Sunday, June 25, 2017

US Needs to Declare War, Put Nation On The Highest War Footing and Declare Devcon1

This is the real shape of the Navy. Seen in every ship in the USA and implicated in the USS Fitzgerald. Are we really ready for global war??? Competent Navy and Congressional investigators would demand a fleet wide investigation to see if similar issues there when this was written. 
2. As with most mishaps, a series of factors often contribute to failure. This mishap is no different. A fundamental lack of procedural compliance was the principal cause but contributing factors included: a lack of effective leadership; a culture of complacency and overconfidence by some members of Crew 101 combined with a lack of experience and expertise; and a systemic failure to effectively arid completely resolve deficiencies. The investigation, supplemental investigation and endorsements adequately capture the proximate issues and co11'ective actions.
3. Several key senior-level leadership oppmtunities to intervene were either missed or poorly executed. Although intervention by leadership above the unit level might not have prevented this incident, leadership should have recognized and addressed the following shortcomings: failure to follow the governing instruction for Crew tumover, specifically not executing the necessary underway demonstration; lack of involvement by LCSRON ONE and DESRON SEVEN in the material assessment during the Exchange of Command; lack of evaluation or certification for the LCSRON ONE Engineering Training Team in accordance with the LCS Training Manual; failure of Crew 101 to complete Engineering Assessments- Pacific's recommended actions prior to conducting Exchange of Command as well as Crew 101 's failure to successfully complete full deployment certification. Perhaps most importantly, both the parent ISIC and the operational !SIC recognized they had a Crew whose perfmmance was below that expected of a deployed unit and little to no mitigating actions were taken. It was not an issue of recognizing the performance but more of taking effective action to correct it. These 63 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY
opportunities were largely missed due to organizational issues above the LCS unit level. Clear, unambiguous command and control functions—who owns what, when —above the unit level are mtssmg.
It's a national disgrace. This is telegraphing to us how startling tight the USA's military resources are. Why didn't we have a spare ship to take over the Fitz's job...  
Cease all commercial shipyard work and focus it on fleet maintenance and rebuilding our navy.  
Hmm, a Russian inspired proxy war with North Korea could take out the USA, the western world and China. How would a global collapse favor the Russian authoritarian regime?    

Remember Obama's silence on Russia's meddling in our election. They are all the same.  
CNN:Trump Risk Stumbling Into War

Trump doesn't have a Choice. Our adversaries perceived us as weak and politically in the ditch. The citizens hates and mistrust its government. Chances are if war was started, our financial system and nation in general will splinter. The western economies will collapse and humongous terrorism. The natural result of this is the west will be forced into interment camps in most nations. This is the best bet in a hundred years to knock the USA off world stage permanently.    

The writing is on the wall, global war has already started. The fuse has been lit. It can't be reversed. 

Its now time to hit first and attack!!!

I am putting up at USA flag on my front door in full support of my nation and to support of our military!!! It's time for everyone in the USA as a gesture of full support to put a US flag up in our yards and front doors..

A nation full of cars with USA bumper sticker!!!

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