay a horrible price when you get too close to war.
*This guy was big. I would have gotten very disturbed if I heard this above Hinsdale. My encounter with the Aliens last Jan is ongoing and never stopped. I utterly know I sound crazy. As I write this up, I think Mike, you know, you are sounding utterly crazy. People are going to think you are nuts. Over and over again since last January I have seriously questioned my own sanity. The repeated voices or prompts in my head. The unnatural urges in my head. The crazy urges in my head that prompt me to write utterly crazy stuff that nobody else sees Then I later discover it mostly true. The coincidences and connections I see. My own old version of reality has been utterly shattered. Where is fantasy and where is reality? Is my brain manufacturing reality. Do I have cancer in my brain? Why am writing like this?
And I see this current and utterly dangerous condition of USA and the world that is more crazy than I ever could be. I am a non violent person, I always try to be moral and ethical. Truthful and honest as I can be… but I am a just sinful and flawed human. I really believe not many people in the USA have ever been placed in my situation with this kind of alien contact. I feel utterly alone and vulnerable! But I am going to dutifully soldier on.
NYTs: Something Shook New Hampshire. What Caused the Boom Is a Mystery.
A mysterious boom jolted New Hampshire and at least one adjoining state on Sunday morning, rattling homes, spooking pets and prompting several hundred amateur sleuths to go online to try to find out what possibly could have caused all the commotion.
So far, the source of the boom has confounded residents, many of whom speculated that it might have been an earthquake.
Update Oct 10
(Sorry I got my updates back a few days wrong saying it was oct 11 yesterday. I fixed it.)
***Huge huge huge boom heard all over southern NH at 11 am today. Remember I said the aliens often does the inconceivable. Sounds like a jet breaking the sound barrier. They are not allowed to break the sound barrier in this area. All sorts of radar ought to have detected a jet breaking the sound barrier. The pilots have to ask permission to break the sound barrier and have a good reason to do it. The military would immediately know what fighter did this. Big hunt to find our who did this. Why is the military silent?
Was that the answer to my request for the aliens to put on a show. Either the aliens made their spaceships break the sound barrier or alien caused the fighter to break the sound barrier in a chase. I already know what the military is going say. A jet way out to sea broke the sound barrier and under special atmospheric conditions the sound waves can carry a real long distance. This kinda sounds like I said in my nightmare, the uncertainty of the man falling in well and the requirement to act when human life is at risk.
You see the precipice where I sit. If I get tagged with provoking UFO sightings my life just drastically changed. I can easily handle it!
Is there more to come?
(Ok, my cell tripped on low battery during the first beginning with the alien overflights. I thought I lost the first entry. That is why the repeats. You know, I don’t understand the limits on my influence with the aliens. What the hell, why not take a chance on provoking a alien show with their starships.
Let’s get a little ballsy. That is what they like about me. Here I go talking to the aliens. They hear everything.
To my alien buddies:
We know through a Mufon officials you have shutoff all UFO flights in NH. No reports in two years. You can help me gain credibility if I can call for UFO sightings in NH? So how about a UFO flap in NH. That is a drastic increase in UFO sightings over a large area. We are talking about zero flights to tons of sighting in a short period of time at the large population areas. Give them a show. The far off little white dots won’t work here. We could be talking about a very large V craft at low altitudes tooling all around NH for a few hours. I would settle for a splashy ship circling or stationary about about Hinsdale at low altitudes. A stationary ship at higher altitudes directly above Thicket Hill and the pool area. I would prefer it in day light. What, you always have to consider how this plays out in the future. Ok, so just give me something and use your judgement. Yea, I understand your guys like to showcase inconceivable events as your calling cards. Some alien humor, the population will make me a god :)
Dear aliens
Well, I described our encounter by the swings. Maybe implanted memories by the swing. How did I do? From my side of it my people need evidence. Ya,ya ya, this kind of evidence will no longer be needed in the future. For this to really work with me knowing how our people work, we are going to need a demonstration project. As you know, I talked to the head Mufon women in NH. She told me, well I ask her how is the UFO situation now is in NH. She replied it’s dead in NH. She said normally NH is hot spot for UFO activity. NH hasn’t had a report of a UFO in two years. She
update Oct 9
Note: I know there are security cameras all around the Thicket Hill community center. Their check in building also. There must be others. I know it is late in the game. Might someone seen any strange lights or the spacecraft in those security camera recordings? They are most likely all erased. They might have seen strange flashes or lights thinking it is coming from the high voltage transmission lines. I have often seen the front trailer park people just taking a nice walk in the area, even when no one is living back there. People and kids bike on the nice level roads. I know some people smoke Cannabis on the walks. Deer and bears are known to be back there. There is a lot of wild life going on. Any police calls back on strange happenings. How about a private securely detail? I feel like luck is in the air. Remember there no leaves on the ground plants and trees. You can really see long distances in the woods in the night. Especially in dim lighting or in the dark with any far distance lights.
