Friday, February 10, 2017

Seismic Gap Issues On Junk Plant Pilgrim From NRC: Everything is OK

I don't trust the NRC's definition of safety and significance. Mr. Cline is a good guy. I am just worried about ground water leakage into Pilgrim's turbine building or reactor building to the tune of 1000 gals per day which the NRC found acceptable.
I am writing to you in response to a conversation that you and I had back at the end of November 2016 regarding seismic gap leakage issues at the Vermont Yankee plant and whether it was possible that these same issues could be occurring at Pilgrim.  I think that you were already informed that the NRC was not aware of any significant groundwater leakage in the Pilgrim turbine or reactor buildings.  I also wanted to let you know that we completed our review related to the concern you raised.  We reviewed the design of the Pilgrim turbine building and reactor building subsurface structures and did not identify a seismic gap configuration at Pilgrim that was similar to Vermont Yankee.  Most significantly there is not a metal barrier at Pilgrim.  We also reviewed the design of the Pilgrim configuration, including the features used to limit water intrusion into these structures, to confirm their purpose and function, and have concluded that the water intrusion features have no safety function at Pilgrim.  Based on this information we plan no additional follow-up related to this concern.  We hope that we have addressed your concern and thank you for bringing the issue to our attention.
Leonard Cline
Sr. Project Engineer
Pilgrim & James A. FitzPatrick

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