Thursday, October 26, 2017

President Elect Hillary Clinton and the USA's Electric Utility Nuclear Industry Establishment.

Update This was the first US and Russian uranium fraud before the Clinton uranium fraud. The whole uranium business is riddle with fraud

Originally published on Apr 25 2015

Clinton Cash: Hillary’s Spin Machine Can’t Shrug Off Uranium Scandal

Hillary Rodham Clinton

  • The big issue out of this...more than 80% of the electricity produced by US nuclear power plants comes from foreign sources and most of it comes from Russia. What are the repercussion of this? 
  • Why isn't it in our common lexicon that we know what powers up our national fleet of nuclear power plants…where do we get our uranium from?  
  • The idea the utilities and the nuclear establishment dominates our news media, our political system…can keep the information secret where our plant uranium comes from because it reflects badly about the domestic nuclear plant industry. 
  • The electric utility establishment, because of their size and it is a vital national security industry to the public and business, it totally dominates our news media cycle and our political system. They define what truth is in our society!

Fox/National review:
VIDEO:Sen John Barrasso: I Warned Pres. Obama about Uranium Deal with Russia Back in 2010 
Van Susteren: Is the Nuclear Regulatory [Commission] now giving the license for these particular exports to this Russian company? 
Barrasso: They have not given the — they were supposed to contact me immediately if there was even a request for a license to export — 
Van Susteren: Has there been a request?

Barrasso: Not that I know, but I know that uranium has left the country. They have a number of different companies and shell organizations . . .

Van Susteren: But not this — this Russian company hasn’t been able to take out the uranium, take it out of the country?

Barrasso: When you talk to people on the ground, uranium has left the United States. It has gone to Canada, has gone overseas and our concern is that it’s . . . at the fundamental of American uranium, 20 percent of our capacity here in the United States, and for nuclear power we need to import uranium. We continue to do that. 
Nuclear power provides about 20 percent of the electricity for our country. I think there’s an issue of national security as well as energy security, and I worry about Iran getting this uranium.
Mindless Gods Of Nuclear Nonproliferation
Ultimately what is going one here, these guys are saying we are saving the world from the ultimate destruction through many multiple detonations of giant hydrogen bombs …we are saving the world from the deaths of 5 billion people or more people. If you scrutinize us, it will drive the planet back to the Stone Age. It is altruism corruption on a giant hydrogen bomb level, many nuclear weapon explosions size. A full exchange of nuclear bombs by many big countries. 
If outsiders scrutinize this international uranium trading scheme and who really benefits disproportionally…the cost will be a nuclear bomb holocaust a trillion times the size of WWII Germany.
Ultimately what you are saying, the consequences are so dire to billions people… some special people and institutional priest people are so important, these guys are going to stop this unspeakable planetary catastrophe…these special people and organization are so important to the history of the planet, these guys have to remain unscrutinizable. Everyone dies in a hydrogen bomb planetary wide catastrophe if you see the sins of one of these god proliferation people doing the uranium bomb material trading. 
It is the ultimate unscrutinizable corruption scheme the planet has ever seen. 
You know what the problems are with the humongous powerful black box or stellar black hole USA, Russian governments and USA Electric Utility institutions are: the institution themselves are totally in control of the light shining out of the their institutions. We are talking big money to secret elites. It is only a tiny bit of light that escapes, it highly controlled weak light coming from these corrupt institutions. Who controls the institutions, it is the rich and elites. Nobody can contest these giant institutions.
  • NY Senator Clinton: January 3, 2001 – January 21, 2009
  • Obama elected on 2009
  • Secretary Of State Clinton: January 21, 2009 – February 1, 2013
  • So this money to the foundation was all taking place beginning in around 2004 and 2005.
  • In the lead up to the spectacular 2008-2009 worldwide economic collapse, generally the stock price of our electricity utilities was in a historic bubble. Unimaginable increase in the price of the big utility stocks signaling a massive future increase in the price of electricity. Gasoline prices were going through the roof. We were in a dire shortage of natural gas and the price of this was just out of the world. We were seeing price spikes of natural gas that would choke a elephant. The high price of natural gas and its shortages, at that time, the price of natural gas set the price of electricity is the USA. 
  • Everyone could see with the air pollution in China…China had to go big time for survive into nuclear power.
  • Thirty USA nuclear plants were getting ready for “batters up”…in the spectacular new Nuclear Renaissance program.
  • Everyone worldwide was thinking about building nuclear power plants until Fukushima
  • We are talking about a huge demand of new uranium…
  • The Megawatt to Megaton was in full swing…
  • Was everyone was afraid the Chinese would consume all the uranium in the near future? 
  • The price of electricity is skyrocketing unabated today and heading much higher...
  • The problem with nuclear power today is its always been too speculative.
You get a whiff these giant institutions are rotting inside, but you never get enough evidence such that the elite institutionally controlled and privately owned 4th estate and news media never have enough triplicate proof (wink wink) to publish these highly secret stories. 