Note: Either before the story comes out or after, would you support me with having a news conference in town? Lets see if I can handle the questions and the nasty people. They need to see my face to face in struggling with this issues. The population needs to read my emotions. See if I am real. Are we going to make this area the new Roswell? Or more correctly, the aliens could do that for us.I will drive your circulation through the roof. Get prepare, the mainstream media will need you as a resource to explain what happened here. Who is mike. Just be truthful is all I ask. You have not a clue with what is in front us.
*My sole objective in this is to search our local population to find a person who witnessed this encounter. I know there are "ones" out there!
Note: This is proof positive for me the aliens sent this dream. I really don’t know the real motive. They leave it to me to make what I want out of it. The aliens are interacting with me in real time. They were listening into this blogging conversation. This encounter and my behavior is important to them. What does the future hold for me? Somehow my description here yesterday with my wife nightmare got to them. There is no doubt they are watching me closely and they want me to know they are watching. It is a test. I made my peace with these encounters. I am getting use to being terrorized and seeing all this magic they have been demonstrating to me in the last few years. I know what telepathy feels like in my head. I don’t have to abide by anything they put into my head. It is totally up to me. It is just a conversation. I know I am not crazy. And like, it ok for my family to think I am crazy similar to most wives think their husbands are totally and lovely nuts. I think it goes, mike likes to describe the dreams we inserted into his wife’s mind. He is real good at it, but it takes him a while to spill the beans. Let’s throw him another metaphoric nightmare dream at him and see how he behaves. A lot of this stuff don’t make sense until a appropriate amount history plays out. These guys are time travelers. I feel these events are important to the future and this is why they acting so strangely. They are acknowledging my description of my wife’s dream yesterday here by throwing me my own metaphorical dream last night. The reality of it, is the aliens and me are opening a direct communication channel. They want you to see it. It is a trust building process. There is little real evidence here. Weak evidence. We will only see if it is true in the hindsight of history. Like if a story it made from this…it won’t be matter if facts and evidence really. You will know it’s the truth in the public response to this story. They say societies who see really advanced technology beyond their means, alway interprets advance technology as magic. My story here about the aliens now is the magic. Prepare now for a great awakening. As far as people hearing the story, it could challenge your world view. The future is a challenge your world view. This story might make you very uncomfortable. I now have my peace with these strange and magical events, you will regain your sturdy footing. You will be a better for it I promise.
The aliens passed a message onto my new Brattleboro friends. They want us all to discuss our interpretation of this nightmare. And brother, it was a terrible nightmare. This nightmare woke me up at 4am this morning. I was sweating and terrified. The level of the terror in the dream reminded me of the last alien encounter. While in the dream, I could hear me thinking this situation’s terror reminded me of the encounter. It was a extraordinary vivid dream. For the first few minutes after the dream I had that same thought…the terror I feel now is at the same level as the encounter. It quickly went away. I couldn’t get back to sleep.
I am in a new job and just there for the first few days. I am walking on a road in the facility on some unknown mission. I am coming to the conclusion I am in the wasteland of $10 an hour jobs and highly dysfunctional people. You know, old big industrial and poorly maintained buildings. There are big open garage doors everywhere and the road and buildings are filled with people.
