Monday, June 05, 2017

Senior NRC Employees Unable to Control Their Monstrous Bureaucracy

Mike Mulligan

11:46 AM (1 hour ago)
to NRC
Mrs. Warnek,

We got to straighten out our communication channels. So your last response came to me through my yahoo e-mail address. Yet, you know my yahoo e-mail won't  get through the NRC's virus protection system. I have to answer you through my goggle e-mail account. It is clumsy as hell. It is pretty neat I predicted last night it would occur again. It's not like I haven't tried to address this before with the NRC. I have had to get the NRC Chairman involved in the past to try and fix this. I am sure if you do a search in your system you will pick up email to the chairman and all responses back a forth. Yahoo is in the top three email platforms in the USA. It is used by millions of people. Why do we have to go over this over and over again. Why can't it be fixed the first time. I find it highly disrespectful as a member of the the agency treats us. I have 100% confidence a NRC email will get through my virus protection software. I have 100% confidence my e-mail through my yahoo account "will not" get through the NRC's virus protection system. I thoroughly documented my NRC yahoo Daemon- NRC virus protection software rejection exploits on my blog. Just google The Popperville Town Hall, yahoo Daemon. 

I am not saying anything of this issue is involved with you. My gripe is with the NRC system in not fixing the problem the fist time. The NRC's inability to not be able to detect and correct it on their own. The inability of the agency to be self directed. 

The NRC is going to have to come up with policy in how the public uses yahoo e-mail sent to the Allegation department or anywhere else in your system, or fix your software. I know your IT system is extraordinarily complex and involves many contractors. 

I am not saying the NRC is rejecting my particular emails. Your virus software just thinks my e-mail is garden verity yahoo spam. Yahoo massive level spam overwhelms many organizational IT systems throughout the nation.  

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