Are we really a transparent and modern democracy???    

The big questions my Clinton article ask: 
  • The big issue: In 2013 greater than 90% of our domestic nuclear power plant electricity came from cheap Russian uranium. Have we switched over post "Megaton to Megawatt" program from (wink, wink) Russian nuclear weapons USA's electricity into Russian internal uranium mining, refining and centrifuging electricity?
  • The big story behind all the Russian monies going to the Clinton Foundation is where do we get the uranium that power's up all of our domestic nuclear power plants? 
  • Does Russia really got the USA by the "balls" now? The problem with Russia is this nation has always been a black hole to the world…basically transparency has always been controlled by the Russian thug mafia. They only allow you to see what they want you to see. It is not a fully developed institutional democracy government that serves it people. Well then, does the USA fully serve it people? When was the last time you had a raise? 
  • Was the Megaton to Megawatt" program really international sized hydrogen bomb corruption... 
  • So we are embargoing petroleum out of Russia over Ukraine...we doing the same for Uranium going to the USA?
  • What is the price of Russian uranium doing with the high value of the USA dollar?
  • Was Russian fuel to going the USA plants subsidized by the USA government?
  • Where did all the utility uranium money go to in the Russia. 
  • What is the total US money over uranium that going to Russia. Bet, you will run into a grave National Security issues over this.
  • This was always a solely domestic story of what source of energy powers up our electric system and thus our economy, but wrapped on in the enigma of extremely secret national security information. This makes the system extremely sensitive to corruption.

  • Where does Japan get their uranium?
  • What would have happened to our domestic nuclear industry and the utilities, if we were prohibited from using extremely inexpensive Russian gulag uranium electricity post Soviet breakup? 
  • I contend the NYT's knows the outline of this story, but they are too chicken to publish it. Or these giant black hole institutions who totally control the information don't give the NYT's sufficient evidence so the giant newspaper feels safe in publishing it. Then again, the public doesn't care about anything electricity.
  • I have always had issues with Russian gulag and slave labor electricity!!! 
  • Did the American electric utilities illegally kick back through the Russian...monies to the Clinton Foundation as political payoff? 
Did the benefits of USA's cheap Russian uranium electricity ostensibly go to the utility executive 1%ers…or did it make our lives better and support all of our businesses better since the soviet breakup? 

The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force interviewed me in 2010, I always wondered what they thought of me over my blog.