I am slowly walking down the street and I am in awe by what I am just seeing for the first time. Directly in front of me at some distance is a large and open large pipe in the road. It seems to go deep into the ground. It is about two or three above ground level. I am still looking awed by the ugly environment. A man pops up directly in front of me walking towards the pipe. As I am looking up at the buildings, I hear a human grunt and like a shuffle or thump. I look back where I am walking. I see a really quick flash of part of a human figure falling into the hole. I wonder if I really seen anything. Then it hit me, that guy in front of me had stumbled into the open well. In a panic manner I ran up to the well. It was very dark at the bottom. I could see the water level. I was expecting to see a floundering human swimming at the bottom. But the water was deathly still. Everything about life and events in the universe is about interpretations. A idea pops into my mind, a man is underwater and I got four minutes to rescue this man. Should I just jump in and rescue the poor man? Where is the evidence a man is down there? I could die down there too without rescue. So the plan becomes just start screaming and looking for a fire alarm box in the aim of getting help from this indifferent facility. I know I am taking a chance this will become false alarm.
I start yelling emergency emergency emergency at the top of my lungs. The people in the road have all vanished. Nobody comes out of any buildings. I am now in a panic because a human life is at at risk. I start running into buildings to get people to help me and I starting planing I am going to pull the first fire alarm box. I run through the building screaming emergency emergency and help, help. People are all over the place. They look at me and just ignore me. Most of the people are just bullshitting around in filthy clothes. I run up to one seemly sympathetic man saying I need a fire alarm panel. I get a follow me. He takes to a panel that is filthy. All you can see is the accumulated filth. He points to a very little rise in the filth. The alarm button is the size of a very small shirt button. I push it. Nothing happens. I am now pretty sure time has run out and the man is dead. But I have to assume he is still alive. I spin around and start yelling emergency emergency, and run. I find a fire alarm station next to a big machine. I yank it. Nothing happens except the fire extinguisher white material is everywhere. What should I do now I am thinking and I just turned off the fire system. The wonder if I had tripped off the whole facility. Well, you now get my point. I go all over the buildings getting no help. One room is filled with gang like people just shooting the shit. I am screaming emergency and help me. I recognize in the dream my terror and panic level Is identical to the alien encounter. I can hear my voice failing me as I was just yelling too long. I hear the gang of thug people saying just kill that guy. I escape with barely my life. It is at this point I wake up in the terror I felt with the aliens. I got to say, the terror subsided very quickly. But at 4 am, I couldn’t get back to sleep. I have not a clue why the aliens sent this message. And like I did described, this was the very next day here after I described my wife’s nightmare with alien spaceship on our back lawn. There is not a doubt in my mind this was a Alien inspired nightmare. It was a way too vivid dream like a never seen before. End of nightmare. And just so you know, with my a wife’s alien craft on our back lawn nightmare, before she said a thing about the nightmare, I knew it was about me and a alien spacecraft. My job was to prompt my wife in just the right way in order for her to describe her nightmare to me. All I knew is it was about a alien spacecraft and me beforehand. I did not know the whole context of the dream. I just said wow to her. We never discussed anything more about this. I was just protecting my wife! And I want you to know, I was thinking about the crazy prompts in my head concerning alien spacecraft and me in my head just before she showed up in the kitchen rattled about a nightmare. I was thinking as she turned towards the coffee pot, holy fucking shit, how did I know the dream was about me and a alien spacecraft before she uttered a fucking word.
Right, I am a whistleblower. I utterly understand how to get high management people to see me. As I am running though buildings I am thinking, man, I am going to expose the condition in the facility and the situation of the man in the well. I didn’t want to whistleblow again. I made a pledge to myself in this job I would just hold my tongue. But I arrogantly think now I know how society and community would respond to the terrible conditions at the facility. I know then I am going to make the owners of this facility regrets they ever lived.
These aliens know all about my life. None of this nightmare is fiction. I am trying to record this nightmare the aliens sent to me to the best of my abilities. I have not a clue with the agenda of this.
Work in progress
Update Oct 8
Tom Long Oct 7: “Blink-182 have always been in my mind. It’s exciting. But the “Lifeforms” album and the movie do two different things. It’s the study of our interactions with each other and believing that our belief systems and the way we grow and experience each other, that’s what it’s all about. The movie takes it further, conceptualizing and discussing really what happens once you realize all these weird paranormal situations that happen to so many people ... what happens when you start to realize, no, it’s a fundamental physics of the universe and how it works, and that life and the universe are not what you think they are. UFOs are not what you think they are. That’s part of my life's purpose these days, is to get people the foundation to be able to absorb that information that’s now gonna start coming out from the U.S. government and other governments over the years. “
Update Oct 7
Jan 6, 2021 Insurrection at the Capital
Jan 15 (approx) My encounter with the aliens at Thicket Hill
Feb 8 Nuclear Football tip (to CNN and their call back to me upon first CNN's capital security video run on CNN with Pence running away from his killers.) I could lookup my actual response on yahoo.
Feb 9 Senate impeachment
Note: None of this negates the horror and large amounts of missing time that happened to me at Thicket Hill that night. In the last two years, I had two other more benign alien encounters and I got a lot of missing time with them. CNN had the Nuke football news report on cable first and most of the big news media keyed off CNN all over the world! In the very early morning hours just before the first day of the second impeaching trial was when the football news reports first came out.It was also everywhere on the planet.
Note: Most likely I was the only person in the USA who recognized the threat to the nuclear football. I notified the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark A.Milley through the CNN. The military only knew about this through me.
I am going to get you to the point where you will believe me the Aliens cued me into intervening with our management of our nuclear weapons strike capabilities.I totally reformed that system. The Nuclear Football.
Place yourself in my shoes. My family knows nothing about my alien encounters. About June 2021, my wife comes into the kitchen where I am. She is very upset and shaken. She just woke up from a night's sleep. She says "I just had a very terrible nightmare". I am kinda self centered. I asked her, "was I in it"? She says "yes". I got to pump her at times to get any information. I said, "well"? She says a alien aircraft just landed in our backyard. She ran around the inside of house few times in a hysterical manner. I was on the couch watching TV in the living room in the dream. She then stops in front me and yells with big veins in her neck, "yelling at the top of her lungs, there is a god damn alien spacecraft parked in the back lawn". I calmly reply,"don't worry, they will wait for me". She told me what terrified her most was my indifferent reply.
The aliens are in her head and sending me messages!
Update OCT 7
I have been drawn into thinking about the encounter more in recent days. It is not a bad thing in the long run. I now call it my "apparent" visual encounter (a carnival) described in my first written story in this. I now think they incapacitated me aside the pool facility (or much earlier) in field aside it. They muted my memory and then they inserted a false memory on top of the real event. The false and inserted memory is what occurred near the swings. I got a lot more of missing time here. What did they do to me? Am I going to remember bits and piece of missing memory continuously in the future.
? I read somewhere the alien memory muting technology can be a temporary thing. I believe with all my heart the spirit of the universe is a extraordinary positive thing. Fuck!
I now think the other two recent encounters in similar light.
In the false memory, I thinks there are lots of symbolic clues in it.
Update Oct 4
Two additional alien encounters. I think I have had lots of alien encounters. I just really never recognized them a such. I think I am heading to a lot more alien encounters. To my alien buddies, how can I help? You see the condition of the planet. I want a ride on one of your space ships and I want to go to Mars. From now on I will describe each encounter and take pictures if I can.