…"The national security issue at stake in the Uranium One deal was not primarily about nuclear weapons proliferation; the United States and Russia had for years cooperated on that front, with Russia sending enriched fuel from decommissioned warheads to be used in American
I believe this is the first time it was admitted  the USA gave the Russians raw US uranium in return for diluted weapon grade uranium. The money stream worries me. What did the Russians do with our uranium? Obviously it is cheaper to refine and centrifuge uranium in Russia and any of the third world than it is in the USA.     
nuclear power plants in return for raw uranium. Instead, it concerned American dependence on foreign uranium sources. While the United States gets one-fifth of its electrical power from nuclear plants, it produces
So the NYT's admits 80% of the electricity going to our nuclear fleet comes from the Russian uranium. You see really how difficult it is to know where yellow cake or uranium comes from? Christ, American uranium could be supplying Iran or north Korea? I think the 80% for the nukes is much higher. The Times got it wrong. You can never can trust these nukies to tell all of the truth. It goes more like this, 80% comes from the Russians, a least 15% comes from other foreign sources and way less than 5% comes from US sources. How much comes from Canada...why doesn't the US have a list where we get our uranium.  
only around 20 percent of the uranium it needs, and most plants have only 18 to 36 months of reserves, according to Marin Katusa, author of “The Colder War: How the Global Energy Trade Slipped From America’s Grasp.”
Does anyone wonder why it is not a requirement that a utility discloses where they get their uranium from? It is probably half the reason we can't be tougher on the Ukraine issue because we are so indebted to the Russians. Make no mistake, if Russia immediately shuts off the valve on Russian uranium, there would be huge repercussions. Basically we off-shored all our expensive uranium refining and centrifuging to countries with little employee safety laws. Again, the 80% numberhas been banging around in the internet for many decades. It is disclosed be the nuclear industry itself. Does 80% seem plausible...why isn't 83.5%. I doubt this number is truthful and up to date.         
“The Russians are easily winning the uranium war, and nobody’s talking about it,” said Mr. Katusa, who explores the implications of the Uranium One deal in his book. “It’s not just a domestic issue but a foreign policy issue, too.” 
…American nuclear officials, too, seemed eager to assuage fears. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission wrote to Mr. Barrasso assuring him that American uranium would be preserved for domestic use, regardless of who owned it.
“In order to export uranium from the United States, Uranium One Inc. or ARMZ would need to apply for and obtain a specific NRC license authorizing the export of uranium for use as reactor fuel,” the letter said. 
…Two months later, the deal giving ARMZ a controlling stake in Uranium One was submitted to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States for review. Because of the secrecy surrounding the process, it is hard to know whether the participants weighed the desire to improve bilateral relations against the potential risks of allowing the Russian government control over the biggest uranium producer in the United States. The deal was ultimately approved in October, following what two people involved in securing the approval said had been a relatively smooth process. 
…Mr. Christensen, 65, noted that despite assurances by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the country without Uranium One or ARMZ obtaining an export license — which they do not have — yellowcake from his property was routinely packed into drums and trucked off to a processing plant in Canada. 
…Asked about that, the commission confirmed that Uranium One has, in fact, shipped yellowcake to Canada even though it does not have an export license. Instead, the transport company doing the shipping, RSB Logistic Services, has the license. A commission spokesman said that “to the best of our knowledge” most of the uranium sent to Canada for processing was returned for use in the United States. A Uranium One spokeswoman, Donna Wichers, said 25 percent had gone to Western Europe and Japan. At the moment, with the uranium market in a downturn, nothing is being shipped from the Wyoming mines."
We are all worked up about Hillary as Secretary of State OKing the purchasing of one-fifth of American Uranium mining capabilities by the Russians. Then the Russian's giving the Clinton Foundation some $4 million dollars and another $32 million dollars worth of uranium money getting to the Clinton Foundation.

Now we getting into one of deepest national security and American electric utility secrets we ever have.

You know, from Exelon or Entergy, why can’t you go up to them asking where do they get their uranium from that fuels yours nuclear plants. I want the cheapest source? List your sources and their percentages? Why has this become so secret and politicized? 
Why don’t we get a choice, I want USA uranium or I want Soviet uranium? I want uranium source who treats their employees the best?  Where is out vaulted American choice. 
So I wrote “A Message From the Future” in 2004. Why was I all worked up. The big questions  today is over the Russian Uranium and USA electric utility monies going into the Clinton foundation. Nobody has the balls to get it. Do you really get it? "You sure." The American news media establishment bases all its reporting on having absolute triplicate proof on reporting negatively on our elite establishments. Our deepest national security secret the American electric utilities won't tell the the news establishment is where do we get and at what percentage... do we get the uranium that powers up 20% of our electricity?

Almost none of it came from the USA. Some 90% and as high as 99% of the uranium came from Russia. Nuclear electricity has the highest concentration of  foreign source energy than  any source of energy in the USA. If the Russians stopped providing their Uranium to us, this could created a enormus shortage of uranium for our domestic nuclear plants. 

Who destroyed the USA's domestic production of mined uranium, put great numbers of Americans out of work, extremely cheap Russian Uranium. The Russian's subsidized the great American electric utilities. Our electric utilities are one of our most formidable political forces in the USA. 

In the Sundays morning TV news programs these are the big questions:  
The Russian took over one fifth of the USA uranium mining capabilities.  
Nuclear power makes up 20% of the USA's electricity
I tried to express the system as the "Mindless Gods of Nuclear Nonproliferation". Coming out of the great fall of the "Soviet Empire" came the Mega Tons to Megawatt Program. Most of the soviet uranium, refining and centrifuging came for slave labor and little human health rules and laws. Lots of it came from the soviet gulags. The soviet's said they were decommissioning tens of thousandth obsolete nuclear weapons and very high concentration of U235 was made into 4% of so uranium oxide sold to our American domestic nuclear industry at very cheap prices. So tons of electricity was made from soviet era slave labor and come also from their gulags. There was rumors the Russian were spiking this weapons uranium with new mining, refining and centrifuging...anticipating the end of the megaton to megawatt(MTM) problem. The MTM totally destroyed our domestic uranium mining and totally captured our uranium used in our domestic nuclear plant markets?  