Helicopter Intimidation Phenomena below the Vernon Dam
Encounter 2)
This occurred about two years ago. It was such strange experience I can't forget it. I am down by the Vernon dam on a bike ride. I had been riding all day and exhausted now. I am on the little peninsula downstream fromthe dam. Its got about a two mile circular trail around the peninsula. This area is spectacularly beautiful and plenty of animals. I parked my bike and I am walking. It is basically at the beginning of twilight. It is misting out and low covered clouds. I hear a set of airplanes overhead above the clouds. It turns into a lot of planes making big wide circles around me. All sorts of airplanes and altitudes. Then airplanes crisscrossing the sky in straight lines plus the circling aircraft. It was kinda startling to me. It was a amazing show. This lasted for about a hour. Honestly I began wondering if something is wrong with my head. I know there is airport and aircraft radar all above me, so this is recorded I think. I can't imagine why there was all this aircraft activity above me or this general area. I think, maybe a military operation was on going. Thinking, this is going to be in the news tomorrow. Lots of people must have heard this. But nothing in the newspapers. I believe nobody else heard this but me. Why would the aliens be doing this to me? Is it just a demonstration of power or capabilities for me?
Update Sept 18
We have no idea what kind of light was given off by the stick man. I bet satellites or our competitors satellites could have seen this.
Update Aug 15:
Based on my "Mars Rover and Aliens" entry here dated Fed 18, 2021...I remember when when I wrote this it was quite a few weeks after the encounter. It took me over a month to get my head screwed on right. I have been a little fixated on the aliens issue since. So I am now updating my encounter date. My encounter date now is about Jan 15, 2021. It could be from Jan 1 and to end of the month.
The Alien Encounter atThicket Hill in Hinsdale NH
***I hike and do my exercises in a wooded area behind my house. I was in the Thicket Hill Village area. The back of this development was a summer camping and trailer park. This happened in and about the end Feb 2021. This happened in the pool, playground and swing area, specifically the playground swing area. It occurred in the winter and the trees were without leaves. I have frequently walked and rode my mountain bike all over the village (trailer park)for twenty years and the surrounding woods. I spend a lot of time in the woods. About 1/8 mile from the encounter is a concentration of one high voltage (360,000 volts) transmission lines and three lesser lines of maybe 12,000 and maybe 8000 volts. The shuttered Vermont Yankee nuclear plant is about a mile and a half from the encounter. I worked there as a licenced operator for 13 years. I shut them down for being not safe.
As I was walking to the end of a tree line, the pool and playground area became visible. This whole area is shutdown for the winter season and there is usually no one around. I could see a man wildly swinging on a swing. He was standing on the seat and his hands were on the chains. This guy seemed to be swinging passed the horizontal line on the top cross bar where the chain was attached. That seemed unbelievable to me. I found it very hard later to even stand on the swing seat like this man did.
In hindsight, from this point on, I seemed to be in some kind of energy field or something. I felt compelled to get closer and my perceptions were distorted somewhat. I was about 120 feet from the being when I seen the man on the swing. At points in this there were two beings, and others times just one male being. When he was on the swing he seemed like 6 feet tall and later on he was maybe 4 feet to less than five feet. Between me and him it was sparsely treed. When this began it was just at the beginning of twilight and as I was leaving for the last time it was at the end stage of twilight, almost dark. It doesn't feel like to me I was missing huge amounts of time. I spent maybe 45 minutes in sight of the being.
So this guy, one guy, was wildly and unnaturally swinging on the swing. In hindsight, it was amazing attention seeking behavior. The whole event was a tremindus attention seeking behavior. Was he targeting me on purpose or did I just come upon this by accident? Was he somehow stealing power from our electric system or using our grid system as a antenna of some kind? I gotta say there is blank spots in my memory of this encounter and there are bits of memory in my head that are in isolation with the memory time line in all of this encounter.
What does a playground, pool or swing area mean to you? It is a unbelievably soothing and family area for me. I think of me growing up, there are so many happy experiences in playgrounds. I mean, how many times did I take my children to playgrounds and all the times I can see their happy and gleeful faces in there. I spent many summers at boys camps and this whole area reminds of those happy days. Was the choice of a camping grounds, pool and playground/swing area chosen for me to make me comfortable. Of course it is common to most of us.