If the news media and our USA government really worked in our interest...they would do a exposé of where we got the uranium that powered up 20% of electricity...all  nuclear plants for the last 25 years?  If I was the coal industry, I'd be bragging at least coal electricity is all  a American product, but they know the guys with the humongous political balls is the electric utilities.  

“A Message From the Future”  
(I wrote this in 2004. It was then that I realized 90% of electricity from all of our domestic nuclear plants was sourced from Russian uranium.)
I am speaking from the year 2106. Our planet has just begun to recover from the modern dark ages. They say truth is stranger than fiction –who would have thought airplanes could be used as political guided missile messages that destroyed two skyscrapers, witness the Twin Towers in New York City in 2001. These are the astonishing events that led to depopulating of half the planet. Modernity dropped back a century in time on average to 1900 throughout the world by 2020. 

Ironically, this modern Dark Age holocaust saved the planet. We were heading over the unrecoverable cliff if we kept going the way we were. Human life would have ended on this planet earth without this nuclear exchange. What did we say about that life and evolution always protects itself? All of a sudden , the planet wide political pressures of global warming, energy and resource shortages were drastically reduced because of the planet wide human and industrial die-off. 

As we sit in 2106 on a global level -all of our political and educational processes have been drastically changed.We have developed a planet wide ethical and moral code. This came through a catastrophe of enormous proportions and the death and sufferings of billions of people. The way we look at our children today is so different than in the year 2004. 

We know that any child born on this planet has the potential and the requirement –to change the course of history of this planet. We give our poorest and disadvantaged children the finest educational tools that money can buy in the hopes that one child will change the course of our future history. Every child on this planet gets educated like this –and every child is our own child! 

The extremist Islamic Iranian wilayat al-faqih eventually got a series of nuclear bombs in 2006. They detonated two bombs in Israel, one each over downtown Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The Israelis never knew if it came by missile or was sneaked in through the boarders of a destabilized Iraq. Israel within hours immediately retaliated. They devastated Iran through a series of atomic detonation. The Israeli military destroyed the capitals of China, Syria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia (and Holy City of Makkah (Mecca) and Russia. You have no idea what this did to the price of oil –this was devastating to the global economic system. 

The majority of the financing of the Iranian nuclear bombs came from a surprising source. 
There is evidence today that there was an Al-Qaeda plot involved with the Russians and Iranians. It also seems that a few Russians generals held a grudge with the American involvement in the Afghanistan Vietnam. This led to the downfall of the old Soviet Empire. At the 2004 time frame Russia didn't have a real government –it was ruled by mafia don like figures.

The majority of the financing of the Iranian nuclear program came from the American electric utility rate payers. By 2004, the electricity in one out of ten households (update in 2013: one in five homes) was being supplied from the Russian weapons grade nuclear material through the "Megaton to Megawatt program". We were purchasing HEU grade Uranium from the Russian nuclear bomb building program and fueling up American nuclear power plants in the hopes of reducing the nuclear proliferation problems to the tune of one half a billion dollars a year. There was just too much money to be made at all levels of the production and manufacturing with this Russian nuclear material for anyone to have any moral qualms with this. 

A large proportion of the American monies got diverted into the Russian covert nuclear proliferation program that created the Iranian nuclear weapons. There was a theory that it was Chinese rocket technology that propelled the bomb to Jerusalem. It was common knowledge throughout the American political and intelligence establishment that the American nuclear electric monies were disappearing in the Putin regime. We knew the Russians would sell weapon technology without a hint of morality –likewise most of the countries on this planet would sell weapons without a hint of morality, including and especially the Americans. 

To this day, we wonder why the American CIA and intelligence community didn't inform the American public of this impending catastrophe. It is recognized that the American intelligence community was going under historic reorganizations because of the intelligence failures of 9/11 and the WMD failures in Iraq. It was discovered the American intelligence community had gotten even more blinded than the lead up to 9/11 because of the failure of the American public's responsibility to manage their political system by 2006. This became another item on a long list of American institutional political failures of recent. 

We wonder to this day did the American intelligence community work for the particular political regime or did they work for the people at large? Why wasn't the American intelligence community working for the peoples of the planet. What it discovered, was a common relationship throughout the planet is the elites had transcended into competing for wealth and power among themselves –special access to markets and capital. They had forgotten that they were given this privilege in order to create stability and progress for the whole planet 

It was a huge planet wide educational failure of theirs! 

Thank You, 
mike mulligan 

Hinsdale, NH
(The year 2020 isn't here yet, you still got time to care???)

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