So now I am at about 50 feet from the being. I am not directly walking towards the being. I got a pool fence and the pool directly in front of the being. So I am walking towards the pool fence gate. Some trees are obscuring my vision as I walk to the gate, but as I get clear of this tree trunk, a large humanoid looking figure is directly above the swinging man in the air above him. Maybe 50 feet high. It looked like a used car lot balloon man. He had long arms without fingers. He had long legs. His feet were ugly and on backwards. It was like a stick like balloon man. The humanoid didn't have a head on. It was brightly lit with a energy I never seen before. It wasn't like lightning or a florescent light. The whole light being seemed like he was blowing on the wind. But there was no wind. At this point, his elbows and knees were flexing around like it was alive. It was frightening as hell as this was so out of my experience. I served on a experimental nuclear fast attack submarine for four years from 1976 to 1980. Man, I seen and did things way outside my experience while on the submarine. You know, what I could conceive at my Navy experience age? You just had to learn how to cope with the unexpected and inconceivable future in front of you. What I seen on that Feb 2021 evening at 68 years old was way outside my experience. I have always kept up on the UFO issue, but it was nothing like I ever read or seen in the media. Honestly, I still don't know what this was. I was frightened like never before. Really really really frightened. I could see the strong light of this stick being bouncing off all the top of the tree branches in the area. I was wondering if somebody was going to call the police the light was so bright.
In my study of the Alien field, is they almost always throw the inconceivability at us humans. Are they trying to get us use to the unimaginable and inconceivable?
So I get a hold of myself...I think I got to eye this very carefully. I have a new I phone in my pocket, but I was so upset I never thought of using it. So I begin to look this humanoid stick figure over very very carefully. The man on swing just disappeared. The light humanoid grew into maybe a 75 feet height. On the ground now, aside the moving swing is a small being. He is playing or trying to hide from me a black box looking instrument. It had black tubing or I think thick wiring. He seems to be ridiculously trying to hide the box and wiring now like a child from me. This little guy and box just showed up out of nowhere. Now I am thinking is it a inter-dimensional being or regular alien thing. I think the little being is the real alien and everything else was just the carnival.
So now I intend to get even closer. I walk into the fenced in pool area and move towards the fence area closest to the beings, maybe within 20 feet. I am mesmerized by the size of the lighting being. It is at this point I blackout.
I wake up walking away from the shower, clothes washing building. I have no idea how I got where I was. I am heading home as fast as I can. I take a few steps, think there might be a child in that swing area. That 4 foot being with the box. I won't leave him behind. So I walk on the far side of the swing area. I see a little boy sitting in the dirt directly under the swing. The kids kick out the dirt directly under the swing, so it is a hollowed out area. It is a rather large and shallow hole. I walk directly towards the boy. He flips around in the dirt face down and cowards in fear of me, in the hole, I am thinking, before I can see his face. I am utterly terrified. I walk past alien for about 20 feet and then turn around and walk past him again without saying a word. This move is me trying to calm myself. I get within five feet of the little boy. There is a fence between me and him. I intended the fence to be between us. I am wondering if he is trying to hide his black box and tubes within the hole. But I wonder if the hole is not deep enough. I am just puzzled by this and the whole event. Really puzzled. Not a thing makes any sense. On the final pass, I am about 10 feet from the alien, I turn around and say to him, "are you good"? I intentionally eye him right in his face. I was trying to read his response. He says back perfectly in good English "I'm good". It is the typical lingo of my 25 year son and 35 year old daughter. But not my generation. It is a perfect human face, it looks like a young man.
Was the aliens trying to read my mental and emotional state?
I had really terrible dreams for a week and I think this comes from the aliens. The dream consist of, I know it is my house and I am walking inside. I had similar dreams about walking around in my town and other cities that I don't know. I feel in the dream these experiences are utterly meaningless. All of my life is meaningless. I live in a bubble all by myself and I will have to endure this for eternity. I woke up in sweat and felt more terrified than I ever had been. I wanted to scream and howl like a wounded animal right next to my sleeping wife. I didn't want to frighten my wife half to death, so I kept my mouth shut and got up to walk around my house. The dream didn't stop, the meaninglessness of the world and my house just continued. I walked around my house and the same thing happen...
All I can say now, once you deeply recognize there our other civilizations out in space, nothing is ever the same again. Everything has changed!I actively walked the woods and the village looking for more aliens today. I want to ride on one of their space ships.